
  • 网络commodity information;Product Information;Goods
  1. 数据库技术与Web结合实现网上商品信息的采集

    A Goods Information Mining System with Web Database

  2. 该系统在能完成对常规的商品信息、库存信息和销售信息等录入与查询统计的同时,重点突出了引入RFID技术以后,系统在商品跟踪识别定位等方面所具有的新特征。

    This system emphasizes the new characteristics after introducing the RFID into Chain-Supermarket . Certainly , it can also complete the conventional functions of inquiring goods information , inventory information and sales information .

  3. 基于Web和目录服务的商品信息管理

    Application of product 's information management based on Web and directory service

  4. Web信息抽取的一个直接应用就是帮助人们在纷繁复杂的商品信息海洋中快速准确地查找所需商品。

    A direct application of web information extraction is to help people find products from web quickly and accurately .

  5. 重写应用程序代码,让它使用XML模型保存客户和商品信息。

    Let 's rewrite the application code to use the XML model to hold the customer and items information .

  6. 2011年,苹果公司用非正常运转的iPad2代替了这些纸质标牌和广告纸板,在iPad2的屏幕上展示商品信息。

    In 2011 , Apple replaced those signs and boards with non-working iPad 2 units that displayed product information on their screens .

  7. 因此,您需要为服务器传递一个参数&特别是您想看的商品信息的购物车条目ID。

    Therefore , you need to pass a parameter to the server & specifically , the ID of the cart item for which you want to see a description .

  8. 产品静态分数离线计算采用Hadoop技术,使其能处理海量的商品信息数据。

    Static product score calculated off-line using Hadoop technology , so that it can handle vast amounts of information and data .

  9. 其中最典型的应用是通过WEB出版系统发布商品信息,辅之传统的支付和邮递等手段,达到交易的目的。

    WEB publish system to release the commodity information is used , being assisted with traditional payment and mailing means in order to achieve the bargaining objective , the most representative application similar to the commodity selling mode in the big retail marketplace .

  10. 阿里巴巴旗下的最大网站淘宝(Taobao)像一个庞大的中国集市,约有7.6亿条商品信息,注册卖家多达700万家。

    Taobao , Alibaba 's biggest website , is like a gigantic Chinese bazaar , with about 760 million product listings from seven million sellers .

  11. 经过不断的摸索和改进,UNIAN公司最终实施的信息系统是一个基于internet、在集团范围内对公司销售系统的商品信息、销售信息进行实时共享的数据平台。

    Through continuous exploiting and improving , UNIAN built a digital platform based on Internet , which can realize the business information sharing on time in the whole group .

  12. 随着电子商务的发展,为了方便人们通过Internet购物,实现B2B以及B2C网上交易,迫切需要将网络上的异构数据源进行集成,以便提取出客户所需要的商品信息。

    With With the development of E-business , it is urgent to integrate the heterogeneous data to extract the commodity information to facilitate the consumers to purchase on Internet for the purpose of B2B and B2C business .

  13. LiberumCapital银行的IanWhittaker表示,非赞助商认为如果在赛事持续期间做广告,他们的商品信息将湮没于一片喧嚣嘈杂之中。

    Non-sponsors assume that , if they advertise during the games , their message will get lost in the hubbub , says Ian Whittaker of Liberum Capital , a bank .

  14. 网站的功能方面,本文将单纯的企业提供商品信息,同B2B的功能相结合。另外,并提供了供求信息的RSS输出,便于访问者在RSSReader中接收网站的相关信息。

    In the function , this paper combined providing goods information with B2B . At the same time , it also provides RSS feed so that visits can aggregate all of news sources with RSS reader .

  15. 本文介绍了网上商品信息及XML语言的定义与特征,根据网上商品信息描述与处理的需求,分析了将XML语言用于网上商品信息描述及处理的意义。

    The definition and character of goods information on the network and XML are given out in the paper . According to the requirement of the description and transaction about goods information on the network , the significance of suing XML in the correlate field is analysed .

  16. 前端采用Delphi7.0编程语言设计而成,利用组件化的编程方式、快速Pascal编译器,能够稳定而快捷地完成本次的商品信息管理系统的开发任务。

    Front-end which provides a steady and speedy completion of this commodity inventory management system development tasks , is designed in Delphi 7.0 programming language , making use of component-based programming approach , fast Pascal compiler .

  17. 文章通过对POP广告功能,图形及色彩表现的分析研究,探讨了POP广告怎样迅速传递商品信息,达到促进销售的目的。

    Through the research on the functions and the using of the color in the interface of the POP advertisements , presents us the way of how to covey the information of the goods and how to get the best effect of promotions of the goods .

  18. 将本文提出的PSG算法运用到本系统中实现对商品信息的搜索,实验表明,该算法在保持低定位开销的同时提高了搜索效率。

    PSG algorithm proposed will be applied to realize the search of commodity information of this system , experiments show that the algorithm maintain a low positioning overhead while improving the search efficiency .

  19. 好的广告语言能使人们在赏心悦目的同时接受广告所传递的商品信息,达到广告所诉求的目的。

    Appealing advertising words can make people accept the information they convey .

  20. 为了在一定程度上解决商品信息过载的问题,人们提出了推荐算法。

    To solve the problem of information overload , recommendation algorithms are proposed .

  21. 商品信息在商业企业市场营销中的重要性

    Importance Of commodity information in commercial department market marketing

  22. 广告产生于大规模传播商品信息的需要,但从它羽翼渐丰之日起就开始逐渐影响着美国的商业体制的进化和社会进程。

    Advertising was created because of the need of large-scale communication of commercial information .

  23. 商品信息管理系统的安全机制

    Security Mechanism of the Commerical Information Management System

  24. 用户进入本系统主业可以浏览及检索商品信息。

    Users of the system into the main commodities can browse and search information .

  25. 作为识别性标记,未注册商标同样能够传达商品信息。

    As sign with recognition , non-registered trademark can also convey the information of goods .

  26. 基于计算机网络的商品信息网

    Commodity Information Network Based on Computer Network

  27. 基于本体的商品信息查询系统与算法研究

    Ontology-Based Product Information Query System and algorithm

  28. 微型计算机商品信息和分析系统

    Micro-computer-based commodity information and analysis system

  29. 目前,体育广告已经成为一种传递商品信息和商品促销的重要手段。

    Sports advertisements have become one important way to transmit information about commodities and their promotion .

  30. 基础数据模块包括:产品编码、供应商信息、员工信息、商品信息。

    Basal data module includes : production coding , supplier information , employee information , commodity information .