
qū yù zhǔ yì
  • regionalism
  1. 新区域主义蓬勃发展使WTO建立的多边贸易体制面临新的挑战。

    The surge of " new regionalism " has brought challenges to the multilateral trade system established by WTO .

  2. 当前国际经济关系含有两条轴线,一条是以WTO为代表的多边主义,另一条是以地区自由贸易协定为代表的区域主义。

    The current international economic relations consist of two major axes . One is multilateralism represented by WTO and the other is regionalism .

  3. 区域贸易协定是区域主义的源头。1995年1月1日,世界贸易组织(WTO)成立并取代了关税和贸易总协定(GATT)。

    The regional trade agreements are at the origin of the commercial system called " Regionalism " . On January 1,1995 the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) came into force and replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .

  4. 在意大利面碗式的区域主义中,由于各国会面临高昂的管理成本和交易成本,各国不能为成为轮轴国而追求尽可能多的RTA。

    But it is no good for countries to enter into as many RTAs as possible , since the spaghetti bowl regionalism can bring countries costly management fee and the multinational corporations more transaction cost .

  5. 新区域主义下区域贸易安排研究的新进展

    New Researches on Regional Trade Agreements under " New Regionalism "

  6. 新区域主义与和谐城市空间构建和谐城市住区需要新型防盗窗

    NEO-REGIONALISM AND HARMONIOUS SPACE OF CITY Harmonious Community Require New-style Security Window

  7. 开放的区域主义与区域经济一体化的制度创新

    Open Regionalism and the Innovation in the Regional Economic Integrity

  8. 新区域主义在新大伦敦空间总体规划中的诠释

    Concept of new regionalism in the spatial development strategy for Greater London

  9. 新区域主义与多边贸易体制的冲突及协调

    Conflicts and Coordination between " New Regionalism " and Multilateral Trade System

  10. 拉丁美洲地区是区域主义发展较为典型的地区。

    Regionalism developed typically in the region of Latin America .

  11. 区域主义是二战后国际社会中的一个重要现象。

    The Regional Doctrine is an important phenomenon after World War II .

  12. 美国区域间主义是其区域主义战略的一种延伸,对区域(如欧洲、美洲、亚洲、非洲等)治理起着重要作用。

    American inter-regionalism is an extension of the regionalism strategy and governance .

  13. 新区域主义:构建东亚安全共同体的新视角

    New Area Theory : the New Perspective of Constructing East Asia Security Community

  14. 生态区域主义视野下的乡村教育哲学

    The Rural Educational Philosophy under the Viewpoint of Bioregionalism

  15. 新区域主义视角下的管治尺度构建&以南京都市圈建设为例

    Rescaling of governance and new regionalism & a case study of Nanjing city-region

  16. 新区域主义理论脉络及研究动态述评

    Literature Review on the Theoretic Framework of New Regionalism

  17. 新区域主义的兴起及其在东亚的发展研究

    The Study on the Rise of New Regionalism and Its Development in East Asia

  18. 区域主义是关于国际区域合作的思想与实践。

    Regionalism is the theory and practice concerning the cooperation in the international region .

  19. 新区域主义下中国-东盟自由贸易区的非传统收益分析

    Analysis on the Nontraditional Gains of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Based on the New Regionalism

  20. 论东南亚区域主义的特点

    On the Characteristics of Southeast Asian Regionalism

  21. 区域主义:通往全球主义的垫脚石还是绊脚石?

    Regionalism : A Stepping Stone or a Stumbling Stone on the Path toward Globalism ?

  22. 新区域主义的发展及对中国区域经济发展模式的影响

    The development of new regionalism and its impacts upon the modes of regional development in China

  23. 在这基础上,美国区域规划学会与孟福式论述的“区域主义”再被进一步界定。

    In addition , the " regionalism " in the RPAA and Mumfordian discourse is further defined .

  24. 所以,中国要有积极参与亚洲区域主义的热情和自己的战略构想。

    Therefore , China should have passion for attending constructing Asian regionalism and its own strategic conceit .

  25. 论孙中山的亚洲主义观及其对亚洲区域主义未来发展的启示

    Discussion on Sun Yat-Sen 's View of Asia and Its Enlightenment on Asian Regionalism Development in Future

  26. 新区域主义评析

    Reviews on New Regionalism

  27. 与经济全球化并进的新区域主义是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,中国在区域合作领域中的积极态度和进取行为表明了研究新区域主义的价值和必要性。

    The value of research on new regionalism is clearly reflected on China 's active attitude and actions .

  28. 各国在积极开展区域主义的同时,不能抛弃多边主义。

    So the developing countries should not abandon the multilateralism when taking active part in regional economic integration .

  29. 论文回顾和总结了自20世纪初期以来,区域主义演变的四种形态,以及大都市政治的相关内涵。

    This review concludes four regionalism paradigms evolved since early20th century and the relative meaning of metropolitan politics .

  30. 开放的区域主义是新区域主义理论框架中的一种新型的理论形态。开放的区域主义为区域经济一体化的组织创新提供了新的理论基础,并促进了区域经济一体化新浪潮的形成。

    Open Regionalism is a new theory in the framework of Regionalism which has put forward many new ideas .