- 名original position

On the Idea of the Original Position in Rawls ' Theory of Justice
Rawls considers original position to be a main factor of overall argument for justice principle .
Zhou Yi ── the Rudiment of the Primitive State of Chinese Peom
The porcelain loaded people to the memory of the original and early appearance in civilization .
The Origin of Original Position and its Inherent Problems & On the Logic of A Theory of Justice
Choose materials and their forms for their matter-of-factness or disassembled elements rather than immerse themselves comfortably and deceptively in aesthetic idiom .
So the original position and the veil of ignorance became the premise of his procedural justice , even the whole social justice theory .
From Original Position to Justice Principles & on Rawls proof of contractual idea ; A mode truncation criteria in POD technique and its application for analysis of wind-induced response of roofs
The difference principle , as the important part of the two principle of justice , is based on the choice of the original position , just like the other principles .
As a key concept of political philosophy and a focus on care topics , Original state has often be discussed as a starting point , or the cornerstone of the theory .
The Original Position : Diversion from Moral Constructivism to Political Constructivism The Interpretation of Taoism from the Angle of Logic & Analyzing the Cause of Taoism being Rejected by the Rulers Incidentally
In order to find the anser , this text tries hard to proceed with the origin of the drama to study what the drama was and how to exist on earth originally .
In the original state of fairness , people will unanimously choose the principle of equal liberty , the principle of fair equality of opportunity , and the difference principle which is the principle of just distribution .
Through the hypothesis of " original position " and with the aid of the two principles of justice , he relieved the " ignorance veil " so that the least beneficiary could be compensated and equality obtained .
Rawls demonstrates the possibility of intergenerational distribution from the contract theory , and sets a equitable deposited ratio in the generation , then each of generations could charge with the fair quotient of the just society endowed .
The idea of the original position not only has played the most important role in Rawls ' theoretic system of justice , but also has aroused strong response and greatly pushed forward the development of western political philosophy .
This article makes some introductions and analyses on Rawls ' contractual idea , especially on Primary state , the core of his theory and on the process through which he deduced the two Justice Principles from Primary state .
The theoretical prerequisite of John Rawls ' Equality thought is Original Status which is an equal state . People must be in a certain condition of equal status and have same rights when their come to an agreement about equality .
This article asserts that Bergson took the idea-time is authentic-as the starting point of his philosophical thinking , he challenged the traditional ideas of time on the basis of man 's rationality , and reconfirmed the life 's essence of time .
From the angel of Rawls ' whole theory of justice , the second part of this dissertation analyses the reasons that Rawls raised the idea of the original position and the role of the idea in the whole theoretic of justice .
The most outstanding feature of Derrida 's Deconstruction was to pursue the primitive state of the thinking object in language and find out its heterogeneous and paradoxical factors , so its paradoxical movement would explain itself in its self construction and things would be understood in the dynamic state .
I want to create the environment from scratch .
Investigation on the State of Eco-Environment in the West I want to create the environment from scratch .
He sketched the primary natural state and natural men living in the state by quoting the anthropological materials .