
diào dēng
  • pendant;ceiling lamp;pendent lamp;droplight;chandelier
吊灯 [diào dēng]
  • [pendent lamp] 悬挂于天花板上的灯

吊灯[diào dēng]
  1. 他的Plane吊灯摆弄出极简主义造型与几何图形——从任何一个角度欣赏,永远是实心球的模样。

    His Plane pendant plays with simple minimalist forms and geometry - looked at from any angle , it is always a full sphere .

  2. 他的Plane吊灯摆弄出极简主义造型与几何图形&从任何一个角度欣赏,永远是实心球的模样。

    His Plane pendant plays with simple minimalist forms and geometry & looked at from any angle , it is always a full sphere .

  3. 一盏吊灯悬在天花板上。

    A lamp was suspended from the ceiling .

  4. 吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。

    Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently

  5. 每个房间的天花板上都悬有枝形水晶吊灯。

    Crystal chandeliers dangled from every ceiling

  6. 她家里的吊灯金光闪闪。

    The pendent lamp in her house glittered with gold .

  7. 请打开吊灯。

    Please turn on the overhead light .

  8. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。

    Big lights hung from the ceiling .

  9. 光纤照明,光纤灯,光源器,LED,光纤吊灯。

    Optic Fiber , Light source , Chandelier Fiber lighting , LED .

  10. Charles家有一座水晶吊灯。

    A : Charles has a crystal chandelier in his house .

  11. 狄克逊的Beat灯具系列设计成各种不同高度的悬挂式吊灯束,宛如美仑美奂的风景画。

    Dixon 's Beat collection is designed to be hung in a cluster of varying heights to resemble a landscape .

  12. LED光源被放置在73节能灯内,然后收拢起吊灯,长长的吊灯错落有致,营造出云朵的效果。

    An LED light source is positioned inside the 73 light , and the pendants can be clustered and their lengths staggered to create a cloud effect .

  13. Crystalchandeliersglitteredbrightlyabovethem.他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。橘黄色的旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳。

    Orange flags stand out brightly , set against the blue sky .

  14. Fishtnk设计的猫头鹰灯具:“这款猫头鹰灯具是一个LED吊灯,用胶合板打造而成。它能够表现出从黎明到黄昏的全部光线变化。”

    Owl Lamp by Fishtnk . " Owl is an LED pendant light manufactured with a plywood frame that displays full spectrum from dawn to dusk light . "

  15. FirstLight是由伦敦灯具公司AnotherCountry推出,是包括了黑色、白色以及赤褐色的吊灯系列,相比某些巨型灯件,它的设计风格更为简约,但却完整展示了关键的制作过程。

    First Light , a ceramic pendant in black , white and terracotta by London-based Another Country , is more humble in design than some of the larger-scale pieces , but tells that all-important maker story .

  16. 东莞市国智节能科技有限公司主要产品系列有:食品、药品制造工厂专用LED三防灯、冷库灯、吊灯等。

    We offer a range of products which are suitable for food and pharmaceutical manufacturing , such as the LED Tri-poof Light , the Cold Storage Lamp , the Pendant Lamp , etc.

  17. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活——他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best - he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  18. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活&他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best & he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  19. 伦敦Ochre公司也成功地把节能灯打造成艺术品,它们制作的SeedCloud大型组合吊灯就如同一件雕塑装置。

    The idea of lighting as a work of art was also explored at London-based Ochre , where a large grouping of its Seed Cloud pendant lights looks more like a sculptural installation .

  20. 这里融合了中世纪家具和大理石雕塑。建筑师米歇尔·博南(MicheleBönan)的抢眼设计包括多彩的色调、堂皇的四帷柱床,以及装饰着贝尔贝地毯(Berber)和未来主义枝形吊灯的公共空间。

    The eye-catching design by the architect Michele B ö nan features colorful palettes , stately four-poster beds and common spaces adorned with Berber rugs and a futuristic chandelier .

  21. L’Offset是一处形状不规则的粗陋水泥建筑,随处可见暴露在外的管道和工厂一般的吊灯,这里为顾客提供杯装的隆河谷村庄级(Villages)红酒(一杯3.30欧元)和爵士、蓝调、法式经典的现场演出。

    L'Offset , a sprawling raw concrete space with exposed ducts and factory-style lamps , provides glasses of Villages wine ( 3.30 euros ) and live jazz , blues and French classics .

  22. 另一家先锋店是“时尚侦察兵”(L’Eclaireur),这是该品牌在巴黎的第七家分店,那里曾是一家吊灯修理作坊。

    Another pioneer is L'Eclaireur , which opened its seventh Paris outlet in a former chandelier repair atelier here .

  23. 斯奈尔在市中心装有华丽吊灯的布里斯托酒店(HotelBristol)大厅,一边喝着啤酒一边说道:把当代艺术当作社会标志,至少在挪威,是一件很新鲜的事。

    ' Contemporary art as a social marker , at least in Norway , is something new , ' Snare says over a glass of beer in the chandeliered lobby of downtown 's Hotel Bristol .

  24. CFL现在有了多种形状、大小和颜色,可以用在吊扇和枝形吊灯等多种装置里。

    CFLs now come in many shapes , sizes and colors that can be used in fixtures such as ceiling fans and chandeliers .

  25. 他为荷兰家具品牌Moooi设计的Coppélia吊灯的灵感来自于芭蕾舞女,吊灯使用了交叉线条结构,几十个线条的交叉点就是LED灯泡的安放位置。

    He designed the ballerina-inspired Copp é lia suspended lamp for Moooi , with a crossed wire structure that acts as a base for dozens of LED lights .

  26. 戈甘设计的I.Rain吊灯能以任意灯管数及形状安装,而新推出的OMiKami树形灯则可以设置成任意大小,并使用Murano玻璃灯罩。

    His I.Rain pendants can be installed in any number and formation , while the new O Mi Kami chandelier can be configured in any size and has shades made of Murano glass .

  27. 太古地产的销售代表否认Opus公寓样板间的设计是为了迎合中国内地新贵喜欢浮华的品位。样板间装了许多枝形吊灯,厨房则处处银光闪闪。

    Sales representatives of Swire Properties deny that the design of the Opus show flat - plenty of chandeliers and a kitchen featuring lots of silver - is meant to appeal to the flamboyant tastes of nouveau riche mainland Chinese buyers .

  28. 在本文发稿时,工人们正准备将弗雷德里克·莫伦绍特(FrederikMolenschot)的铸铜生物形态枝形吊灯悬挂在大厅里(阿姆斯特丹艺术家莫伦绍特还制作了所有实心黄铜制的房间号码)。

    s for planting feathery perennials on the High Line , is in charge of the rooftop garden . And at press time , workers were preparing to hoist Frederik Molenschot 's biomorphic cast-bronze chandelier in the lobby . ( Mr. Molenschot , an Amsterdam artist , also supplied all of the room numbers , which are solid brass . )

  29. 就这样,就像她是一个有趣的枝形吊灯。

    Just that , as if she were a fancy chandelier .

  30. 吊灯由石件手工打造而成,其它部件则用黄铜制品。

    The pendants are made from handcrafted stoneware with brass-turned parts .