
  • 网络Ancient Village;middle kingdom
  1. 重点通过对下庄村的资源进行SWOT分析,试图得到一种古村落保护性的改造策略。

    Wencheng County , Wenzhou City , attempts to get a renewal strategy of protecting ancient village by SWOT analysis of Xiazhuang Village .

  2. 西递古村落空间构成模式研究

    Study on the Pattern of Space For-mation for Xidi Ancient Village

  3. 他们决定住在中国古村落附近。

    They decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villages .

  4. 基于GIS的古村落保护管理信息系统

    Management information system of vernacular village protection based on GIS

  5. 基于SWOT分析的山西古村落旅游开发初探

    Preliminary Study on Tourism Development of Ancient Villages of Shanxi Based on SWOT Analysis

  6. SWOT量化分析古村落旅游可持续发展战略

    The Application of SWOT Quantitative Method in Sustainable Development Strategy Making of Ancient Villages Tourism

  7. 对皖南古村落南屏旅游开发进行了SWOT分析,提出南屏旅游开发的初步设想。

    The paper has a SWOT analysis on the exploitation of tourist resources of Nanping village , put forward the preliminary imagination of tourism development .

  8. 本文研究典型古村落筛选、历史地理考察、人类家园环境解说内容与EROT环境解说传播模式。

    This paper studies the selection of typical ancient villages , the investigation of the historical geography of ancient villages , the substance of environmental explanations about ancient villages , the transmitting modes of environment explanations known as EROT .

  9. 皖南古村落中的水环境

    Water Environment of Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui Prov in ce

  10. 古村落历史人居环境规划设计方法研究

    Study on History Human Settlements Planning Design Method in Ancient Village

  11. 安徽古村落园林景观的开发与保护

    Development and Protection of Landscape Scenes of Old Villages in Anhui

  12. 新农村建设中的古村落保护问题研究

    Research on Ancient Villages ' Protection in New Rural Construction

  13. 古村落&独特的人居文化空间

    Ancient village : the unique space of human settlement culture

  14. 徽州古村落环境艺术简析

    Brief Analysis of Environmental Arts of Ancient Villages in Huizhou

  15. 黟县宏村古村落旅游形象设计研究

    Design for Tourist Image of Ancient Village Settlement of the Village Hongcun

  16. 皖南古村落发展和谐旅游的思考&以世界文化遗产地宏村为例

    On the Developing Harmonious Tourism in Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui Province

  17. 徽州古村落绿化树种配植与造景的研究

    Study on the Tree Species Arrangement and Landscaping in Huizhou Ancient Villages

  18. 徽州古村落的演化过程及其机理

    Study on evolution process and mechanism of Huizhou ancient village

  19. 加强景区管理,不断提升黟县古村落旅游地形象;

    Stenthening the management of resort and enhancing destination image ;

  20. 楠溪江风景区古村落保护与开发探索

    The Preservation and Development of Ancient Villages in Nanxi River Scenic Spot

  21. 徽州古村落人居环境的选择与营造

    Human Settlement ′ s Selection and Construction at Ancient Villages in Huizhou

  22. 古村落场理论及景观安全格局探讨

    On Ancient Village Scenery Field Theory and Scenery Safety Pattern

  23. 徽州古村落中的外部空间环境初探

    A Discussion on Exterior Space Environment of the Ancient Village in Huizhou

  24. 注重整体架构以传达传统文化意蕴的古村落空间组织;

    The spacial integrated structure to convey the cultural significations ;

  25. 这些古村落是从260万个中国农村中选出来的。

    The ancient villages were selected from 2.6 million Chinese rural villages .

  26. 皖南古村落旅游发展若干问题研究

    On the Several Subjects of Tourism Development in Vernacular Villages in Southern Anhui

  27. 皖南南屏的古村落旅游开发初探

    A preliminary study on the ancient village tourist exploitation in Nanping South Anhui

  28. 去一些古村摄影,我喜欢去寻找村庄里的孩子。

    To some ancient village photography , I like to find village children .

  29. 第六部分:古村落地方课程评价。

    Part six , the evaluation of local curriculum development of ancient village .

  30. 梅州古村落系统的几点研究

    Study on System of the Ancient Village in Meizhou