
gǔ huà
  • ancient painting
古画 [gǔ huà]
  • [ancient painting] 从古代流传下来的古人所作的绘画

古画[gǔ huà]
  1. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  2. 我们拍电报要她出高价收购那幅古画。

    We cabled her to make the highest bid for the ancient painting .

  3. 他还是一个仿制古画的内行。

    He was also an expert in the reproduction of ancient pictures .

  4. 这幅古画我们已寻觅多年。

    We have been looking for this old painting for years .

  5. 古画字画题材的织锦画纹织CAD设计技艺

    The Design Techniques of the Jacquard Weaving CAD in the Brocade Painting with the Theme of Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

  6. 十多年来,王己千(C.C.Wang)的家人一直在争夺一批世界一流的中国古画和卷轴。王己千是一名收藏家,纽约大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)以他的名字命名了一间陈列室。

    For more than a decade , the family of C. C. Wang , a collector whose name graces a gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art , has been battling over a trove of classical Chinese paintings and scrolls that has been described as among the finest in the world .

  7. 雷射修复法可让古画面目一新。

    Laser restoration technique may give old painting a brand-new look .

  8. 古代藻及生物标记物所有这些古书古画都标了价。

    All these ancient books and paintings have been marked up .

  9. 如此丰富多彩的内容,为历代古画中所罕见。

    Few ancient paintings contain such an abundance of rich contents .

  10. 古画收藏家们都成了许多考证错误的受害人。

    Collectors of old masters have been the victims of many misattributions .

  11. 对面墙上挂着一幅珍贵的古画。

    On the opposite wall hung a valuable old painting .

  12. 将古画分为重彩画与水墨画两类。

    Paintings are divided into two categories re-color paintings and ink paintings .

  13. 这些古画是文化遗产的一部分。

    These ancient paintings are part of the cultural heritage .

  14. 大家都梦想着在阁楼里会发现一幅值钱的古画。

    Everyone dreams of finding a valuable old painting in the attic .

  15. 我以为这是幅古画,但却是赝品。

    I thought the painting was old but it had been faked .

  16. 那些中国古画是我们民族文化的重要部分。

    Those ancient Chinese paintings are an important part of our national culture .

  17. 她非常珍视那幅古画。

    She sets great store by this old picture .

  18. 我的几张古画对我来说是累赘的贵重物。

    My several old paintings are white elephants .

  19. 未必,清代以前的古画是禁止出口的。

    Not quite . The export of paintings before the Qing Dynasty is prohibited .

  20. 这是照一幅古画临摹的。

    This was painted after an ancient picture .

  21. 那幅古画在洪水中遭到毁坏,必须精心修复。

    The old painting was damaged in the flood and had to be painstakingly restored .

  22. 下一批我要拍卖的是一组精美的古画。

    The next lot I shall put up is a fine set of old pictures .

  23. 我买了几幅古画。

    I 've bought several old paintings .

  24. 现代美术家有时对古画中所看不顺眼的部分用油漆涂掉。

    Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to modern artists are sometimes painted out .

  25. 欧洲有一些以有三万年历史的古画而著称的洞窟已经关闭了。

    Some European caves , famous for their thirty-thousand-year old paintings , have already been closed .

  26. 一位来自费城的大学生终于遇到和自己长相几乎一样的人了,不过是在一幅16世纪的古画中。

    A Philadelphia college student has finally met his match – in a 16th century painting .

  27. 由于保护的不当和环境因素的影响使作画的颜料变色、褪色和载体材料老化,使古画失去了原有的面貌。

    Because of improper protection and environmental factors lead to color fading and color changing of pigments .

  28. 我用十镑买下了这幅古画,但它的真正价值准在五百镑左右。

    I bought this old painting for 10 , but its real value must be about 500 .

  29. 认识和掌握不同画家的笔墨风格,是古画鉴定工作中的一个重要方面。

    It is important to understand and grasp the painting styles of different painters in the appraisal of ancient paintings .

  30. 古画《百马图》收藏在故宫,画的内容是古代国家养马场。

    The ancient painting , A Hundred Horses , reserved in the Imperial Palace , presents an ancient national farm .