
  • 网络traceability system
  1. 动物及动物产品标识与可追溯体系的研究进展

    Identification and Traceability in Animals and Animal Products

  2. 政府强制性猪肉质量安全可追溯体系是为了弥补市场供给的不足。

    Established pork traceability system guided by the government is to remedy market supply shortage .

  3. 基于RFID的水产食品可追溯体系研究

    A study in aquatic food traceability system based on RFID

  4. 基于批发市场的鲜猪肉可追溯体系的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Pork Traceability System Based on Wholesale Market

  5. 建设儿童食品可追溯体系的障碍与对策

    Obstacle and Countermeasures in Constructing Children Food Traceability System

  6. 食用农产品企业实行质量可追溯体系的行为研究

    Research on Behavior of the Edible Agro-products Enterprises to Implement the Quality Traceability System

  7. 可追溯体系在食品中的应用

    Explore the Application of Traceability on Food Products

  8. 建立茶叶质量可追溯体系促进我省茶叶产业发展

    Establishment of Tea Quality Tracing System to Enhance the Development of Hunan Tea Industry

  9. 我国乳业安全可追溯体系的构建研究

    Research on the Construction of the Traceability System for China 's Dairy Industry Safety

  10. 大力发展食品科技,积极开展可追溯体系的研究、技术推广及应用。

    Vigorously develop food technology , actively develop the traceability system , promoting technology and application research .

  11. 第三部分,参与可追溯体系农户与企业信任合作关系的分析。

    The third part is the traceability system in the trust relationship between farmers and business analysis .

  12. 可追溯体系作为一种食品安全风险控制体系,已经在许多发达国家推广实施。

    Traceability system , as a risk controlsystem on food safety , has been implemented in many developed countries .

  13. 但可追溯体系的构建归根结底是一种以企业为主体的市场行为,最终要依靠市场机制而存在。

    But the construction of traceability systemis still a kind of enterprises behavior and has to rely on market mechanism .

  14. 制定农产品质量安全标准体系和鼓励建立农产品可追溯体系。

    Draw up quality safety standard system of agriculture production and courage to construct agriculture production trace back to the source system .

  15. 四川省广汉市动物标识及疫病可追溯体系的建设情况、问题及对策

    The Situation , Problem and Strategy on System 's Construction of Animal-marking and Epidemic Disease Trace in Guanghan City , Sichuan Province

  16. 建立食品及其供应链活动准确、及时的可追溯体系已经成为食品行业健康发展的一个主要因素。

    The accurate and timely traceability of products and activities in the supply chain has become a new factor in food industry development .

  17. 目前,构建从农田到餐桌的食品全程可追溯体系已成为加强食品质量安全监管的重要手段之一。

    At present , constructing a traceability system from " farmland to dining-table " becomes a crucial means to strengthen food quality and safety .

  18. 可追溯体系具有明确潜在责任等特点,而被大多数国家作为一种有效的控制手段所推崇。

    Traceability system has clear potential liability and other characteristics , which has been revered as an effective means of control by most countries .

  19. 完善的质量控制可追溯体系,确保了产品质量的稳定、功效的突出,赢得了客户和使用者的信赖和好评。

    The perfect quality control traceability system ensured the stable quality and outstanding effect , winning the trust and praise of customers and users .

  20. 通过非结构化模糊群决策方法对其进行重要性排序,得到结果为:抽验制度,许可制度,可追溯体系,交易模式,药物警戒和应急管理。

    And the important ranking of them is sampling systems , licensing systems , traceability systems , transaction models , pharmacovigilance and emergence management .

  21. 可追溯体系的认知程度这个指标在各指标中权重最大,说明对双方合作影响程度最大。

    The indicator of Awareness of traceability system is in the largest weight in the entire index , indicating the greatest impact on the bilateral cooperation .

  22. 建立从农田到餐桌的可追溯体系是确保农产品质量安全的关键,而保障农户参与源头追溯尤为重要。

    The food traceability systems are the key to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products , and the traceability of farmers ' production is particularly important .

  23. 重要性排序是,可追溯体系、许可制度、药物警戒、应急管理、安全交易、药品利润率。

    The order of the elements according to the importance is traceability system , licensing system , pharmaceutical vigilance , emergency management , trading and pharmaceutical profit margin .

  24. 整个系统的重点还是在于政府的主导推动,将食品生产的日常监管工作融合在食品安全可追溯体系的建立和维护中。

    The focus of the entire system is still the leading government efforts , and put the day-to-day supervision of food production into the establishment and maintenance of food safety traceability system .

  25. 可追溯体系是构建农产品质量安全保障体系的重要途径之一,农户是农产品生产供应链的源头,也是重要的参与者。

    Traceability system is one of the effective ways to protect the quality and safety of agricultural products , farmers are the source of agricultural products supply chain is also important participants .

  26. 是目前国际上公认的食品安全管理的有效措施之一就是建立食品安全可追溯体系。本文首先对目前的食品安全形势以及国内外食品安全可追溯系统建立情况的进行分析。

    At present , one of the effective measures of internationally recognized food safety management is to establish food safety traceability system . Firstly , this article analyses the current food security situation as well as the establishing situation of domestic and international food safety traceability system .

  27. 养殖场在设施合理、制度健全的前提下,确定追溯信息的深度、广度和精确度,并作好信息衔接和代码标识,才可使追溯体系有效实施。

    It shows that only under the precondition of excellent facilities and wholesome system can it be effectively carried out by ensuring the depth , width and accuracy of traceable information and performing information linking as well as code marking in a proper way .

  28. 饲料和食品链的可追溯性-体系设计和发展的一般原则和指导方针,他将立刻作为一个国际标准草案运行。

    ISO22005 , traceability in the feed and food chain-system design and development of general principles and guidelines , he will immediately as a draft international standard operation .