
  • 网络regional governance;region governance
  1. 非传统安全的区域治理与上海合作组织

    On Regional Governance of Non-traditional Security and Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  2. 在此基础上提出了我国区域治理结构存在的问题,指出了未来区域治理的优化方向。

    Finally some directions to design regional governance structure in China was made .

  3. 成渝城市发展与区域治理模式研究

    Study on Urban Development and District Governance in Chongqing and Chengdu

  4. 我国沿海地区水污染区域治理探讨

    Study on the regional control of water pollution in coastal regions

  5. 区域治理的国际视野&解读广东国际经济发展咨询会

    An international view of regional administration-On Guangdong International Economic Development Consulting Conference

  6. 这些争论对当代中国区域治理具有一定的借鉴意义。

    It is beneficial to govern regional problems in China .

  7. 区域治理与开发空间信息系统研究

    Spatial Information System of Regional Comprehensive Development and Management

  8. 区域治理结构优化研究

    Study on Regional Governance Structure and Its Design

  9. 区域治理创新的制度分析:府际治理视角

    Analysis on the System of Regional Governance Innovation from the Perspective of Intergovernmental Governance

  10. 第三,分析区域治理与府际关系的变革过程与存在的问题以及问题的原因。

    Third , analyze the process of change and the problems of regional governance .

  11. 长江上游生态修复与重点区域治理研究

    Ecological Reconstruction in Upper Reaches of Yangtze River and Control of Major Water Areas

  12. 区域治理已初见成效,但范围与深度仍需拓展;

    Regional governance has won initial success ;

  13. 横亘在不同治理主体之间的利益鸿沟与观念对抗使他们之间的误解和冲突非常普遍。东亚移民问题的区域治理还在形成当中。

    Interest gap and idea antagonism among different governance subjects has made their misperceptions and conflicts common .

  14. 红黄壤地区农业区域治理与发展的几个问题

    Some Problems on Regional Agricultural Harness and Development of Red and Yellow Soil Region in South China

  15. 这再一次说明,因俗而治是民族区域治理中像自然科学那样精确的反映民族区域治理规律的思想理论。

    This again proves that Ruling according to nationality customs reflects the law of governing the nationality area .

  16. 区域治理就是把区域内不同部门和组织的优势整合起来,共同对移民问题进行治理。

    The essence of regional governance is to integrate different sectors and organizations ' advantages in this region to govern migration problem together .

  17. 城市群不仅具有同城化的城市基础设施体系,而且具有功能一体化的专业化分工协作网络,还具有完善的协调机制和区域治理结构。

    It not only has the perfect city network system , but also functionally integral collaborative network and perfect coordination mechanism and Regional governance structure .

  18. 最后通过总结国外区域治理的模式与实践经验,对京津冀地区区域治理模式提出建设性策略。

    Finally , By summing up the model and experience of foreign regional governance , proposes the strategy of regional governance in Beijing Tianjin and Hebei region .

  19. 近年来,如何建立健全跨越行政区划边界的跨界区域治理体制、机制,日益成为政界、学界广泛关注的热点问题。

    Recently , it has increasingly become a hot debate issue for stateman and academics on how to build a comprehensive governing system and mechanism of para-governance region division .

  20. 根据不同利用带生物产量,计算最大载畜量,以期为流域环境保护、未来畜牧业发展及区域治理提供可靠依据和具体参考。

    Maximum carrying capacity based on biomass of each pasture zone was also calculated , providing scientific reference for local environmental protection as well as future pasture management of the watershed .

  21. 本文的研究通过运用区域治理理论作为分析框架,将区域治理的研究聚焦于府际关系,从区域治理的视角探索府际关系新思路。

    This dissertation employs the analytic framework of regional governance theory , focusing on intergovernmental relations , to explore the new ideas and new ways of the relations from the theoretical perspective .

  22. 而这与我们在城市群发展中理念存在偏颇、基础工作薄弱、制度保障不健全以及区域治理缺失等因素造成的。

    All these deficiencies are caused by factors like biased concepts , weak foundation work and protection system , and the lack of regional governance in the development of Chinese urban agglomeration .

  23. 根据区域治理目标,选定治理标准,并通过实况降雨典型的分析,选定合理的典型年,明确设计暴雨的缩放方法和地区组成,选定合适的设计时段,采用降雨径流模型推算设计洪水。

    The scaling method of design rainstorm and region composing are defined . The appropriately design period of time is determined . The design flood is calculated with the rainfall and runoff model .

  24. 探索性地选取区域治理视角,由城镇化发展中的诺思悖论入手,运用制度经济学相关理论,对我国城镇化泡沫成因机理进行了较为深入的剖析。

    Using the perspective of regional governance and starting by the urbanization of the " North Paradox ", this dissertation use theories of institutional economics to analyze formation mechanisms of urbanization bubble in China .

  25. 在整个公共治理理论的框架中,与国际治理、国际区域治理、国家治理一道,地方治理成为现代社会多层治理结构的重要组成部分。

    Within the overall framework of public administration theory , local governance has become a significant component of the multi-level administrative structure of a modern society , alongside international , regional and state administration .

  26. 治理是一个比较宽泛的概念,适用于国际、国家、社区的不同领域的管理,治理的形式一般有企业治理、区域治理等。

    The governance is a quite broad concept , which is suitable different domain management , such as internationals , nation and community . There governance form has the enterprise govern , the region governance generally and so on .

  27. 认为我国区域治理中治理基础薄弱,使得城镇化发展中未能实现好的治理,即善治,是导致城镇化泡沫的重要原因。

    Due to the weak governance foundation of regional governance ," good governance " is failed to achieve in regional governance in the development of urbanization progress . Failing to achieve " good governance " is the important reasons of causing urbanization bubble .

  28. 美国不断介入欧洲事务的进程其实也是对欧洲进行区域治理的过程,而北约则是美国对欧洲进行区域治理的主要依靠工具,并且美国在北约发挥了主导作用。

    American constant involvement in European affairs process was also the reflection of the process of regional governance in Europe . NATO was the mainly tool of American governance to the region of Europe , and the United States also played a leading role in NATO .

  29. 目前我国存在的一些体制和机制,如一刀切政绩考核体系、区域治理法律和协调主体的缺失等诸多因素严重制约着区域经济的协调发展,区域协调发展的政策需求日益紧迫。

    Now , some systems and mechanisms exist in China , such as the " one size fits all " performance evaluation system 、 lack of laws and coordinate subject in regional administration etc , these factors are seriously restricting the coordinate development of regional economys .

  30. 近年来果树在黄土丘陵区迅速发展,已成为该区区域治理开发、群众脱贫致富的主导产业之一,干旱缺水是该区果树发展的主要限制因素。

    The planting of fruit tree has been developed rapidly in the loess hilly and gully region in recent years , and become the main domain of regional harnessing . The shortage of water resources is a major factor to limit fruit tree developing in this area .