
What some people are hoping is that the bottom fishers will appear and help the market self-correct , says one big ABCP issuer .
Until the Fed stepped in , new CP issuance had been virtually frozen as the banks and money market funds are shying away from non guaranteed credit .
As the crisis worsened at the end of 2007 , the Fed created new liquidity facilities , some of which involved new recipients , beyond depository institutions , such as investment banks and corporate commercial paper issuers .
The amount of paper outstanding has fallen by $ 181 billion in two weeks , according to Soci é t é G é n é rale , a French bank .
The issuers of commercial paper , which include the largest and most respected corporations , were forced to draw down their credit lines , bringing interbank lending to a standstill .
Other liquid assets are commercial bills and Treasury bills issued by the Government .
As recently as mid-June , the European commercial paper market was seeing records levels of issuance .
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