
  • 网络Commodity Policy;merchandise policy;Merchandising
  1. 现有的证据并不能使人确信商品政策能解决农民的经济问题。

    The evidence available does not inspire confidence that commodity policies can solve farmers'economic problems .

  2. 普鲁士的FrederickI采取制约进口商品的政策,在1704年对巧克力征税。

    The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in1704 .

  3. 探讨江西平原地区商品林政策研究设计

    Exploring the Policy Design of the Plain Commodity Forestry in Jiangxi

  4. 基于公共物品视角的数字化学术信息商品开发政策研究

    A Study on Policies of Developing Digitalized Academic Information Commodities as Public Goods

  5. 限制由国外进口商品的政策。

    A policy of restricting foreign imports .

  6. 中国实行的住房商品化政策将使中国社区关系发生重大变化。

    The policy of housing commodity will bring about great changes in China 's community relationship .

  7. 农村居民得到了购买车辆和电视、冰箱、电脑以及手机等商品的政策倾斜;

    Rural residents get subsidies for buying vehicles and other goods such as televisions , refrigerators , computers and mobile phones ;

  8. 随着我国住房商品化政策的不断发展,物业管理伴随房地产的发展逐渐兴起,物业小区管理团体制度也引起了越来越多的关注。

    With the development of housing commercialism policies and property management , the condominium association system is attracting more and more attentions from society .

  9. 应通过银行结算的现钞贸易,享受国家出口商品退税政策,调动创汇积极性。

    Cash trade settled by the bank should enjoy the downback policy to the nation 's exports in order to bring into play the enthusiasm for creating the foreign exchange .

  10. 1978年之后,公共住房福利政策逐步向住房商品化政策转变,采取的政策模式为:一是开始公共住房商品化政策的尝试;二是公共住宅福利化和商品化政策并重。

    After 1978 , the public housing benefit policy shifted to the housing commodity policy , the policy model : attempt the public housing benefit policy ; attempt both the public housing benefit policy and he housing commodity policy .

  11. 发展西北边疆小商品经济的政策思考

    Policy of Small Commodity Economic Development in the Northwest Frontier Region

  12. 研究结论可以为政府制定政策性商品房开发政策提供参考。

    All these can provide references for the government to constitute the exploiting policy of policy-related commodity .

  13. 对一种有利于全球大宗商品市场开放政策的肯定,眼下正是大好时机。

    This is a good point at which to affirm a policy in favour of open global markets for commodities .

  14. 出口信用保险是符合世贸组织规则的国际通行的支持商品出口的政策性手段,有助于解决农产品出口中面临的风险大、资金紧张、结构不合理等问题。

    Export credit insurance is allowed by World Trade Organization rules and is designed to strengthen the governmental financial support to the local export .

  15. 指出重庆市具备发展商品砂浆的政策、市场、技术与资源条件。

    The results show that the conditions of developing commercial mortar such as policy , market , technique and resources have been mature in Chongqing .

  16. 专家表示,要确保住宅地产业的健康发展,广西禁止预售未完工商品房的政策是合理的。

    Some experts say to ensure a healthy growth in the residential property sector it 's reasonable for Guangxi to ban the presale of unfinished homes .

  17. 唐中期以后,政府干预商品经济的政策发生变化,商品经济制度发生变迁。

    After middle Tang Dynasty , the policies of intervention in commodity economy had changed , and meanwhile , some systems on commodity economy had also transformed .

  18. 房地产商品特性和政策约束,使房地产交易成本呈现部分刚性,从而加大了房地产品牌创建的难度。

    Due to the distinctive features of the real estate commodities and constraints of policies , the transaction cost becomes " partially rigid ", which makes it more difficult to establish the brand of the real estate industry .

  19. 关于文安县商品林经营管理政策的几点思考

    On the management policy of commercial forest in wen ′ an County

  20. 综述了基于反向物流的商品定价和退货政策的最新研究成果。

    The new trends of pricing and return policy of commodity were reviewed .

  21. 基于反向物流的商品定价和退货政策研究

    Pricing and Return Policy of Commodity in Reverse Logistics

  22. 推动贸易商品部门增长的政策,可能很容易牺牲掉其他部门的增长。

    Policies that boost growth in the tradable goods sector can easily come at the expense of growth in other sectors .

  23. 第二部分着重探讨了美国政府引导西部农业由自给农业走向商品农业的种种政策措施及其所起的重要作用。

    Part II emphasizes probing all kinds of policies by American government guiding the western agriculture to the commercial agriculture from self-sufficient agriculture and their functions .

  24. 农村土地作为一种生产要素,其具有一定的商品性,现行政策大力推行土地流转就是明证。

    As a production factor , rural land has a certain commodity , the current policy which vigorously promoting rural land transfers is a clearly evidence .

  25. 他说,这次罢工是回应伊朗征收70%商品税的新政策。了重大让步,罢工仍在持续。

    He says the strike began in response to a new70-percent tax on merchants by the government , and the strike has continued despite major government concessions .

  26. 林业政策的合理与否将直接关系到生态省建设目标的顺利实现。本文分析了浙江省林业产权、科技、生态公益林建设、商品林建设等政策中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。

    Analyzing the problems in the policies of forestry property rights , science and technology , ecological forest and commercial forest , countermeasures are offered for solving these problems .

  27. 第三产业商品劳务税收优惠政策设计,要注重扶持外向型服务业发展,对承接国际服务贸易企业给予税收优惠,可吸收更多劳动力就业。

    The design of preferential goods and services tax policies for the tertiary industry should also pay attention to foster the development of foreign-oriented service industry , with tax incentives to be offered to those enterprises undertaking international service trade to absorb more labor employment .

  28. 通过分析我国木材供给的现状和平原商品林业建设存在的问题,从而探索出江西平原商品林的政策设计。

    This paper analyses the supplying condition of woods in our country and the meeting problems of the plain commodity forestry construction in Jingxi , explores the policy design of the plain commodity forestry to promote the de-velopment of the plain commodity forestry .