
  1. 河南的区域经济优势十分明显,发展潜力巨大。

    Henan regional economy has occupied the dominant superiority and the great developing potentiality .

  2. 河南区域经济优势分析与中原崛起的若干思考

    Study on the Superiority of Henan Regional Economy and the Thriving of Central China

  3. 随着国家经济的发展,内地区域经济优势互补、调发展的格局也会形成。

    As China 's economy develops , different regions in the Mainland will complement and co-ordinate the advantages of their economic developments .

  4. 培育具有区域经济优势的主导产业,对地区产业结构调整与优化、分享区域分工成果、缩小地区间差异意义重大。

    Cultivating regional economic advantage dominant industry in the area , it is important significance for the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure in areas , sharing results of regional specialization , Narrowing the regional differences and so on .

  5. 延边黄牛作为我国五大地方良种牛之一,是不可多得的具有我国特色的肉牛品种,极具国际市场潜力,目前延边黄牛产业已经形成独具特色的区域经济优势。

    Yanbian Yellow Cattle with rare characteristics of special beef was one of five local elite in our country , thus it had a great potential in international market . Yanbian Yellow Cattle had become a unique regional economic advantage currently .

  6. 在国家中部崛起大战略下,南昌市要发挥区域经济优势,整合各种经济资源,提高城市的区域竞争力,建立现代化的城市综合交通运输体系是必不可少的前提和条件。

    At the national rise of central China under the strategy , it is the essential condition that Nanchang must display the region economical superiority , which integrate each resource , enhance the region competitive power , and establish the city modern integrated transportation system .

  7. 粮食大省的产粮优势转变为区域综合经济优势研究

    On Transforming Grain Production Superiority into Regional Synthetical Economic Superiority in Grain Provinces

  8. 基于区位商法的大庆区域经济比较优势及其发展战略

    The comparative advantage analysis of Daqing regional economy based on locational quotient and its development strategy

  9. 基于熵值与功效评分法的区域经济比较优势评价

    The Application of Comprehensive Evaluation Model in the Comparison of Regional Economic-based on Entropy and Effectiveness Factor Method

  10. 分析了地方高校图书馆服务于区域经济的优势,提出了地方高校图书馆为区域经济服务的具体措施。

    This paper analyze the advantages of local college library for regional economy , and bring forward specific measures for regional economy in local college library .

  11. 区域经济内优势产业群体的形成,是在市场力量作用下众多投资者和厂商的群体选择,是由市场选择、竞争定位的。

    The forming of advantageous industry group within regional economy is the group choice of many investors and manufacturers under the market force , which is chosen by the market and decided by the competition .

  12. 获得区域经济竞争优势只是区域经济可持续发展的基础,拥有能够产生可持续的创新、演变和对环境把握的核心竞争能力才是可持续竞争优势的根源所在。

    It points out that obtained region economy competence is only the basic of region economy sustainable development . The core competence that brings sustainable innovation , evolvement and hold environment is foundation stone to sustainable competition advantage .

  13. 西部开发中具备诸多需要重点研究的因素,其中尤为突出的四大优势是自然资源优势、区域特色经济优势、工业技术优势、市场与边境贸易优势。

    There are lots of factors needed to be seriously studied in western development , among which the four most prominent advantages are those of natural resources , regional featured economy , industrial technology and market linking with the frontier trade .

  14. 论构建区域经济发展的优势

    On the advantage of establishing the regional economic development

  15. 区域经济社会系统优势模糊综合评价方法

    The method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the advantage of regional economic society system

  16. 我国三大区域民营经济发展优势与特色之比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Advantages and Features of Private Economy of Major Three Areas in China

  17. 重庆作为中国西部唯一的直辖市,具有明显的区域优势和经济优势。

    As one and only municipality in Southwest China , Chongqing has obvious advantages in locations and economic .

  18. 在这种背景下,如果单纯从地方产业网络内部,挖掘区域经济的竞争优势,已很难把握区域间产业重塑的动态变化。

    It is unlikely to understand the interregional dynamic industrial restructuring if regional economic advantages are seen only from internal factors .

  19. 实施小杂粮产业化开发工程是将山西资源优势变经济优势的有效途径,是区域经济开发的优势和长处。

    To carry out minor coarse cereals industrialization development is an effective way of transforming resource superiority into economical superiority , and it is an advantage of district economical development .

  20. 产业集群有效地结合产业发展和区域经济发展的优势,产生强劲的竞争力,已经成为区域经济发展的加速器。

    The industrial cluster which have become a " accelerator " of regional economic development , combine the advantages of industrial development and regional economic development effectively and generate strong competitiveness .

  21. 嘉兴应抓住这一机遇合理地充分地利用自身区域特色经济的优势,及时实施走出去战略,以实现经济的快速持续发展。

    Jiaxing should make good use of the advantages of its regional characteristic economy and carry out the " going out " strategy timely to accomplish fast and sustainable economic development .

  22. 产业集聚作为特殊的生产组织方式,是区域经济获得竞争优势和经济效率的源泉,日益成为各国经济发展的战略。

    As the special production organization , industry cluster is the resource of competitive advantage and economic efficiency in local economic , and it becomes the economic strategy in many countries .

  23. 作者立足增强西部区域经济的整体优势,把研究重点从探讨资源在经济主体的集聚转为探讨资源在地理空间的集聚。

    Based on strengthening the whole competitive advantage of western regional economy , the investigative emphasis is changed from the resource concentration in the economic body to that in the geographic space .

  24. 汽车产业集群这种效率极高的生产组织方式由于能够充分发挥产业发展和区域经济发展的优势,在理论和实践中都得到了充分的肯定。

    This production method is highly approved both in theoretics and practice for its great efficiency . As well , automobile industry delta is also a method to exert its advantages in industry development and regional development .

  25. 从发展区域经济、开发优势资源和形成旅游吸引力3个方面分析,环巢湖水体旅游资源特色开发具有必然性。

    This paper analyzed three factors which was to develop the regional economy , to develop the advantage resources and to form tourist attractions . It was necessity to develop the characteristic tourist products of water resources around Chaohu Lake .

  26. 应用模糊数学方法,对区域经济社会系统优势进行模糊综合评价,并以广西贺县区域经济社会系统优势模糊综合评价为例,讨论模型的建立和综合评价的结果。

    This paper applied the method of fuzzy to the comprehensive evaluation for the advantage of regional economic society system , and discussed the establishment of model and the result of comprehensive evaluation with He County , Guangxi , as an example .

  27. 大庆市区域经济发展的比较优势分析

    Analysis of comparison advantages of regional economic development in Daqing

  28. 造就长江沿岸区域经济带:综合优势、基本功能和对策创意

    Constructing the Yangtze River Coastal Region Economical Belt : Comprehensive Superiority , Basic Function and Countermeasure Creativity

  29. 传统产业优势正是构建山西区域特色经济的比较优势。

    Traditional industrial superiority is a comparative superiority for construction of the economy with regional characteristics of Shanxi Province .

  30. 本文分析了东盟自由贸易区不同于南南型区域经济合作的独特优势,具有良好的发展前景。

    This thesis analyzes the unique advantages of ASEAN Free Trade Area comparing with South-South Regional Economic Cooperation , and supposes ASEAN Free Trade Area has great prospect .