首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我宁愿只当一任的好总统,也不愿当两任平庸的总统。

    I 'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president .

  2. 让他只做一任就好

    Limit him to one term .

  3. 任气好侠,悲歌慷慨是其精神特质,具有质朴原始的特点;

    Is its spiritual characteristic .

  4. 以诗艺论,任兄雅好凝炼,不拘字义文法之桎梏,不落赘词冗句之窠臼,真知诗之三昧者。

    Technically , Ren 's preference to condensed , succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out , grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry .

  5. 汤普森的太太罗林也很快成为他的第二任夫人波琳的好朋友。

    His wife Caroline Thompson soon became his second wife Pauline 's friend .

  6. 一系列的信件表明,奥斯汀还是帕克第二任妻子弗朗西斯·泰尔波特的好朋友。弗朗西斯本人是一位知名作家,她和奥斯汀经常互通书信。

    A series of letters also show that Austen was also good friends with Parker 's second wife , Frances Talbot , who was herself a known author , and that the two often exchanged writing .