
  1. 她一直不知道他姓什么。

    She 'd never known his surname

  2. 他姓王。

    He is surnamed Wang . ; His surname is Wang .

  3. 他姓蒋或是简之类的。

    His name 's Jong or Jang or something like that .

  4. 父亲的一些手帕绣着他姓与名的第一个字母所组成的图案。

    Some of Dad 's handkerchiefs are embroidered with his monogram .

  5. 这是我的朋友,他姓布莱克。语境。

    This is my friend and his surname is Black .

  6. 如果我没有记错的话,他姓鲍特金。

    His father 's name was potkins if I do not deceive myself .

  7. 他姓什么,卡特尔船长?

    ' What 's his name , Captain Cuttle ?

  8. 一名外科医生问他姓什么。

    A surgeon asked him what 's his surname .

  9. 那个新的电焊工,我不知道他姓什么。

    The new arc weider , I don 't know his Iast name .

  10. 我想要他姓你的姓。

    I wanted him to have your name .

  11. 等等这么说在他姓坎贝尔之前

    Wait , so before he was a Campbell

  12. “不是他姓白吗,怎会变成你的弟弟?”

    " Isn 't his family name bai ? How can he be your brother ?"

  13. 你知道他姓什么吧?-我想要回我的半根冰棒。

    You do know what is his last name ? - I want my popsicle back .

  14. 他姓贝利吗?

    His last name is Bailey ?

  15. 他姓比弗。

    His last name was Beaver .

  16. 海湾州政界认为肯尼迪三世有真才实学,无论他姓什么都是个很不错的候选人。

    Bay State politicos say Joe III is the real deal , and would be a good candidate no matter what his name .

  17. 他姓蒙克特,你们都知道,就像是哈特菲尔德和麦科伊,敌对的家族,两个爱人,和这古老的文学一样。

    He 's a Montague , you know , like the Hatfields and the McCoys , the warring families two lovers , it 's as old as literature that 's here .

  18. 我第一次熟悉用上帝的赐予来理解阿加比,这个概念是在读一本巨著的时候,那是Parkerson主教写的,他好像姓尼格伦?

    My first acquaintance about the idea of agape of God 's bestow came to me in a great work by a Parkerson bishop , the bishop of Lane , whose name was Nygren ?

  19. 丹尼尔哦,所以他不姓“侃”。

    Oh , so his surname isn 't " Kan " .

  20. 我都不知道他除了姓还有名

    Okay , I didn 't even know that he had a first name

  21. 当然了他也是姓“巴金斯”的

    Of course he does He 's a Baggins

  22. 他可能姓迪劳伦提斯

    maybe he was a DiLaurentis .

  23. 如今,“骆驼”摆在“祥子”之上,就更没有人关心他到底姓什么了。

    Now with " camel " tacked on , people cared even less about his family name .

  24. 打招呼:信头写完空两行,即使你已经见过招聘员工,也要写上“DearMr.”或者“Ms.”加上他或她的姓和一个冒号向他致意。

    Say Hello : Two lines below the header , greet the recruiter with " Dear Mr. " or " Ms. ", followed by his / her last name and a colon .

  25. 但为什么他要自称姓洛?

    But what * Why does he have to call himself novy ?

  26. 所以他改了姓。

    So the boy 's family name changed .

  27. 他说他姓什么来着?

    What he says his last name was ?

  28. 他真的姓Butkus?

    And his name is " butkus " ?

  29. 你给他取了姓他姓什么

    You named him by his last name , what 's his last name ?

  30. 他家这个姓是买回来的。

    His family bought the title .