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  1. 安徽霍邱县王郢古墓葬发掘简报

    An Excavation Report of the Ancient Tombs in Huoqiu County , Anhui Province

  2. 通过对海南省西南部一个经济较为落后的黎族村落&昌江县王下乡洪水村进行的民族学田野调查,对“地方信仰仪式”的问题进行了分析探讨。

    An investigation on Ethnology has been done in a poor village of Li people in Changjiang County in the west of Hainan province so as to probe into the local etiquette of belief .

  3. 这里指河北省安平县南王庄的三户贫农王玉坤、王小其、王小庞。

    The three poor peasant households here referred to were those of Wang yu-kun , Wang hsiao-chi and Wang hsiao-pang in nanwangchuang village , Anping county , Hopei province .

  4. 本文阐述了四川省旺苍县山王庙红色花岗石矿的地质特征,重点对其矿石的商品特色及矿石质量作了评价。

    The paper describes in detail the geological characteristics of the Shanwang Miao red granite deposit in Wangcang County , Sichuan Province . It maks a geological economic appraisal of the commodity features and the quality of granite in the deposit .

  5. 本文主要研究广西恭城瑶族自治县还盘王愿及吹笙挞鼓的历史记忆构建。

    The dissertation mainly focuses on the ritual ─ Fulfilling A Vow to the Pan King and the performance ─ Playing Sheng and Drumbeat in Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and discusses the theory of the construction of historical memories .

  6. 涞源县抗日小英雄王二小的献身故事已广为流传;

    Laiyuan County small anti-Japanese hero Wang dedication small story has already been ;