
  • 网络Beihai City;Butterworth
  1. 北海市无偿献血人群HIV感染分析

    Analysis of infectious status of HIV in unpaid blood donors in Beihai City

  2. 北海市农村饮水困难状况及解决的对策

    Drinking water difficulty status and solving countermeasure in Beihai city countryside

  3. 北海市1956~2000年麻风病流行趋势分析

    Analysis of leprosy epidemic tendency in Beihai during 1956 ~ 2000

  4. 北海市海岸带水动力和水化学特征的研究

    Characteristics of Hydrodynamics and Hydrochemistry in the Coastal Zone Near Beihai

  5. 广西北海市海水入侵状况分析

    An analysis of the sea water intrusion in beihai , guangxi

  6. 北海市农业水费征管问题的建议

    Investigation and thinking of agricultural water fee collection in Beihai City

  7. 广西北海市第四系工程地质特征

    Engineering geology characteristics of Quaternary System in Beihai city , guangxi

  8. 北海市免疫规划工作综合质量影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Relevant to EPI Integrated Quality in Beihai Area

  9. 数值预报产品在北海市11~12月份降水预报中的释用

    Use the Numerical Prediction Products in November-December Rainfall Forecast of Beihai City

  10. 区域环境承载力在北海市城市可持续发展研究中的应用

    The application of regional environmental carrying capacity on Beihai city sustainable development

  11. 模糊综合测度指数模型在北海市地下水质评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Integrated Measure Index Model In Groundwater Evaluation In BeiHai City

  12. 北海市海水入侵及其勘察方法

    Seawater encroachment of Beihai City and its investigation method

  13. 广西北海市登革热流行病学监测

    Epidemiological surveillance of dengue fever in beihai , Guangxi

  14. 浅谈北海市农村饮水工程的水源管理与保护

    Water source administration and protection of rural drinking water works in Beihai city

  15. 北海市发展沿海农业的探讨

    An approach of development of circumlittoral agriculture in Beihai

  16. 城市形态构成与特征塑造&以北海市为例

    The Components of Urban Form and Creation of Characteristics-Beihai City as an example

  17. 北海市住宅节能对策研究

    Research on energy efficiency for buildings of Beihai

  18. 北海市浅海滩涂利用发展浅议

    The utilization and the development of the shallow sea and the seabeach in Beihai

  19. 北海市酸雨污染及成因的研究

    A Study of the Pollution and Causes of Formation on Acid Rain in Beihai

  20. 北海市拥有丰富的滨海自然旅游资源和独具地方特色的滨海人文资源。

    The city of Beihai possesses plenty of natural resources and unique coastal scenic spots .

  21. 城市环境功能区划研究&以广西北海市为例

    Study on Urban Environmental Functional District Planning

  22. 北海市瓜菜大棚设施栽培现状与发展对策

    Status and Development Strategy of the Melon and Vegetable Cultivation in Plastic Greenhouse in Beihai

  23. 北海市气候资源的开发利用及防灾减灾对策

    The Developing And Utilizing Of Climatic Resources Of Beihai And The Countermeasures For Disaster Prevention And Reducing

  24. 本文运用地下水优化开采理论和灰色预测方法进行了水资源供需分析,对北海市地下水资源与可持续发展的关系作了探讨。

    Optimization theory , grey system theory and supply demand analysis method were used to discuss this problem .

  25. 北海市供水管网信息系统的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of the information management system for the pipe network of water supply in the Beihai City

  26. 笔者对北海市进行了实地调研,了解了北海市滨海旅游的现状。

    Also we had carried on the on-the-spot investigation , and inspected the present situation of beihai ' coastal tourism .

  27. 而镉污染监测494件农产品,北海市螺、蟹镉污染超标率分别达到93.0%,82.0%;

    With regard of cadmium contamination , the standard-exceeding rate of shells and crabs was respectively 93.0 % and 82.0 % .

  28. 历史文化街区开发与城市发展的协调性研究&以北海市珠海街改造为例

    Research on Coordination of Historical Culture Street Development in City Development & Taking Zhuhai Street Reconstruction in Beihai City for Instance

  29. 第三部分论述了北海市房地产业的发展现状,分析了北海市房地产业的市场前景。

    Thirdly , to discuss the current developing situations and the real estate industry in Beihai and analyze its market prospect .

  30. 因素修正法在征地统一年产值测算中的应用&以北海市直辖区为例

    Application of Factor Revision Method for Estimating the Unified Annual Production of Land Expropriation & Take Beihai municipal district as an example