
  • 网络world of coca cola;The World of Coca-Cola
  1. 可口可乐成为世界和平的标志。

    Coca-Cola became the world 's symbol of peace .

  2. 可口可乐是世界第一的饮料厂。

    Coca-Cola is the world 's number-one soft drink .

  3. 可口可乐公司是世界上最大的饮料公司。

    The Coca-Cola Company is the world 's largest beverage company .

  4. 可口可乐是全世界销路最好的软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)。

    Coca-Cola is the best-selling soft ( non - alcoholic ) drink in the world .

  5. 可口可乐一直是世界软饮料工业每一部门的先驱者。

    Coca-Cola has been the world leader in every department of the soft drink industry .

  6. 当然,可口可乐无疑是世界上最被人们接受认可的产品之一。

    It goes without saying that Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized products in the world .

  7. 年管理一家庞杂的全球企业是管理层所能想象到的最困难的挑战。毕竟,可口可乐在全世界几乎所有国家都有业务;

    Running a global , complex company in 2014is one of the most difficult management and leadership challenges imaginable.After all , Coke is sold in almost every country in the world ;

  8. 可口可乐是个全世界都家喻户晓的词。

    Coca cola is a household word throughout the world .

  9. 于是,美军走遍全球,可口可乐也跟着传遍全球。战后十年间,可口可乐的世界销量有了惊人增长。

    Thus Coca-Cola travelled with the American troops all over the world , and experienced an astonishing global expansion in the decade after the war .