
fǎn fǔ chànɡ lián
  • 熟语combat corruption and maintain a clean government
  1. 反腐倡廉运动席卷全国。

    The campaign against corruption and for clean government is sweeping across the country .

  2. 法国航空母公司的大中华区总经理顾瑞新(BasGerressen)表示,近期中国政府反腐倡廉风暴对公司的业务有影响。

    Air France-KLM 's general manager for greater China , Bas Gerressen , said a recent crackdown by the Chinese government that discourages ostentatious consumption by officials has influenced its business .

  3. 国有企业反腐倡廉制度执行力的社会学研究

    A Sociological Study on the State-owned Enterprises ' Anti-corruption Execution Ability

  4. 因此,税务系统的反腐倡廉工作是必不可少。

    Therefore , the tax system is essential for anti-corruption work .

  5. 反腐倡廉需要良好的法制环境

    Combating Corruption and Building a Clean Government Needs Sound Legal System Environment

  6. 高校反腐倡廉工作中的新情况及其对策

    New situations and Countermeasures in Anti-corruption in Colleges and Universities

  7. 高校内部反腐倡廉制度的顶层设计原则探析

    Analysis on Top-down Design Principle of Anti-Corruption System in Universities

  8. 关于进一步加强高等院校反腐倡廉建设的研究

    Research on Further Strengthening the Construction of Anti-Corruption & Clean-Administration in Universities

  9. 第六章:国外反腐倡廉制度建设的经验与启示。

    The sixth chapter : foreign anti-corruption system construction experience and enlightenment .

  10. 试论高校惩防体系中的反腐倡廉教育

    On Anti-corruption Education under Punishing and Preventing System at Universities

  11. 行政道德对促进反腐倡廉建设具有导向、控制、调节、教育和激励等功能。

    Administration moral has the functions of lead , controlling and adjusting etc.

  12. 反腐倡廉是一项重大的政治任务。

    The fight against corruption is a major political task .

  13. 农业科研体制改革与反腐倡廉工作

    Reform of system and fight against corruption in agricultural scientific research institution

  14. 以科学发展观统领高校反腐倡廉建设

    University Anti-corruption Construction under the Guidance of Scientific Development View

  15. 反腐倡廉制度建设问题不仅具有很强的理论性,而且具有很强的实践性。

    The anti-corruption system construction not only has great theoretical and highly practical .

  16. 儒家政治文化与反腐倡廉

    The Confucian Political Culture and the Construction of a Clean and Honest Government

  17. 严字当头反腐倡廉

    The Word " Strictness " First and Fighting against Corruptness and Promoting Integrity

  18. 当前反腐倡廉建设形势分析与对策研究

    A Study on the Current Situation of Clean Government Construction and the Countermeasures

  19. 高等院校改革开放30年反腐倡廉建设调研报告

    Investigative Report of Construction of Anti-Corruption Clean-Administration in University in 30-Year Reform Opening

  20. 乡镇干部队伍反腐倡廉建设对策研究

    The Countermeasure Study of the Construction of Anti-corruption and Pro-cleanness of Township Cadres

  21. 反腐倡廉制度建设,重在建设,贵在落实。

    The anti-corruption system construction , focusing on construction , putting into practice .

  22. 近年来,对于舆论监督和反腐倡廉而言,有两种十分明显的趋势。

    There are two obvious trends for supervision by public opinion and anti-corruption .

  23. 制度建设是开展反腐倡廉工作的保证。

    The construction of system is the basis for the job carried on .

  24. 经济责任审计是一项管理、反腐倡廉的重要措施。

    Economical responsibility audit are important measures about confirm administering and against corruption .

  25. 第二章:反腐倡廉制度及其效用的一般理论。

    The second chapter : Anti-corruption and utility theory .

  26. 因此反腐倡廉建设的重要性愈加突出。

    Therefore , the importance of building anti-corruption becomes more and more prominent .

  27. 市场经济条件下反腐倡廉机制的研究

    Study of Anti-Corruption Mechanism under Market Economic Conditions

  28. 新时期反腐倡廉的重要性及对策

    The importance and countermeasures about Anti & corruption and Initiating Integrity at new times

  29. 认真分析农村基层组织反腐倡廉建设面临的突出问题。

    On how to strengthen the basic organization building of the league in college ;

  30. 最后,提出增强反腐倡廉实效性的对策。

    Finally , it puts forward to countermeasures to enhance the effectiveness against corruption .