
kě xìn
  • credible;believable;dependable;creditable
可信 [kě xìn]
  • [believable;creditable] 可以相信;可以信赖

可信[kě xìn]
  1. 撒切尔女男爵的主张在很多人看来是可信的。

    Baroness Thatcher 's claims seem credible to many

  2. 他对该城历史的再现是可信的,虚构的小说情节隐念着一些事实作为支撑。

    His recreation of the city is credible , with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction .

  3. 她的话没有半句可信。

    There is not a scintilla of truth in what she says .

  4. 我觉得整个事件经过荒诞不经,更不用说不可信了。

    I found the whole story bizarre , not to say unbelievable .

  5. 他提供的消息完全不可信。

    He 's totally unreliable as a source of information .

  6. 这些结果的可信程度已受到质疑。

    The reliability of these results has been questioned .

  7. 她的解释听起来的确可信。

    Her explanation certainly sounded believable .

  8. 他的对手依然说他根本不可信。

    His opponents still say he 's a fundamentally untrustworthy figure .

  9. 这本书里充满了真实可信的有趣人物。

    This book is full of believable , interesting characters .

  10. 我仍觉得这个故事既有趣又不太可信。

    I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable

  11. 遵照这种经过时间考验已被证实可信的方法。

    Follow the tried and trusted methods that have stood the test of time .

  12. 瓦萨里关于这个学科的很多想法并不总是可信的。

    Many of Vasari 's ruminations on the subject are not always to be believed .

  13. 这名证人作了伪证,她的证词不可信。

    This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence .

  14. 他让个个角色都逼真可信。

    He 's made the characters believable .

  15. 我很清楚他是不可信的。

    I know fine that he 's not to be trusted .

  16. 我听他的辩解,既感到有趣,又觉得不可信。

    I listened to his excuse with a mixture of amusement and disbelief .

  17. 我们可以相信我们有能力编写合理可信的测试题。

    We can be fairly confident of our ability to create tests that are valid and reliable .

  18. 这个囚犯说他挨了同伙的打,胳膊上的伤令他的话显得更可信。

    The wounds on the prisoner 's arm lend colour to his story that he was beaten by his fellow criminals .

  19. 互联网泡沫的破灭使大多数这类预测不再可信,往后几年里,传统零售商增强了对未来的信心,因为官方统计仍显示在线销售处于疲软状态。

    The dot.corn bust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed , on ventional retailers ' confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weak online sales .

  20. 然而,如果1916年赫尔的侄孙女的一篇文章可信的话,赫尔余生都宣称“一些人谎称是别人写了这首诗”。

    However , if a 1916 piece by her great-niece is to be trusted , Hale claimed for the rest of her life that " Some other people pretended that someone else wrote the poem " .

  21. 这份文件担保这幅画的可信赖姓

    This paper vouches for the authenticity of the painting .

  22. 我见到了房东,他看起来不是很可信。他说这栋房子上个月有个小问题。B:那就对了。3�

    He seems sketchy2 and he said the building had a bug3 problem last month .

  23. 在线声誉数据成为反应我们的行为、做事的动力、同伴对我们的看法以及我们是否可信的一个窗口。

    Where reputation data becomes the window into how we behave , what motivates us , how our peers view us and ultimately whether we can or can 't be trusted .

  24. 在男性受访者中,有35%认为,相亲时女性最不可信的话是“这是我第一次相亲”,其次不可信的是“我实在太忙,没来得及打扮就出来了”以及“我不太能喝酒”。

    In all , 35 percent of the male respondents said the most common phrases from women are " this is my first time on a blind date " followed by " I am too busy to make up " , and " I cannot drink too much " .

  25. 例如,一个可信上下文可能有一个默认角色ROLEA。

    For example , a trusted context could have a default role , ROLE_A .

  26. 如何利用现有安全手段提高web服务器安全,为网络数据库的安全访问提供一个可信的面向角色的平台。

    How to use the existing security approaches to improve the web server access control security .

  27. 循证医学中统计结果的准确表达:P值与可信区间

    The Right Way of Presentation of Statistical Results in EBM : P Values and Confidence Interval

  28. Linux可信路径安全机制研究及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Trusted Path Mechanism in Linux

  29. 基于XML安全的Email可信SOAP传输

    Realizing Credible SOAP Transmission of Email Using XML Security

  30. 给出电子政务统计服务平台的多层体系结构和服务功能、基于可信Web服务的安全性设计以及采用的关键技术。

    The multi-tier architecture of statistics service platform and functions , and its security design on the basis of reliable web services were given .