- 名classical school

There are two contrary views of death penalty in criminal classical school .
The mainland criminal law system falls into the classical school and the modern school .
Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .
Its experience develops from forbidding the judiciary interpretation to the strict restriction .
Who Provides for the Old-age Pension : Marx 's Views and New-classic Economists ' Comments
Some evidence favours the classics .
The neoclassical basic theory says that the physical capital accumulation is the only engine of growth .
At first , this part introduces the history of the personal dangerousness from ancient school to neoteric school .
Security Measures continue to develop and perfect in debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .
Classical school , Neoclassical school and New institution school have given their own explanation about market competition and monopoly .
The classical school held that monetary economy can 't affect real economy and therefore the dichotomy is always tenable . J.
The second is the neoclassic school which studies how social security to promote growth from the angle of economic efficiency .
The theory of security measures is an important battleground for debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .
Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .
The evolution and development of free trade theory can be divided into three phases : classical school , contemporary school and the World War Two .
The neoclassicism mainly studies the relationships between the technology improvement and the economy growth , but it regards the technology progress as an exogenetic variable .
Then follows the critics towards the Scale Economy Theory of Classical Economics , Transaction Cost Theory of Systematic Economics and some mixed M & A theories .
Enlightenment thinkers , criminal classical school , criminal modern school and new social defense school after the Second World War all carried out discussion about it .
This paper mainly analyses their applicability of Chinese practice and theoretical guidance by discussing the bonds theory of Ricardo 's school , Neoclassical school and Keynesian school .
The mainstream Neo-classic school economists , wherever in China or in US , who emphasize the liberalization and opening-up of world economy , support the cross-border M & As .
The development of western finance is divided into three stages : finance before classical school , finance of classical school , and various schools of Keynesianism and after Keynesianism .
The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .
Objectivism criminal law is a criminal point of view advocated by the classical school as it is to act as the core , so it could be a behaviorist .
The initiation thinkers and the criminal classical school , the criminal real diagnosis school of thought and the new social defense discusses and so on provide penalty mitigation with deep rationale .
Abstract : Criminal jurisprudence of Personality is a theory of criminal law being raised when conciliating the antinomy between the school of classical criminal jurisprudence and the school of modern criminal jurisprudence .
Aristotle , the initiator of the classic school , thinks that metaphor is only a rhetoric method , which is different from everyday language and is a deviation from the conventional language .
As for penal theory , in the early days of the classical school , some scholars claim intent penal theory , but the majority of the classical school scholars claim retribution penal theory .
We think that the Neo-classicism School theory is difficult to interpret the ownership of benefit , it is impossible to illustrate the working mechanism , the structure and the arrangement of the financial institution .
The Criminal Individualization was established and developed by the positivist school after the tradition of punishment legally prescribed for a specified crime and of balance between crime and punishment advocated by the classical school .
Classical School was the earliest ones to research the problem , they considered money was only " the veil which covers the activities of economy ", hence they thought monetary policy was of no availability .