
xiàn zhī shì
  • county magistrate ;head of a county
县知事 [xiàn zhī shì]
  • [county magistrate] 民国初年称一县的长官

  1. 2008年,来自不同党派的一些颇具改革头脑的都道府县知事建立了一个名为“选择(Sentaku)”的团体,意在削弱东京官僚干涉。

    In2008 reform-minded prefectural governors from several parties formed a group called Sentaku , aimed at reducing interference from Tokyo bureaucrats .

  2. 民国初年县知事考试述论

    On the Examination of the County Magistrate in the First Years of the Republic

  3. 江苏日伪县知事县长群体分析

    A Group Analysis of the Head of the County in the Puppet Regime of Jiangsu

  4. 而驻冲绳美军司令却在发给下属的电子邮件中侮辱冲绳县知事和县议会。

    However , in an e-mail message to his subordinates , the US commander in Okinawa insulted the Okinawa magistrate and parliament .

  5. 山梨县知事横内正明反对冬季封山,因为职业登山者冬季也需要训练,而且封山会影响山上乡村旅店的生意。

    Mr. Yokouchi of Yamanashi Prefecture opposed the winter ban because serious climbers still need to train in the winter and because the cottages on the mountain would suffer .

  6. 同时,这一时期的县知事群体,在籍贯回避制度以及任期、更迭等方面都较清政府时期发生了很大的变化。

    At this time , the county magistrate community differed from the Qing dynasty in the tenure native parrying system as well as the tenure period and the replacing system .

  7. 大阪一位县知事说:“我们已经要求学校停课,让学生呆在家里,除特殊情况外不得外出。”

    An Osaka prefecture official said : " We 've asked schools to close down and let students stay at home unless there 's a special need to go out . "

  8. 农民的权力在乡间初涨起来的时候,县知事和土豪劣绅是勾结一起共同对付农民的。

    When the power of the peasants was just beginning to make itself felt in the countryside , the magistrate worked in league with the local tyrants and evil gentry against the peasants .

  9. 第四章将南京国民政府时期县长考试与科举考试、县长选拔与任用制度与袁世凯时期县知事选拔与任用制度进行了比较,分析了其共通性与差异性。

    The fourth chapter compares county magistrate 's examination system with the ancient Chinese imperial examination system , the election and appointment system of the county magistrate in the period of Nanjing National Government with that of Yuan Shikai 's government , analyses their similarity and difference .

  10. 近日,德岛县副知事斋藤秀生赴上海推荐德岛&魅力观光之地。

    Recently , Saito , Vice Governor of Tokushima Prefecture in Shanghai show students recommended Tokushima-attractive tourist place .

  11. 静冈县同样毗邻富士山,该县知事川胜平太(HeitaKawakatsu)称,旅店和餐厅数量充足,足以应对游客人数的上升。

    Heita Kawakatsu , the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture , which also borders the mountain , said there are plenty of inns and restaurants to accommodate a rise in visitors .