
  1. 刑事诉讼中运用品格证据判断人证真实性研究

    To Judge Witness Authenticity Using Character Evidence in Criminal Procedure

  2. 证据判断的主观性及其客观化

    On the Subjectivity and Objectivity of Testimony Judgement

  3. 应当承认,自由心证的科学性完全可以被我国所接受,并提供更加完善的证据判断标准。

    We should acknowledge that the science of the Discretion can be totally accepted by China and provide the better judging standards for our Chinese evidence institution .

  4. 三聚氰胺也被证明在某些情况下对动物有致癌影响,但没有足够的证据判断其对人类的致癌风险。

    Melamine has also been shown to have carcinogenic effects in animals in certain circumstances , but there is insufficient evidence to make a judgment on carcinogenic risk in humans .

  5. 据他判断,在我们脚下有可利用的热能源。根据这一证据判断,他当然不可能是凶手。

    To the best of his judgement , there are practical sources of heat energy under our feet . From this evidence , it follows that he is not the murderer .

  6. 潜艇基于D-S证据理论判断目标属性

    Estimating Target Property in Submarine Threat Estimation based on DS Evidence Theory

  7. 它在便利我们生活的同时,也作为司法证据对判断是非发挥重要作用。

    Apart from making our life easier , digital audio also functions as judicial evidence .

  8. 刑事诉讼中运用品格证据审查判断人证真实性是我国法律中的空白点。

    Using character evidence in criminal procedure to judge witness authenticity is nonexistent in our country law .

  9. 我们会利用最佳证据去判断一州是否达到改革的几个基准。

    We will use the best evidence available to determine whether a state can meet a few key benchmarks for reform .

  10. 而女性不会因为看到英俊的男性面孔而分神,因为女性需要更多的证据来判断一个男性是否是一个好的伴侣。

    Women were not distracted by attractive male faces because women need more proof of whether a man is a good mate .

  11. 目前重要的是确立诉讼证明盖然性观念和贯彻证据审查判断的直接言辞原则以及完善配套的监督、制约机制。

    Now it is important to build the idea of probability in proving as well as to implement the principle of direct inspect proof .

  12. 实施阶段的职业判断包括:对审计证据的判断、审计抽样的判断及在主要的交易和账户余额审计中的判断。

    The implementation phase of the audit professional judgments include : judgments of audit evidence , audit sampling judgments and in major transactions and account balance audit judgments .

  13. 心证指法官依据对证据的判断形成关于案件事实的内心确信。自由心证是法官在根据证据资料从事事实认定时,能够不受法律上的拘束而进行自由的判断。

    The state of evidence evaluation means that when identifying the fact basing on evidence materials , judges are free to judge without the constraint from the law .

  14. 在治安管理处罚中应明确非法证据的判断标准,应将非法证据的排除提前到行政程序阶段。

    The judging standard of unlawful evidence should be clarified in the punishment of public order management . The exclusion of the unlawful evidence should be brought forward to the administrative procedure .

  15. 所有的因果推理只能以一个不变的因果顺序假定为基础做出理性判断,而无法参考实证研究的证据进行判断。

    All the causal reasoning can only be rationally justified on the basis of the assumption of an immutable causal order but cannot be justified by reference to evidence by empirical investigation .

  16. 如果我们能够形成一种良好的证明责任分配与证据审查判断思维,那么审理各类民商事案件就可以方向准确、步骤明确、成竹在胸。

    Only by developing good logical reasoning on evidence judgment and the distribution of the burden of proof , can we take accurate , clear steps , in handling all kinds of civil and commercial cases intimate knowledge .

  17. 从普遍认知来看,山东农业产业水平较之湖北更为先进,但需要科学证据以判断两省农业产业之间的差距水平以及差距产生的原因。

    From the general cognitive perspective , the agriculture in east China is more advanced than that in Hubei province , but the scientific evidence is in demand to judge the difference and its causes between the two provinces .

  18. 美国预防服务专门工作组建议使用医疗诊断法,对此,McNaughton-Collins的结论是,对75岁以下的男子进行的的前列腺诊断来说,目前没有足够的证据来判断是否利大于弊。

    McNaughton-Collins that the U.S Preventive Services Task Force , which makes recommendations about health care screenings , concluded that the evidence is insufficient to determine whether there are more pros than cons to prostate cancer screening in men younger than 75 .

  19. 该方法利用驻留在局域网各机器监测Agent和网络监测Agent所收集的证据和初步判断,并由协作Agent对这些证据和初步判断进行融合印证并做出最终结论。

    In this new method , monitor agents in each network computer and network make initial decision based on their evidence , then cooperative agent makes final decision based on the evidence from all monitor agents through data fusion .

  20. 我们没有足够的证据来做出判断。

    We don 't have enough facts to make a judgment .

  21. 审查起诉中未成年人年龄证据的审查判断

    Evidence Examination and Judgment of Junior 's Age in Review and Prosecution

  22. 仅从一样证据没法判断。

    You can 't know that from one stiff .

  23. 对电子证据的审查判断,应从电子证据的特殊性出发,作出综合的审查判断。

    The judgment of the electronic evidence shall be comprehensively started from its specialities .

  24. 论刑事证据的审查判断

    Criminal Evidence in the Judgment

  25. 刑事证据的审查判断是刑事诉讼过程中的一项重要活动。

    Is a criminal review of the evidence to determine the course of criminal proceedings is an important activity .

  26. 其核心思想是通过一系列事件发生的证据来推测判断事件发生的原因。

    Its core idea is speculative to judge the causes of the incident through a series of events evidence .

  27. 刑事诉讼从本质上来看就是一个收集证据、审查判断证据、运用证据认识案件事实的过程。

    The entity of the criminal proceedings is a process of collecting evidence , judging evidence , and using evidence to find the facts of case .

  28. 无论是研究证据还是常识判断都告诉我们,校长及其领导力水平对一所学校发展得好坏具有关键性影响。

    Whether the research evidence or common sense has told us that the principal and his or her leadership level have a vital influence on school development .

  29. 然而,上周中国当局表示,正在调查一些家庭内传染的证据,以判断这种疾病已经出现人传人。

    However , Chinese authorities last week said they were investigating evidence of infections in some families to see whether the disease has spread from person to person .

  30. 第二章对国外民事诉讼中证据的审查判断进行考察,从证据审查判断的原则和规则两个方面分别对英美法系国家和大陆法系国家的做法进行了比较和分析。

    The second chapter introduces foreign examination and determination of evidence in civil procedure , analyses the principles and the rules in Anglo-American law system and Continental law system .