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xiàn zhì
  • county annals;county history;general records of a county
县志 [xiàn zhì]
  • [county annals;general records of a county] 专门记载一个县的历史、地理、风俗、人物、文教、物产等的志书

  1. 由杨深秀之子&杨韨田纂修的民国七年版《闻喜县志》,以完备的体例、精详的考辨、保存了大量珍贵、翔实的资料。

    Yang Futian , the eldest son of Yang Shenxiu , compiled Wenxi County Annals in the7th year of the Republic .

  2. 全文通过对传记、回忆录、县志、档案材料中基督教在近代陕北一带传播状况的分析希图展现出19世纪末20世纪初基督教在陕北传播的面貌。

    Through biography , memoirs , county annals , archives in modern times in northern Shaanxi , this paper shows the face of Christianity of the early 20th century .

  3. 续办南投县志编纂。

    Continue the compiling of the Nantou County history .

  4. 1992~2005年玛纳斯县志贺菌菌群分布及耐药性分析

    Flora Distribution and Analysis of Drug Resistance of Shigella in Manas County from 1992 to 2005

  5. 总结《秦安县志》编修的过程与体会,在一定程度上就是在总结本届修志经验和教训。

    To sum up the course of compiling and realization of it is to conclude the lesson and experience .

  6. 从遂川县志中得知,遂川县西部山区群众历来有捕鸟猎食的习惯,当地人认为此地有条“千古鸟道”。

    In1998 , a passageway of migratory birds was discovered in the western mountain area of Sui Chuan county .

  7. 乾隆版《曲阜县志·类编·著述》,是汇集历代邑人著述的综合性书目,所收之书分类部居,并撰有部序、类序,指明授受源流。

    The Qianlong Edition of Qufu Annals is a comprehensive booklist in which the compilation of books were made in different dynasties .

  8. 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名“黄龙古寺”。据松潘县志记载,该建于明代(公元1368一1644年)。

    On the hilltop stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery , a Taoist retreat hilt in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368 -- 1644 ) .

  9. 白沙祠是广东江门地区重要的历史文物资源,明清两朝的《新会县志》和现存的一些碑记石刻资料留下了不少关于白沙祠的记载。

    The Xinhui County Gazetteers left from the Ming and Qing dynasties and some surviving stone inscriptions contain a lot of records of the temple .

  10. 第三章,在大量地理志、县志等史料基础上对北宋河北路政区沿革做了详细阐述。

    The third chapter , in a large number of geography , historical materials on the basis of the Northern Song Dynasty Hebei County District history in detail .

  11. 泗洪话属江淮方言,迄今为止,泗洪语法只有本县县志及江苏省方言志中零星提及,系统、专题研究尚未见。

    Up to now , there has been no monographic research article on its grammatical system except for some fragmentary records in Sihong County Annals as well as in Dialect Records of Jiangsu Province .

  12. 国外对于战鼓乐上没有研究,国内对于战鼓乐的研究也只处于介绍阶段,没有较为深入的研究性的文章,只有一些地方县志、刊物有零星的记载。

    Abroad for " war drum " no study , home for the war drum research is also at the introduction stage , no more in-depth research articles , only some local county annals , publications are scattered records .