
  1. 现存评点第一书&论《古文关键》的编选、评点及其影响

    The Existing " First Book of the Commentaries ": On the Edition , Comments and the Influence of The Keys to Classical Chinese Prose

  2. 吕祖谦选用《古文关键》首先从整体上理清了“八大家”的师承关系.在《总论》中以“八大家”作为唐宋散文的代表。

    First LU Zu-qian and his Guwen Guanjian put in order teacher-student relations between the eight masters and took them as representatives of Tang-Song Prose .

  3. 《古文关键》评语中多有强调雄健、有力之风格的评语,但重在评论造语与句法。

    Gu Wen Guan Jian reviews of many stressed vigorous , forceful style of the reviews , but focus on building language and syntax comments .

  4. 《古文关键》的编选与评点在唐宋八大家的形成以及唐宋古文经典化进程中产生了巨大的影响。

    The edition and comments of The Keys to Classical Chinese Prose exerted a great influence upon the formation of Eight Masters of the Tang and Song classical prose and the process of its canonization .