
  1. 实验结果表明,古墨中微量元素K、Ca的含量比现代徽墨、沪墨高10倍以上,而现代徽墨与沪墨中元素N和An的含量也有明显的差别。

    Experiment results show that the trace element concentrations of K. Ca for ancient inks are as high as 1O times that for modern inks . The concentrations of N and Au for modern Chinese inks produced in Shanghai are apparently different from that of produced in An-hui province .

  2. 中国墨的历史发展源远流长,现存最早的古墨是在战国时期。

    The history of Chinese ink goes back to ancient times .

  3. 古墨在中国文化中有着特殊的地位。

    Ancient ink in Chinese culture has a special status .

  4. 中国古墨与现代墨元素成分研究

    A study on the elemental compositions of ancient and modern Chinese inks

  5. 湿度保持恒定,在60%湿度条件下时对古墨的保存最为适宜。

    The humidity keep constant . The 60 % humidity condition is suitable for the ancient ink preservation .

  6. 她的诗集《母亲的爱》在诗歌主题上借用了古希腊罗马得墨忒耳&珀尔塞福涅神话探索现代的母女关系,在诗歌形式上采用了西方传统的十四行诗形式。

    In her collection of poems Mother Love , she draws on the theme of western antique Demeter-Persephone myth to explore the modern mother-daughter relationship and uses sonnet as her poetic form .