
  • 网络the arctic sea ice
  1. 上周发表在《地球物理学研究通讯》(geophysicalresearchletters)上的这份研究表明,太阳热度将对北极海冰的减少产生越来越严重的影响。

    The research , published this week in Geophysical Research Letters , indicates that warmth from the sun will have an increasing impact on Arctic sea ice loss .

  2. 北极海冰区分为3个区:NPI1(90°E-180°-90°W),太平洋侧冰区;

    The Arctic Sea ice is divided into three regions : NPI1 on the Pacific-side ;

  3. 北极海冰与ENSO事件在准四年时间尺度上的可能联系

    Potential Relationship between Arctic Sea-Ice and ENSO Events on Timescales of Quasi-Quadrennial-Year

  4. 夏季北极海冰激发的500hPa遥相关型

    Teleconnection pattern between the Arctic ice area and the 500 hPa geopotential height field during the northern hemispheric summer

  5. 而北极海冰年际变化则相反,呈减少趋势,年平均面积指数的倾向率-3.5/10a。

    But Arctic sea ice area index is decrease and its trend rate is -3.5/10a .

  6. 春季北极海冰对于中国夏季降水变化和夏季风模态P31均是先兆因子。

    The spring Arctic sea ice might provide a precursor for both Chinese summer rainfall and the summer monsoon mode P31 .

  7. 剑桥大学的海洋物理学教授彼得沃德汉姆斯(PeterWadhams)表示,这就是研究人员认为评估经济影响非常重要的原因所在。沃德汉姆斯认为北极海冰可能在2015年夏季完全消失。

    That is why the group felt it was important to assess the economic impact , said Peter Wadhams , a professor of ocean physics at Cambridge who believes the Arctic sea ice could vanish in summer by 2015 .

  8. 北极海冰对青海省春季(3~5月)降水的可能影响

    Possible effect of North Polar sea ice on Qinghai spring precipitation

  9. 北极海冰面积变化与大气遥相关型

    Variation of the Arctic sea ice cover and Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns

  10. 北极海冰减少的气候效应研究

    The climate effect due to the decrease of Arctic sea ice

  11. 北极海冰热力学系统的可变区域分解及动边界的辨识

    Variable Domain Decomposition and Movable Boundary Control in Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model

  12. 北极海冰气候变率的模拟研究

    A Simulation on Sea Ice Climate Variability in Arctic Ocean

  13. 渤海和北极海冰组构及晶体结构特征分析

    Characteristics of the Bohai Sea and Arctic sea ice fabrics and crystals

  14. 北极海冰变化及其与中国秋季气温的相关分析

    Characteristics of Arctic Sea-Ice and Its Relation with Autumn Air Temperature in China

  15. 北极海冰变化的时间和空间型

    Temporal and spatial patterns of Arctic sea ice variations

  16. 如果北极海冰继续融化

    If the Arctic sea ice continues to disappear ,

  17. 事实上,北极海冰的融化速度比预期的要快。

    Indeed , sea-ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster than expected .

  18. 北极海冰的变化特征

    The variation features of the Arctic sea ice

  19. 基于遥感影像的北极海冰厚度和密集度分析方法

    Sea ice thickness and concentration analysis methods in Arctic based on Remote Sensing Images

  20. 北极海冰强信号影响域

    The Arctic sea-ice strong - signal region

  21. 北极海冰与全球气候变化

    The Arctic Sea Ice and Climate Change

  22. 模拟结果表明北极海冰有很明显的季节变化和年际变化,实测的海冰密集度资料和模式模拟结果都证明1979-1998这20年间北极海冰的一个最明显的变化是海冰在不断减少。

    The simulated results show that Arctic sea ice have noticeable seasonal and annual variability .

  23. 冬季北极海冰面积异常与中国气温变化之间的年际关系

    Interannual Relationship between Arctic Sea Ice Concentration Anomaly and China Air Temperature Variation during Winter

  24. 北极海冰的热机作用与我国季风活动

    The effect of the polar ice heat machine and the activity of monsoon in China

  25. 实际北极海冰的融化要比电脑程序计算的快得多。

    The melt is happening much faster in reality than it does in computer programs .

  26. 北极海冰面积对湖北省夏季降水的影响

    The effect of the Arctic sea ice area on the precipitation in summer of Hubei Province

  27. 北极海冰的气候变化与20世纪90年代的突变

    The Decrease of the Arctic Sea Ice and the Abrupt Changes of Sea Ice in 1990s

  28. 1979&1998年北极海冰的数值模拟

    Simulating Arctic Sea Ice during 1979-1998

  29. 中国夏季高温与北极海冰的联系特征

    Summer Maximum Air Temperature Variability in China and Its Association with the Arctic Sea Ice Concentration

  30. 2007年8月,测量表明北极海冰低于历史平均水平30%。

    In august , 2007 , measurements showed Arctic sea ice was30 % below historic averages .