
  • 【人名】Leo Ku
  1. 古巨基说道,他感激从这些韩国人那儿得到的帮助,以及其他给他们东西帮助他们度过当晚的宾馆人员。

    Ku said he appreciated the help from the South Koreans and others in the hotel who provided some items that helped them get through the night .

  2. 在这起悲剧事件发生时,香港歌手古巨基和他的妻子正在拉斯维加斯百乐宫酒店,他们听到了约1.6英里外的枪声。

    During the tragic incident , Hong Kong singer Leo Ku Kui-Kei and his wife were at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas when they heard gunshots about 1.6 miles away .

  3. 在接受香港一个广播节目的采访时,古巨基分享了他们和朋友们藏匿于一个赌桌下的可怕经历,其他的人惊慌失措,爬着为自己寻找一个安全的遮蔽物。

    In an interview with a Hong Kong radio programme , Ku shared the terrifying experience as they hid , along with their friends , under a gambling table with the rest of the crowd panicking and scrambling to find a safe cover for themselves .