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  • ancient temple
古刹 [gǔ chà]
  • [old temple] 年代久远的寺庙

  • 燕然对古刹,代郡隐城楼。-- 南朝陈. 徐陵《出自蓟北门行》

  1. 少林寺一座千年古刹,现在有着全球化、现代化的长足发展。

    Shaolin Temple , an ancient temple with a history around a thousand years , is experiencing a rapid development of globalization and modernization .

  2. 山南峭壁之下的圆通寺,是云南昆明城区最大的古刹。

    Yuantong Temple is under the crag of the south of mountain , is the biggest ancient temple of Kunming City area in yunnan .

  3. 请问师兄出自哪一座名山古刹?

    Could I ask which temple you 're from ?

  4. 黄羊山上的千年古刹清凉寺是我国北方地区著名的佛教圣地。

    Millennium Temple Hill Huangyangchuan Qingliangsi northern areas of China 's well-known Buddhist holy sites .

  5. 是一座真正的千年古刹。

    It 's a real millenarian temple .

  6. 以源影寺塔、千年古刹水岩寺、韩文公祠为内容的古色旅游。

    Ancient cultural tours including Yuanyingsi Pagoda , thousand-year-old Shuiyan Temple and Han Wengong Temple .

  7. 辽代古刹奉国寺

    The Ancient Fengguo Temple

  8. 对于在宁静古刹旁开设这样一间来自美国的咖啡连锁店,一些人表示担忧。

    Some people have expressed concerns about the American coffee chain ` s presence near the peaceful temple .

  9. 佛教在晋朝时传入黄山,轩辕峰下曾建有轩­辕古刹。

    Huangshan in the Jin dynasty , when Buddhism introduced , under the peak Regulus Regulus temple was built .

  10. 中国是两极共生之地&千年宝塔、古刹与钢筋大楼、纵横交错的高速公路相呼应。

    China is a land of opposites - ancient pagodas and Buddhist temples mingled with steel high-rises and gnarled expressways .

  11. 一颗躁动的心,无论幽居于深山,还是隐没在古刹,都无法安静下来。

    A restless heart , whether in the mountains , or Subduction in the monastery , can not be calmed down .

  12. 千年古刹水岩寺是冀东地区唯一的佛教活动场所。

    The ancient Shuiyan Temple built a thousand years ago is the unique place for Buddhism activities in the eastern part of Hebei Province .

  13. 但是那个千年古刹还在,还有佛学大家的衣冠冢,甚至是那匹被神话的白马,都有了石碑。

    But that is also ancient temples of the Millennium , and Buddhism grave for adornment , even the white horse in legend has a vivid carve .

  14. 影寺由佛教弥勒净土宗初祖慧远禅师所建千年古刹“净影寺”而得名。

    Yingsi got its name from the millennium ancient temple of Jingying temple founded by Huiyuan Zen Master & the first ancestor of Pure Land Sect , Buddhist Maitreya .

  15. 国际连锁咖啡公司星巴克再次在中国引发争议,这次的矛盾主要集中在商业与古迹之间的博弈,而事件起因是星巴克在华东地区一间著名古刹旁的新店开张。

    nternational coffee company and coffeehouse Starbucks has again brewed debate over business versus historical interests in China after its opening of an outlet near a famed Buddhist temple in East China .

  16. 胡同中保存着什刹海附近十几座宝刹中唯一保存最为完整、创建于元代的北京著名八古刹之一广化寺。

    Shi Shahai preserved in the alley near a dozen blocks Baosha the only preserved the most complete , the Yuan Dynasty , founded in Beijing famous ancient temples in one of the eight-Huasi .

  17. 普陀山三大古刹中,普济寺开创最早,规模最大。浙江省江山有一个农夫,他很喜欢杀生。

    Of the three big monasteries in Pu'Tuo'Shan , Puji is the oldest as well as the largest . A farmer who lived south of Jiangshan , Zhejiang thought it was fun to kill things .