
  • 网络the Southern Silk Road
  1. 探寻贵州·南方丝绸之路

    Exploring the Southern Silk Road in Guizhou

  2. 云南与印度从古至今沿着南方丝绸之路源源不断地把滇印民间贸易延续下来。

    Yunnan and India has maintained a folk trade since ancient time along the southern silk road .

  3. 贝叶文化与南方丝绸之路

    The Pattra-leaf Culture and the Southern Silk Road

  4. 建议以南方丝绸之路为文化背景开辟跨国旅游线

    The proposal to open the international tourist routes against the cultural background of the South Silk Road

  5. 在湖北境内的蜀道就是纵横延伸于川陕鄂豫数省、被近人称之为“南方丝绸之路”的汉水流域古盐道。

    So we can say that Emperor Yan is the biggest and highest pride for the people in Hanjiang River region .

  6. 南方丝绸之路是古代中国西南地区与东南亚、南亚、中亚和西亚各国进行经济文化交流的国际通道。

    Abstract The Silk Road in Southern China was an international passageway through which the exchange of economy and culture was carried .

  7. 距离一条河流上的老吊桥不远,从前商人马帮沿着南方丝绸之路到缅甸和印度都频繁地经过这里。

    Not far from it is the old suspension bridge over the river , formerly busy with caravans on the Southern Silk Route to Burma and India .

  8. 正在建设中的,而且很快将使缅甸公路失色的是一条新的“南方丝绸之路”,穿越缅甸北部连接印度和中国。

    Under construction , and soon to eclipse the Burma Road is a new " Southern Silk Road " , linking India to China across northern Myanmar .

  9. 古老的南方丝绸之路和茶马古道,不仅把历史和今天,还把高原风光、地理奇观、民族风情连成一片。

    The Ancient Southern Silk Road and Tea-Horse Road link not only the history and the presence , but also the Plateau sceneries , geographical landscapes and folk customs .

  10. 我司是专业的丝绸面料织造及成品加工企业,工厂位于中国著名的南方丝绸之路起点&四川。

    Division I professional silk fabrics are woven and finished product processing enterprises , factories located in China 's famous Silk Road , the starting point of the South & Sichuan .

  11. 历史上从云南经东南亚邻国到印度及欧洲罗马,有一条被称作“南方丝绸之路”的通道,长期以来一直发挥着商业往来和文化交流的历史作用。

    " The Southern Silk Road " traversed from Yunnan , through Southeast Asian countries and India , to Rome in Europe , and played an important role in trade and cultural exchanges in history .

  12. 中央王朝势力的加强与南方古丝绸之路的开发

    The power of central government was strong enough to reign over frontiers and open the South Overland Silk Route

  13. 地球上最重头的“节目”正在其它地区上演:那是一条南方“丝绸之路”的诞生,一张连接亚洲、中东、非洲和拉美的新“南-南”贸易通道网络的贯通。

    The greatest show on earth is happening elsewhere : the creation of a Southern Silk Road , a network of new " south-south " trading routes connecting Asia , the Middle East , Africa and Latin America .