- 名legitimism

Such reality television type tricks may make purists groan .
A Complete Understanding of Marx and Engels , Comments on the Principle of Legitimacy of the Vienna Congress
This is different from individual evangelism preached by orthodox Christians , also is different from social gospel preached by old liberals .
There is no reason to expect that this attempt to revive orthodox communism will succeed .
Karl Llewellyn , in his early writings , was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory .
He tries to diminish the significance of orthodox Marxism by means of adding humanism to it .
Orthodox Marxism emphasizes the significance and value of the conclusion in some points , maintaining the spirits of the original thought for the text .
China is now the coming Asian power , but it is not an intellectual hub of pan-Asianism , either in Communist orthodoxy or in efforts to revive Confucianism .
And some officials are seen as orthodox marxists .
Unlike the traditional Marxism aesthetics , Marcuse consider that the art 's political potential exist in art itself , namely in aesthetic form itself .
Nevertheless , with the same fervour that orthodox Marxist-Leninsts once placed their hopes in the proletariat , a new generation of political scientists believes the emerging middle class to be the engine of history .
In the west , from the orthodox Marxists to revisionists of Marxism , then to the Western Marxists and Marxism-study scholars , the most of them deny or reject the moral dimension in the contents and the basic spirit of historical materialism .
Attitudes and positions of Orthodox Judaism towards Zionism have also reflected the entangled state when tradition facing modern times and religion confronting secular society .
In the process of diversity and pluralism for understanding and interpreting Marxism , both orthodox and unorthodox Marxists are the objective products in the process of the development and evolution of Marxism . They constitute the history of the development of Marxist in one side .
The characteristics of unorthodox is to question and to doubt , which challenges the authority and status of orthodox Marxism , in the pursuit of different understanding and interpretation from that of orthodox Marxism . So it leads to the formation of diversity and different patterns .