
  • 网络polynomial equation
  1. 加密方案利用有限域中的多项式方程(基于LaGrange插值公式)来构造(m,n)-门限方案,该门限方案和一次一密乱码本一样安全。

    The ( m , n ) - threshold scheme , which is constructed on polynomial equation over finite field ( based on LaGrange interpolation formula ), is secure as one-time pad 's.

  2. 矩阵多项式方程与可逆系统的典范分解

    Matrix Polynomial Equation and the Canonical Decomposition of Invertible System

  3. 广义预测控制中Diophantine矩阵多项式方程的显式解

    Explicit solution of Diophantine matrix polynomial equations in generalized predictive control

  4. 多项式方程组的主项解耦消元法

    An Elimination Method With Decoupling of Leading Terms for Polynomial Set

  5. 解稀疏多项式方程组的特征值方法的建立与等价性定理

    The Construction of Eigenvalue Method of Sparse Polynomial and Equivalence Theorem

  6. 用极小化技术求多项式方程的根

    A MinimizatiOn Method For Finding Roots of a Polynomial Equation

  7. 求解多项式方程组的综合消元法

    Synthetic Elimination Method for Solving a Polynomial System of Equations

  8. 用齐次同伦函数求多项式方程组的所有解

    Finding All Solutions to Polynomial Systems with Homogeneous Homotopy Function

  9. 多项式方程组的组合结式方法初探

    The preliminary of combination resultant approach on polynomial equation system

  10. 一元实系数多项式方程实根的求解问题

    Problems on Solving Real Roots of Unitary Real Coefficient 's Polynomial Equation

  11. 关于有限域上多项式方程组的解数估计

    A note on zeros of polynomials over finite fields

  12. 具有m-齐次结构多项式方程组的同伦算法

    Homotopy Methods for Solving Polynomial Systems with Multi-homogeneous Structure

  13. 同伦方法是求多项式方程组全部孤立解的主要数值方法。

    Homotopy continuation method is the primary numerical algorithm to solve polynomial systems .

  14. 多项式方程根的求解方法

    A new method for finding roots of polynomial equation

  15. 两个多项式方程有公共根的判别法

    A Criterion of Two Polynomial Equations Having Common Roots

  16. 单侧逼近迭代法及其在求解多项式方程根中的应用

    One-sided approximate iteration method and its application in finding roots of polynomial equations

  17. 特征值方法是求解多项式方程组的基本方法之一。

    Eigenvalue method is one of the fundamental methods that solve polynomial system .

  18. 同时给出了关联实验结果的多项式方程的各参数。

    The parameters of polynomial equation for fitting the experimental results are also reported .

  19. 求多项式方程组的所有孤立解

    Solving All the Isolated Zeros of Polynomial Systems

  20. 使用多项式方程方法的线性二次控制

    Linear Quadratic Control Using Polynomial Equation Method

  21. 一种求多项式方程根的参数并行加速迭代法

    An Accelerated Parallel Iteration Method with Parameters for Solving All Roots of a Polynomial Equation

  22. 两个求解多项式方程的迭代法

    Two Iteration Methods for a Polynomial Equation

  23. 方差分析表明3个多项式方程显著或高度显著。

    Analyses of variance show that three polynomial equations have notable significance or more notable significance .

  24. 本文构造了一个求首项系数为1,而其余系数均为相等负实数的多项式方程的最大正实根μ的迭代公式。

    In this paper , an iteration formula used for computing the positive root of polynomial equations has been construct-ed.

  25. 对于非线性多项式方程组,给出了应用同伦法无需选取初值求其全部复数解或实数解的数值算法。

    Aiming at solving real roots of unitary real coefficients polynomial equation , a practical numeric solution is put forward .

  26. 使用多项式方程方法解决一类线性二次控制问题。

    In this paper , a class of linear quadratic control problem is solved by using the method of polynomial equations .

  27. 百粒鲜重和百粒干重与授粉后天数之间关系可以用三次多项式方程表示。

    The relationship between 100-grain fresh weight , 100-grain dry weight and the day after pollination were cubic polynomial equation . 6 .

  28. 代数攻击的基本思想是将分组密码算表示为多变量多项式方程组,进而通过求解来恢复密钥。

    The basic idea of the algebraic cryptanalysis is to express the block cipher as the large multivariate polynomial sys-tem of equations .

  29. 通过公式推导和替换,该算法将原本复杂的时差、频差定位方程组化简为简单的6次实系数多项式方程,极大地降低了原方程组的计算复杂度。

    By the formulae deducing and substituting , this algorithm changes the complex equations set into a simple 6-order polynomial with real coefficient .

  30. 根据拟合的多项式方程推算得到的中国对虾的最佳生长温度为297℃。

    The optimum temperature for the growth of shrimp was calculated from the relationship of SGR , which was29.7 ℃ in this study .