
shuāng shù
  • even numbers;dual
双数[shuāng shù]
  1. 双数30例患者采用普通肛管,0.1%~0.2%肥皂水灌肠为传统组。

    Thirty patients with even numbers who were treated with clysis of 0.1 % ~ 0.3 % soap water by common anus canal were control group .

  2. 只要你准备的彩礼单是双数,这就是尊敬新娘家的表现。

    As long as you present some of the gifts on the list in even numbers , it is a wonderful gesture that shows respect to the bride 's family .

  3. 方法任选60例中风急性期患者(全部经CT或MR确诊),将住院号为双数者列为观察组,住院号为单数者列为对照组,每组30例。

    Methods 60 cases with acute heart stroke , all affirmatively diagnosed by CT or MR , were randomly divided into groups according to their registration numbers : 30 with odd number as observational group and the other 30 with even number as control group .

  4. 方法将起病到就诊时间为120d内的病人按入院次序随机分成两组(单数为第1组,双数为第2组),每组150例,共300例。

    Methods 300 patients adopted within 120 days from onset to admission were randomly divided into 2 groups , 150 in each .

  5. 单/双数车牌号码制度你的车号牌在哪里?

    Odd / Even Licence Scheme Where 's your number plate ?

  6. 有数的范畴,人称代词分单数、双数和复数。

    Personal pronoun is spilt into singular , dual and plural .

  7. 每逢双数年分便举行全州性的选举,选出参议员。

    Senators are chosen in state-wide elections held in even-numbered years .

  8. 单数天去哈瓦那,双数天去圣地亚哥。

    On odd days , havana , on even days , santago .

  9. 单/双数车牌号码制度GB/T16742.1-1997颗粒粒度分布的函数表征幂函数

    Odd / Even Licence Scheme Function representation of particle size distribution power-function

  10. 方法将60例脑血管意外病人按入院顺序单双数随机分成两组,各30例,单数为对照组,双数为观察组;

    Methods Sixty patients with cerebrovascular accident were divided into two groups randomly .

  11. 指老师兼作家,一个人,双数谓语。

    The teacher and writer is an able man .

  12. 因为在中国,双数表示吉利。

    Because in China , double means lucky .

  13. 美国的总统选举每四年、在能被4除的双数年中举行一次。

    Presidential election every four years , in addition to be4 years of double-held .

  14. 第二行与所有的双数行:下针。

    2nd and alt rows : knit .

  15. 所有的礼物都是双数,意指“喜上加喜”…

    All gifts should come in even numbers , meaning " good things double ... "

  16. 中国人送礼物时很强调双数,因为单数被认为不吉利。

    The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs , for odd numbers are regarded as inauspicious .

  17. 古希腊语中有双数形式,但在现代希腊语中已同复数形式合并在一起了。

    Ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek .

  18. 在俄国,如果你想送花,那一定要送单数的,双数意味着厄运。

    In Russia , if you present flowers , you should only give an odd number , or it means bad luck .

  19. 春联通常是成对张贴,因为双数在中国文化中是好运气和吉祥的象征。

    New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture .

  20. 热菜为主,一般为双数,如4个、6个、8个。

    Hot dishes are the main courses ; usually there are even numbers of hot dishes , 4 , 6 or 8 .

  21. 因为双数课的内容和单数的内容一样,所以我没有在这儿写下双数课的内容。

    Because the double lessons are the same as the single lessons , so I didn 't write the double lessons in here .

  22. 把面团擀成0.25厘米厚,用大饼干模印出双数数量的饼干。

    Roll the dough to0.25cm thick , cut into big circles with a fluted cookie cutter ( in even numbers in quantities ) .

  23. 指示两个人或物的数字范畴的,如希腊语,梵语与古英语中双数概念。

    Of , relating to , or being a number category that indicates two persons or things , as in Greek , Sanskrit , and Old English .

  24. 但是请小心,如果双数的开关在同时被启动,电源就会恢复,而笼子也就无法打开了。

    But be careful , if the number of double-switch was activated at the same time , power will be restored , and it can not open the cage .

  25. 双引号双数场引号中的位置和一个制表符分隔的文件影响到他们如何处理时,该文件是进口的。

    Double quotes The location and number of double quote marks in a field in a tab delimited file affect how they are handled when the file is imported .

  26. 本文着重从历史发展的角度对俄语名词双数形式的出现、消亡及其演化作一简单的剖析。

    This paper , based on historical evolution , offers a preliminary analysis of the origin , extinction and evolution of the concept and forms of dual in Russian nouns .

  27. 假如交替地遮挡衍射级(仍假设为光栅标本),线性光栅的数量会成双数(伪分辨率)。

    If alternate diffracted orders are blocked out ( still assuming the grating as our specimen ), the number of lines in grating would appear doubled ( a spurious resolution ) .

  28. 方法结合康复医学理论与技术,改良脑卒中偏瘫患者常规护理,制定出一套旨在降低其痉挛程度的护理模式。160名脑卒中患者按入院先后顺序单数为常规护理组,双数为康复护理组。

    Methods 160 stroke patients were divided into experimental group and control group according to hospitalized sequence , the former received early rehabilitation nursing , while the later received routine nursing .

  29. 有几对情侣在12个月之前就已经预定好了,还有些情侣已经预定了明年/12年12月12日的双数结婚吉日本世纪最后一个三十二。

    Several made their reservation 12 months ago , and couples have already made reservations for next year 's 12 / 12 / 12 binary date , the last of the century .

  30. 本文在实验设计中,用折扣系数法将未知参数的点估计问题由双数因素试验推广到等重复三因素试验中,并得到较好的结果。

    In an experimental design , the problem of point estimation of unknown parameters is extended with discounted coefficient method from double-factor experiment to three-factor experiment with repeated numbers obtaining more standarized results .