
  • 网络creative imagination
  1. 文学审美机制中的创造性想象

    The Creative Imagination in the Mechanism of the Literature Aesthetic Appreciation

  2. 创造性想象和推理的脑电特征及其在教育中的应用

    Brain Wave Characteristics in Creative Imagination and Reasoning and Their Application in Education

  3. 联系时间知觉的心理特点进行创造性想象。

    To associate the psychological characteristics of sense of time to process creative imagination .

  4. 不同学习方式对小学三年级儿童创造性想象发展的影响研究

    The Effects of Different Learning Style on the Development of Creative Imagery of 3-Grade Pupils

  5. 还是对创造性想象的追求?

    Or flights of creative fancy ?

  6. 探讨创造性想象的本质和特点,有利于更深刻地理解夸张修辞文本的生成缘由;

    They are the psychological bases for the creation and reception of hyperbole as a rhetorical text respectively .

  7. 对儿童创造性想象的研究,有助于我们更好地了解儿童创造性的发展。

    The study of creative imagination for children is very beneficial to understand the development of children 's creation .

  8. 创造性想象使某物看得见,而且头脑思想能给予生命和这种形式的方向。

    The creative imagination visualizes something , and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form .

  9. 但人们经常把创造性想象为一种极不寻常和奢侈的东西,但它也存在于日常的正常生活之中。

    But people often think of creativity as something extraordinary and extravagant , but it is something also within day-to-day life , normal life .

  10. 想象分为创造性想象和再造性想象,它们是建构和接受夸张修辞文本的心理基础。

    Imagination and the creation and reception of hyperbole as a rhetorical text It falls into two kinds : creative imagination and reproductive imagination .

  11. 创造性想象是不依据现成的描述,而根据一定的目的和任务在头脑中独立地创造出新形象的心理过程。

    Creative imagery is a psychological processes in which people create new images independently according to certain purpose and task rather than the ready-made description .

  12. 培养学生创造性想象思维,增强学生的环保意识,使之成为具有健全人格、全面发展的人。

    Raises the student creativity imagination thought , strengthens student 's environmental protection consciousness , causes it to become has the perfect personality , the full scale development person .

  13. 各种复杂空间形式的创造,各种风格的创造性想象和描述,都可以通过计算机辅助设计系统及虚拟技术等数字化手段来表现。

    Complex space form creation , various styles of the creative imagination and description , are available through the computer aided design system and virtual technology , digital technology performance .

  14. 音乐教育是一门特殊的教学艺术,是引起情感共鸣的艺术形式,是培养学生创造性想象的基础。

    Music education is a special teaching art . It 's a kind of art form that can make emotional resonance , and it 's the base to inspire the creative imagination of the students .

  15. 它的贡献在于提出了文学艺术的超越性要求,概括出审美活动由暗示性诱发到创造性想象的飞跃,引导人们对规律的认识与掌握。

    Its contribution lies in the proposal of the surpassing requirements of literature and arts and it summarizes the transformation of aesthetics from implicit inspiration to creative imagination , guiding people 's realization and mastery of rules .

  16. 比拟辞格的两个认知域根据相似性实现映射;而这种相似性又是通过认知主体经过无意加工、经验加工、相似联想和创造性想象以及移情发现、确立和创造的。

    The two cognitive domains formed mapping by the similarity , and the similarity is formed by the no intention to processing , shallow intended processing , similar association and the creative imagination and empathy of the cognitive subject .

  17. 我们认为,在计算机技术专家和诗人之间衽某种结合可能会卓有成效,而且对技术人员不损秋毫。通过充分发挥由电子技术处理的问题的创造性想象的神奇力量,计算机起到真正的作用。

    Without taking anything away from the technicians , we think it might be fruitful to effect some sort of junction between the computer technologist wonders of the creative imagination on the kinds of problems being put to electronic technology .

  18. 隐喻是两个不同语义场的相遇,创造性想象使我们在这两个语义场的不协调中发现相似性,产生新的语义场,意义创新由此产生。

    The metaphor is the encounter of two different semantic fields , it is the creative imagination that enables us to find resemblance in their impertinence . Then , a new semantic field is forged and the meaning innovation is engendered .

  19. 对工科学生的形象思维能力培养,主要通过在音乐教育教学过程中,依据音乐艺术和音乐教学的规律及工科学生的特点,对联想和创造性想象的能力培养来体现。

    Fostering the bility of thinking in images can be mainly embodied in the course of music educational teaching which is based on the regular rules of music art , music teaching and the characteristics of engineering students , in the bring-up students'association and the ability of creative imagination .

  20. 脑海中创造性的想象联翩浮来。

    And in his soul stirred the creative imagination .

  21. 音乐创作的想象,是作曲家带有自发性的富有创造性的想象;

    The imagination of musical creation is the imagination that the composer has created with spontaneity and creativity .

  22. 运用创造性的想象,将形状、色彩和空间关系,构成整体的设计形式。

    Designer express the profound and pedestrian imply by the relation of pure format and color and the cohesive composition .

  23. 过去他从未到过国外,现在第一次开了眼界,什么都使他神驰遐想。脑海中创造性的想象联翩而来。

    All that he saw for the first time , for he had never been abroad before , excited his fancy ; and in his soul stirred the creative imagination .

  24. 通过陌生化和颠覆日常生活的方式,对日常生活的理念进行批判和反抗,目的在于对人的主体性的恢复,在于对创造性和想象性生活的塑造。

    In the means of strangeness and overthrow of the routine life , the novels criticize and revolt against the thought of daily life in order to restore the principal role of human-beings and to portray the creative and imaginative life .

  25. 因此,我们面对任何艺术品,面对的都不是现实,而是这个艺术品在我们头脑里形成的幻象,而我们所获的快感都是由创造性的想象而来,并非来自艺术品的现实特性。

    Therefore , we are faced with any work of art , not face reality , but this art of illusion in our minds , the pleasure we received from by the creative imagination , not from the art of realistic features .

  26. 任何文学文本中都存在一定的不确定性和空白,它们是激发读者进行创造性填补和想象性连接的基本驱动力。本文以德国文论学家沃尔夫冈。

    Indeterminacy and gaps exist in every literary text and can arouse readers ' creative filling and imaginative connection .

  27. 博尔赫斯的想象是富有哲理和创造性,他的想象既有对现实的哲理认识,又有超常性、超前性和超越自我性。

    His imagination is creative , unusual , pioneering , self surmounting , and full of philosophical thinking about reality .

  28. 学习探究性阅读和创造性阅读,发展想象能力、思辨能力和批判能力。

    Learning inquiry-based reading and creative reading can develop imagination , capacity for critical thought and critical capabilities .

  29. 文学鉴赏就是对文学作品所进行的带有创造性的感知、想象、体验、理解和评价活动。

    Literary appreciation is a activity which needs to feel , imagine , experience and evaluate literary works creatively .