
  • 网络brand copycat
  1. 仿冒产品的喷射速率比正规产品高出数倍;

    Spray rate for Counterfeit product is much greater than CRC product .

  2. 曼德尔森说,欧洲港口去年没收的仿冒产品有一半以上来自中国。

    Mandelson says more than half of all counterfeit goods seized at European ports last year originated in China .

  3. 外国投资者起诉中国公司仿冒产品有时也能胜诉,尽管赔偿金额不大。

    Foreign investors sometimes win cases against Chinese companies that have copied their products , although damages are not huge .

  4. 可是上述趋势也导致盗取知识产权的行为增加,从非法下载文件到盗录制品和仿冒产品皆有。

    But these same trends have also increased intellectual piracy , from illegal file downloads to bootleg recordings to counterfeit products .

  5. 与此同时,在德国等许多地区,戴森公司不得不寻求销毁反工程仿冒产品,以保护自身品牌。

    Meanwhile Dyson has been forced to seek the destruction of reverse-engineered fakes in territories including Germany to protect its brand .

  6. 此笔交易也有利于我们对付仿冒产品问题,虽然这更大程度上是一种附带效应。

    This also enables us to come to grips with the issue of plagiarism , although this is more of a side effect of the deal .

  7. 在三星向美国最高法院提起的上诉中,关键之处在于仿冒产品的哪部分利润应该给予专利持有者作为赔偿。

    Samsung 's appeal to the Supreme Court hinges on what portion of a copied product 's profits can be awarded in damages to a patent holder .

  8. 白手起家的亿万富豪和中国商人杰克·马说,奢侈品和仿冒产品几乎没有差别,他们都在同样的工厂,使用同样的材料制造。

    Self-made billionaire and Chinese businessman Jack Ma said there was little difference in the way luxury goods and knock-off products are made with many made with the same materials in the same factories .

  9. 而有关阿里巴巴的平台销售假货——假酒、假名牌包和仿冒电子产品——的指责从来都有。

    That was despite longstanding accusations of sales of counterfeit goods - fake wine , knockoff handbags and falsely branded electronics - on Alibaba 's platforms .

  10. 无论是仿冒外国品牌产品还是品牌连锁店,都不是什么新鲜事,也不是中国独有的现象。

    Imitation of foreign brand name products and store chains is neither new , nor unique to China .

  11. 经举报发现,现有不法人员冒用我公司名义向外商及国内客户销售仿冒我公司产品,并出现收款不发货现象。

    Through the reporting found that : the existing law , fraudulent use of the name of our company , to foreign and domestic sales , counterfeiting of our products , and shipping is not a receivable .

  12. 萨德勒的目标是,保持品牌完整性不受破坏,并向消费者传达这一点,同时确保仿冒者的产品不会冲击市场上的真品。

    The aim was to keep the brand 's integrity intact and communicate that to consumers , and also ensure that the pirates were constrained to the point that their counterfeits did not swamp real products in the market .

  13. 不含仿冒部分的山寨产品在性质上是一种模仿创新,符合知识产权文化的要求。

    Non faked parts involved cottage products are innovation of imitation in the essence , which is consistent with the requirements of intellectual property culture .