
  • 网络inversion
  1. Laplace数值反演变换中的最小标准误差原理

    The least criterion error principle on Laplace numerical inversion transform

  2. 利用空间反演变换求空间曲柄滑块机构的滑块行程

    A method for determining the stroke of the slide block of the mechanism by means of the principle of the spatial inversion

  3. 独立同指数分布的随机变量序列的一个Laplace反演变换

    A Laplace inverse transformation of a random variable sequence of independent same exponential distribution

  4. 程序变换中的Cooper变换与函数反演变换之比较

    Comparision between Cooper Transformation and Functional Inversion Transformation

  5. 用本方法优选的参量,可使Laplace反演变换具有很高的精度和稳定性。

    It is confirmed that this method has high accuracy and practical value for further application of Laplace integral transform .

  6. 应用最小标准误差原理,解决了Laplace反演变换中各控制参量(λ·N·T)的选定。

    The least criterion error principle on the numerical inversion of Laplace transform is presented in this paper . The reasonable selection of relative controlling parameters (λ, N , T , etc. )

  7. 应用Markov过程理论和Laplace反演变换的方法,求出了系统可靠度和首次故障前平均时间的直接表达式。

    Using Markov process theory and the Laplace transformation method , we obtain the explicit expressions of the reliability and the mean time to first failure of the system .

  8. 应用Abel反演变换,使方程组正则化为Fredholm第二类积分方程组,并由此给出对偶积分方程组的一般性解。

    Using Abel anti transformation , the equations are further reduced to the second kind of Fredholm canonical integral equations .

  9. 建立了有限Hankel变换及反演变换理论,证明了有限Hankel变换的若干性质,利用有限Hankel变换给出了有限直径轴对称应力系统的一般解。

    The theory of finite Hankel transform and its inversion formula were founded and some properties of finite Hankel transform were proved . By this theory , the general solution of symmetric stress system on axis with finite diameter was got .

  10. 用反演变换坐标系求解一些二维弹性力学问题

    The solution of some two-dimensional problems of elasticity by using inversion

  11. 解释了衍射图样的形成,证明了这种光束的衍射图样中存在反演变换关系。

    The existence of inversion relation in these diffraction patterns is demonstrated .

  12. 最后,通过小波反演变换重构多光谱图像。

    Finally , the fused image is obtained by taking inverse wavelet transform .

  13. 我们通过收缩和反演变换,把圆环面进行降阶。

    We reduce the order of torus by shrinking them and inversion transformation .

  14. 空间反演变换及性质

    Space - Reflected Transformation and Its Property

  15. 反演变换在计算机绘图中的应用

    Application of inversion transformation to computer graphics

  16. 光学的反演变换测量

    Optical measurment using inverse transformation

  17. 在速端曲线法的应用中,一种最有用的变换是反演变换。

    A transformation that is most useful in the application of the hodograph method is the inversion transformation .

  18. 用展缩和反演变换研究了某些半线性椭圆型方程解的单调性和对称性。

    The monotonicity and the symmetry of the solutions of the semilinear elliptic equations are studied by the dilation and the inversion method .

  19. 反演变换推导出的圆环面与斜椭圆锥面相贯线投影的参数方程,完全满足计算机绘图的要求。

    The parametric equation deduced by inversion transformation for the projection of intersecting line of the ring surface with inclined elliptic taper surface can adequately satisfy the requirement of computer drawing .

  20. 本文根据空间反演变换的原理,运用画法几何的方法,对空间曲柄滑块机构滑块行程的确定,提出了一种新的图解法。

    Based on the principle of the spatial inversion , this paper proposes a new method of determining the stroke of the slide block of the spatial slider-crank mechanism by way of descriptive geometry .

  21. 对于许多粘弹性问题,通常可以利用对应性原理,即由弹性问题的结果得到对应的粘弹性问题在拉普拉斯变换域内的解,再通过反演变换求得最终时域中的解。

    Correspondence principle is widely applied to solve viscoelastic problems , i. e. , the solutions in the Laplace field from the correspondent of elastic solutions , and the reversed solutions into time field by inverse transformation .

  22. 在这些理论基础之上,借助离散数据的拉普拉斯数值变换及其反演变换,建立了适合于低产低压井测试资料分析的褶积、反褶积分析方法。

    Based on these theory foundations , the convolution and deconvolution analysis methods that is fit for the analysis of the low-yield low-pressure well test data are established with the aid of the numerical Laplace transformation and the inversion of discrete data .

  23. 从模耦合理论出发,推导并建立了对称双波导LPWG耦合结构的耦合方程,通过拉普拉斯反演变换求解,得到了输出光功率函数和耦合系数的计算公式。

    Using the coupled mode theory , the coupling equations of the two symmetry waveguides with LPWGs have been derived and solved by Laplace Transform Inverse Laplace Transform method . The solutions give out the output light power and the coupling coefficient of the two symmetry waveguides .

  24. 螺旋对空间旋转和反演的变换性质

    The transformation property of screw for space rotation and inversion

  25. 本文通过反演保角变换与图形逼近相结合的方法,为许多传输线问题的分析提供了一种更加有效的方法.并以圆及正N边形组成的同轴线为例,阐述了这种方法。

    By searching the inverse transformation of the conformal mapping combined with the method of the graphical approximation , a more effective approach is presented for the analysis of many transmission lines .

  26. 一维粘弹性波动方程散射反演&小波变换应用

    1-D viscoelastic wave equation inversion ── application of wavelet transform

  27. 本文采纳了广义线性反演和小波变换方法的优点,提出了小波域的波阻抗反演方法。

    A new method for wave impedance inversion in wavelet domain is thus developed , which has joint advantages of the above two methods .

  28. 井震联合地震道多尺度反演利用小波变换井震联合提高地震资料分辨率

    SEISMIC TRACE MULTI-SCALE INVERSION USING LOGGING DATA AND SEISMIC DATA Heighten Resolution of Seismic Informations Through Application of Wavelet Transform and Combine of Logging and Seismic

  29. Carlitz反演公式与Waston变换

    The Carlitz Inverse Formulas and the Waston Transformation

  30. 利用双曲复时空间的对称性,可以解释时间反演、能量反演与复共轭变换的对应关系,能够找出正、反粒子的时空对应点。

    Utilizing the symmetric property of the hyperbolic complex space-time , we may explain the correspondence relations of time inversions , energy inversions and complex conjugate transformations . In the meantime , we can find the space-time correspondence points of the positrinos and the antiparticles .