
shānɡ pǐn bài wù jiào
  • commodity fetishism
  1. 走出商品拜物教的认识误区

    Out of the Mistaken Area in Understanding Commodity Fetishism

  2. 商品拜物教世界是黑格尔主人-奴隶辩证法所探测到的现代社会的边界。

    The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel 's Master-Slave dialectics .

  3. 西方现代广告:商品拜物教的传教士

    Modem Advertisement in the West : the Missionary of Commodity Worship

  4. 商品拜物教、货币拜物教是一种错误的观念,属认识水平问题,与道德无关。

    As wrong ideas , commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality .

  5. 这一概念的理论基础是马克思《资本论》中关于商品拜物教的分析。

    The theoretical foundation of the concept is Marx 's analysis of commodity fetishism in The Capital .

  6. 同时,马克思还将劳动分工与交换、私有财产、异化劳动及商品拜物教联系起来,并对它们的联系进行历史地、具体地考察。

    Meanwhile , Marx also linked up labor division , exchange , private property , alienation in labor and commodity fetishism .

  7. 在消费社会的语境下,古老的神话和信仰逐渐让位于商品拜物教。

    In the context of the consumptive society , the ancient mythology and faith has gradually given their place to commodity fetishism .

  8. 齐泽克的拜物教理论是马克思的商品拜物教与拉康的欲望理论相结合的产物,是齐泽克进行意识形态批判的切入点。

    The article is concerned with Slavoj Zizek s fetishism theory which is one of important parts of his special cynical ideology critics .

  9. 科技商品拜物教在实质上是科技商品作为“物”所掩盖着的人与人的关系;

    The fetishism of science-technological commodity essentially is the relation between people and people concealed by the science-technological commodity qua " things " .

  10. 鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。

    Jean Baudrillard 's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx 's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist 's theory of consumer alienation .

  11. 思辨的原罪与现代性意识&商品拜物教抽象同一性对近代哲学主题的塑造

    The Original Sin of Speculation and the Consciousness of Modernity : How the Motif of Modern Philosophy Molded by Abstractive Identity of Commodity Fetishism

  12. 启蒙辩证法作为对现代性的总体性反思,仍然没有超出现代性的发生场域&商品拜物教。

    The enlightenment dialectics , as the total reflection on modernity , has not gone beyond the commodity fetishism the field in which the modernity arises .

  13. 卢卡奇从对资本主义商品拜物教现象的分析出发,深刻揭示了普遍存于资本主义社会的物化现象,进而提出无产阶级要通过“整体性革命”来克服物化的理论。

    Lukacs brought to light the universal phenomenon of materialization which exists in the whole society of capitalism by means of analyzing the phenomenon of capitalist commodity fetishism .

  14. 笔者认为,如果将马克思对市场的拒绝,看作是从根本上拒绝商品拜物教,那么马克思和罗尔斯的立场就能调和。

    I argue that the positions of Marx and Rawls can be reconciled if we take Marx 's objection to markets as fundamentally an objection to the ' fetishism of commodities ' .

  15. 商品拜物教的腐蚀性,集体生产方式被打破,文化的批判功能和精神先导作用的丧失等内容成为后现代文化面临的新的危机。

    The corrosiveness of commodity fetishism , the breakout of collective life , and the loss of the cultural critic and spiritual precursor , all of these become new crisis of postmodernism .

  16. 其次,因为马克思认为,在一定社会条件下,消费的异化将由于劳动的异化而发生质变,从而导致商品拜物教的形成。

    Secondly , as Marx believed that under certain social conditions , consumption will occur due to the alienation of labor alienation of qualitative change , resulting in the formation of commodity fetishism .

  17. 詹姆逊剖析了晚期资本主义文化的局限性和矛盾性:商品拜物教的存在,文化所赖以产生的集体生活方式被打破。

    Jameson analyses the limitation and contradiction of the culture of late capitalism . It includes two parts : the existence of commodity fetishism and the broken-up of collective life style which culture is born of .

  18. 世俗男女若想打破商品拜物教的魔咒,不应把希望寄托于月老牵线或是爱神眷顾,现世婚姻异化的根基还需物质力量去摧毁。

    To break the spell of commodity fetishism worldly men and women should not pin their hope on the match-makers or Eros , because the foundation of alienation of temporal marriage should be destroyed by material force .

  19. 作为在路上的一代,他们有很好的艺术潜质,其作品呈现出了反商品拜物教的意义,但他们的成名也源自成功的商业运作。

    As the generation on the road , they have good art potentialities , their work presents the counter-commodity fetishism significance . But at the same time , they became famous also because of the successful commercial operation .

  20. 我们可以将《资本论》中的拜物教思想视为马克思对前《资本论》时期的思想的一次批判性总结,他在这里完整地提出了商品拜物教、货币拜物教和资本拜物教思想。

    We can regard the fetishism in " Das Kapital " as a critical conclusion of the ideologies before " Das Kapital ", where he put forward the thought of commodity fetishism , money fetishism and capital fetishism comprehensively .

  21. 尽管马克思后来很少使用异化劳动这个概念,但他后来却使用了诸如交往异化、商品拜物教、物化之类更具现实意义的概念。

    Although Marx was rarely used " alienation of labor " concept , but he later came the use of words such as " contacts alienation ", " commodity fetishism ", " materialization " of the class more realistic concept .

  22. 婚姻的基础不是爱情,婚姻是商品拜物教的善男信女们计算的结果,经济支配着婚姻,婚姻成为爱情的坟墓。

    Marriage , which is not based on affection but rather on economy , is the calculation result of men and women who worship commodity , and thus economy dominates marriage and marriage ends up as the tomb of love .

  23. 马克思虽没有明确地论述过虚无主义问题,但他对商品拜物教的批判、对传统形而上学思维方式的批判及其所确立的终极价值理想,为扬弃虚无主义提供了理论可能性和现实操作性。

    Marx is not specifically discussed nihilism problems , but his criticism of commodity fetishism of traditional metaphysics , critical thinking mode and the establishment of the ultimate value ideal for discard nihilism , provides a theoretical possibility and practical operability .

  24. 拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。从前拜倒在绅士权力下面的人,现在却拜倒在农民权力之下。

    Although money worship and commodity fetishism , currency fetishism are the same in some respects , they are different form each other . Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants .

  25. 马克思主义创始人以人的全面自由发展作为其消费正义思想的出发点和最终归宿,在对劳动异化和商品拜物教的批判中确立了其生态消费正义思想。

    The thought of rightful ecology consumption of Marxism founders who constructed their thoughts of consumption justice during the process of criticizing labor alienation and commodity worship , with full-scale human development as its starting point and final destination is still wisdom until now .

  26. 马克思的异化理论向我们昭示:商品拜物教和金钱拜物教是一种典型的物对人的统治,这一统治成为西方现代文明过度发展给人类留下的负面后果。

    The theory on alienation put forward by Marx tells us that both commodity fetishism and money fetishism are a kind of pattern in which man is dominated by materials . This domination has led to a negative result that the excessive development of Western civilization has left on man .

  27. 商品的拜物教性质及其秘密〉。

    The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret .

  28. 文章主要根据《德意志意识形态》和《资本论》第一卷第一章《商品的拜物教性质及其秘密》一节着重阐释马克思的意识形态理论的形成和深化。

    The main body separately explicates how Marx formed and developed his theory of ideology in The German Ideology and in one section of Capital of the first volume Commodity Fetishism and Its Secret .

  29. 只要社会存在和发展着商品、货币、资本,商品拜物教就必然存在。

    So long as there are commodities , currency and capital , there must be commodity fetishism .

  30. 科技的巨大功能使人们产生了“科技无所不能”的神秘感觉,在心理上形成了类似宗教崇拜一样的知觉状态,这是现代商品经济社会中所特有的科技商品拜物教现象。

    The great function of science-technology bring people a mysterious sense that science-technology is omnipotent , just as the religion adoration . This is a proper phenomena of fetishism of science-technological commodity in the modern society of commodity economy .