
xiàn wěi shū jì
  • County Party secretary
  1. 县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了。

    The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience .

  2. 安徽繁昌:第三只眼看县委书记

    Fanchang , Anhui : An Third Eye On the County Party Secretary

  3. 泗阳与意大利的Pavia和CasaleMonferrato是合作伙伴城市。今年早些时候,泗阳县县委书记赵深率团赴意大利访问。

    Earlier this year , Mr Zhao Shen , Chairman , County Council , Siyang County , lead a mission to Italy , where Siyang has twinning partners in Pavia and Casale Monferrato .

  4. 第二天,我见到了他们县委书记。

    The next day , I saw them county wei secretary .

  5. 我是巴东县委书记陈行甲。

    I Badong county party secretary Chen row A.

  6. 务的嘉禾县前县委书记周余武,痛定思痛,深刻反思。

    Works of Jiahe County Zhou Yuwu former party secretary , bitter , deep reflection .

  7. 县委书记如何从战略高度总揽全局?

    How does the Secretary of county Party committee wield overall authority from strategic thinking ?

  8. 县委书记、区委书记要把办社会主义之事当作大事看。

    Secretaries of county and district Party committees must look upon working for socialism as a matter of major importance .

  9. 1993年刘日担任任无极县委书记期间,全县实现了经济和社会的大发展。

    Liu1985-1993 term as county party committee secretary of the non-polar , the county has a large economic and social development .

  10. 王全明还表示,几名当地政府官员已被停职,其中包括襄汾县委书记和安监局局长。

    Wang also said several local officials , including a party chief and the Xiangfen work safety bureau chief , have been suspended from their duties .

  11. 县委书记、地委书记一大堆,为什么连个省委书记都找不出来?

    There are plenty of county and prefectural Party committee secretaries . Why , then , is it so hard to find a provincial Party committee secretary ?

  12. “瓮安事件”中被撤销党政职务的原县委书记,复出任黔南州财政局副局长;

    The former county party secretary who had been removed his job because of the " Weng'an Incident " came back as the vice Qiannan Finance Bureau Deputy Director .

  13. 1998年,36岁的吉林被选拔为北京市密云县县委书记。2007年,他被推举为北京市常务副市长。

    Ji was promoted to Party chief of Beijing ` s Miyun county at the age of 36 in 1998 , and elected as executive vice-mayor of Beijing in 2007 .

  14. 网友在新恩施论坛发帖《给新任县委书记的公开信》,给巴东新任县委书记陈行甲提出许多意见和建议。

    Enshi users in the new forum post " to the new county party secretary of the open letter " to the Badong county party secretary Chen 's new line of A made many comments and suggestions .

  15. 那些连排干部当然都是挑选好的经过几年锻炼,和营团干部一样胜任,都是很好的县委书记。

    Tempered through several years of work , those platoon and company cadres all of whom were good to begin with , of course became as competent as those of battalion and regimental rank , and they made very good county secretaries .

  16. 北川县委书记宋明在北川弃城南面2.5公里处的一个安置点对记者说,政府打算为县城重新选址,并希望将3万多名居民从危险地带转移。

    Officials are planning to relocate the county seat and hope to move more than 30000 residents out of dangerous areas , local Communist Party Secretary Song Ming told reporters at a resettlement camp here , 2.5 miles south of the abandoned town .

  17. 新世纪初,她远赴陕西周至老县城任挂职县委副书记,开始生态文学创作。

    Zhouzhi , an old county in Shanxi , she went and became a deputy secretary in the county committee at the beginning of the new century , and she began the creation of ecological literature works there .