
  • 网络Paleomagnetism;Paleomagnetic;palaeomagnetism
  1. 确定油田钻井岩心原始方位的古地磁学方法探讨

    Paleomagnetism research on orientation of drilling cores in oil field

  2. 略谈古地磁学的基本原理和研究方法

    Paleomagnetism : basic principles and methods of study

  3. 运用古地磁学、磁组构、构造分析、高精度GPS监测及构造模拟等方法,可以对这些构造及块体的旋转方向和幅度进行研究。

    The methods of paleomagnetism , magnetic fabric , tectonic analysis , high-accuracy GPS monitoring and tectonic modeling can be used to identify these rotations , but the combination of the methods are very important to get a reliable result .

  4. 浙江丽水Ⅰ盆地白垩纪古地磁学研究

    Paleomagnetic study of Cretaceous basin ⅰ at lishui , Zhejiang Province

  5. 铁硫化物在古地磁学和环境学中的应用

    Applications of research of iron sulphides in paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism

  6. 湖北省郧县恐龙化石分布地区古地磁学初步研究

    Study of paleomagnetism of dinosaur egg distribution area in yunxian , hubei Province

  7. 川滇菱形地块白垩纪古地磁学特征

    Paleomagnetic features of Cretaceous sichuan_yunnan rhomboidal block

  8. 川北旺苍-南江地区晚侏罗世古地磁学研究与真极移的探讨

    Paleomagnetism of the late Jurassic northern Sichuan Basin and preliminary study on the true wander

  9. 塔里木地块西南缘上古生界古地磁学研究

    Paleomagnetic Study of Upper Paleozoic Erathem Along the Southwestern Margin of Tarim Block , China

  10. 中国第四纪古地磁学研究进展

    Progress of Quaternary Paleomagnetism in China

  11. 山西吕梁山地区晚前寒武纪镁铁质岩墙群的古地磁学研究

    Paleomagnetic Study of Late Precambrian Mafic Dyke Swarms in Mt. Luliang Region , Shanxi , North China

  12. 本论文的主要实验测量工作可分为古地磁学与地球化学二大部分。

    The experimental measurements are mainly of two folds : palaeomagnetism and geochemistry . 1 . Palaeomagnetism .

  13. 我国几个重要地质事件的讨论&中国古地磁学研究的新进展

    New insights in some important events of China Geological evolution : advances in the paleomagnetic study of China

  14. 本文对伊犁地块及其邻区奥陶-二叠纪地层进行了古地磁学研究。

    A paleomagnetic study on Ordovician to Permian rocks from the Yili Block and its adjacent areas was performed .

  15. 南京附近地区一些新生代玄武岩组的古地磁学研究及对其地质时代的初步认识

    The paleomagnetic study on some Cainozoic basalt groups in vicinity of Nanking and the preliminary determination of its geological ages

  16. 地磁学、古地磁学和环境磁学的研究新进展&第32届国际地质大会学科总结和评述

    Progresses of geomagnetism , paleomagnetism and environ & mental magnetism : an overview on the presentations in the 32nd International Geological Congress

  17. 铁硫化物在古地磁学研究中日益受到人们的重视.机械化学法合成铁硫化合物之结构

    Iron sulfides are attracting increasing attention within the contexts of paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism . Structural Investigations of Iron Sulfides Prepared by Mechanochemical Synthesis

  18. 本文以柴达木盆地为研究对象,进行了系统的古地磁学研究,以此探讨该区新生代构造演化。

    This study is based on the Qaidam Basin , the systematic paleomagnetic study was carried on , and the Cenozoic structure evolution within this basin was discussed .

  19. 以构造分析为主,结合地球物理学、岩石学、古地磁学知识和资料来力求揭示该区印支期构造演化特征以及动力学演化模式。

    Mainly by structural analysis , with a combination of geophysics , petrology and paleomagnetism , this paper tries to reveal features of Indosinian evolution , structures and geodynamics .

  20. 应用古地磁学原理,分析了中国北方第四纪黄土、泥河湾盆地、黄海陆架磁性地层记录的古地磁极倒转与气候变化之间的关系。

    This paper analyzed the relationship between paleomagnetic polarity reverse and climatic change recoded by magnetostratigraphy of loess , Nihewan Basin and Yellow Sea shelf in Northern China during Quaternary by paleomagnetism .

  21. 本文以磁流体力学为基础,将古地磁学与αω发电机理论结合在一起进行分析和研究。得出了如下新观点:(1)洛仑兹力在地核发电过程起负反馈作用;

    Based on paleomagnetism and αω dynamo theory , some new results are obtained in this paper : ( 1 ) Lorentz force results in negative feedback in the dynamo process in the Earth 's core ;

  22. 岩石磁学是古地磁学和环境磁学的基础,正确认识岩石的磁学性质对获得可靠的古地磁学和环境磁学记录是至关重要的。

    Rock magnetism is the base of paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism . In order to obtain reliable paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic results , it is essential to know the detailed rock magnetic properties of rocks and sediments .

  23. 本文对西宁黄土剖面古土壤层S1的721块定向样品进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究,获得了Blake亚时转换过程中地球磁场变化特征较精确的记录。

    The records of the Blake polarity subchron have been obtained from soil unit S1 in Xining section of the Chinese Loess Plateau . Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism have been studied by measuring 721 oriented specimens .