
  • 网络Reflection imaging;Single Lens Reflex;Image Form by Reflection
  1. 约束加权克希霍夫法VSP资料反射成像

    VSP data reflection image using constraint weighted Kirchhoff method

  2. 本文详细地论述了根据使用要求所设计的非共轴掠入射反射成像KBAX射线显微镜系统。

    In this article , the non-coaxial KBA x-ray microscope working at grazing incidence is discussed in detail .

  3. 详细论述了掠入射非共轴反射成像的KB和KBA显微镜成像系统,根据使用要求设计了由4个反射镜组成的X射线显微镜。

    Non-coaxial grazing reflective imaging KB and KBA microscope systems are discussed , and an X-ray microscope consisting of four mirrors working at grazing incidence is designed .

  4. 零炮检距剖面是地震反射成像过程中重要的中间成果,常规处理中的共中心点(CMP)叠加的目的正在于此。

    Zero offset ( ZO ) section , which is just the goal of CMP stacking in conventional processing , is an important intermediate result in seismic reflection imaging .

  5. 井间地震反射成像主要采用XSP-CDP方法。

    The important method to do the cross well seismic reflection image is XSP-CDP algorithm .

  6. 我们将LOD模型简化技术运用于各类曲面镜成像的过程中(包括柱面镜,球面镜等),根据模型与镜距、视距之间的关系约定调用对应的简化模型参与镜面反射成像。

    We apply LOD technology to the process of Curved Mirror Image ( containing cylindrical mirror , spherical mirror and so on ), and call the corresponding simplified model to participate in the Cylindrical Mirror Image according to the conventional relations between the view point and cylindrical mirror .

  7. 镜子玻璃载体对其反射成像的影响

    The Influence of Mirror Glass Carrier on the Catoptric Imaging

  8. 反射成像式转角信号发生器的研究

    A Research for Crankshaft Angle Signal Generator Using Reflecting Image

  9. 利用走时进行浅层反射成像及其应用

    A new method for the reflection image by travel time in shallow layer and its application

  10. 薄透镜反射成像研究

    Reflective imaging of thin lens

  11. 目前多采用掠入射反射成像和编码孔径成像方法。

    Generally , grazing reflective imaging and coding aperture imaging methods have been adopted more and more .

  12. 本文分析推导了透镜的凹面反射成像与凹透镜焦距的关系,介绍了利用此关系较方便地测量凹透镜焦距的方法。

    The relation between the focal length of a concave lens and its reflective image properties is analysed and deduced .

  13. 0.1μm激光尘埃粒子计数器中点光源大立体角反射成像弥散斑及其处理

    Reflexive Speckle Image of the Point Light Source in the Laser Airborne Particle Counter for 0.1 μ m and Its Processing

  14. 薄碳酸盐岩地层及波阻抗差微弱的储层界面反射成像难;

    Being difficult of imaging by reflection at the interfaces of thin carbonate formations and the reservoir beds with little wave impedance differences ;

  15. 基于球面三角学的球面并联机构位姿正解近轴球面反射成像的二级近似与象差

    Direct Position Analysis of Spherical Parallel Mechanisms Based on Spherics The More Exact Law and Aberration of Reflection Image on Axial Spherical Surface

  16. 提出了混凝土结构中任意缺陷的应力波反射成像测试与诊断方法。

    A stress wave reflection imaging ( SWRI ) method is presented to test and diagnose the complex defects in the concrete structure .

  17. 针对远距离的目标检测与跟踪,采用折反射成像方式,设计了一种高分辨力全向视觉系统。

    To implement target detection and tracking in long distance , a kind of high resolution omni-directional vision system is designed by catadioptric imaging .

  18. 本文给出了二级近似时近轴球面反射成像的物象规律,进而讨论了横向放大率与像差。

    The more exact object image law of reflection image on axial spherical surface is presented , the lateral magnification and aberration are discussed .

  19. 声反射成像测井仪器仿真及波形处理技术研究动失水仪方形磁体耦合器的动态仿真

    The Study on the Simulation of the Borehole Acoustic Reflection Imaging Logging Tool and It 's Waveform Processing Method ; Dynamical simulation of square-magnet-coupler systems in DWL instrument

  20. 理论与实际资料的处理结果表明,该方法对速度随深度变化地区的大倾角反射成像是十分有效的。

    Theoretical and real processing results show that the method is very suitable to the image of steep-dip seismic data in the area where seismic velocity varies with depth .

  21. 虽然区域构造与火山岩的复合发育区的基本轮廓可被识别,但陡倾角地层的反射成像不清晰,火山岩地层边界模糊。

    Though it is roughly recognizable for the outlines of regional structure and volcanic rocks , the images of steep dip strata and boundary of volcanic rock are smeared .

  22. 研究了编码孔径成像的重建技术,给出了二维目标编码成像的重建方法。目前多采用掠入射反射成像和编码孔径成像方法。

    Some research has been done on the rebuilding technology of the imaging by the coded aperture , and a rebuilding method is presented for the two-dimensional object imaging by the coded aperture .

  23. 本文以镜面反射成像理论为基础,提出了一种空间辐射致冷器表面热耦合视因子的积分解法。

    Based on the theory of the specular image technique , a method of integral solution used to solve the view factors between the thermal coupling surfaces of a space radiant cooler is introduced .

  24. 介绍了薄透镜焦距测定中观察到的一种反射成像现象,指出利用薄透镜正反两次反射成像可较好地测定其折射率和前后表面的曲率半径。

    This article introduces a reflective imaging phenomenon observed in the measurement of thin-lens focal length . It points out that the thin-lens 's refractive index and curvature radius of its back and front surface could be well measured by two reflective imaging of its con and front side .

  25. 超声反射CT成像理论及实验研究

    Imaging theory and experiment studies in ultrasonic reflection mode tomography

  26. 时域反卷积算法用于提高超声反射CT成像分辨率

    A time-domain deconvolution algorithm used to improve resolution for ultrasonic reflection mode computerized tomography

  27. 生物组织的超声反射CT成像研究

    Ultrasonic reflective computer tomography of biological tissue

  28. 超声反射层析成像的Fourier切片理论及对积分线弯曲影响的修正

    Fourier slice theorem for ultrasonic reflective tomography and correction to the effect caused by curvature of integral lines

  29. 通过低频有源声纳进行海底潜伏反射物成像CMOS低中频有源复数带通滤波器设计

    Sub-Seafloor Buried Reflectors Imaged by Low Frequency Active Sonar Design of a CMOS Low-IF Active Complex Bandpass Filter

  30. 该方法通过聚焦深度分析和CRP射线追踪来获得剩余时差,避免了叠前反射层析成像繁重的旅行时拾取工作。

    The method gained residual moveout by focus depth analysis and CRP ray-tracing , which avoided tedious pick-up of travel-time in prestack reflection tomography .