
  • Genesis;The Creation;Ultima
  1. 哈利-黎波曼,美国创世纪公司的创始人和董事长,以下简称H

    H : Harley Lippman , founder and CEO , Genesis

  2. 《终结者:创世纪》仍然由大卫埃利森(DavidEllison)出品,计划将于2015年7月1日正式上映。

    The sequel will also be produced by David Ellison and Terminator : Genesis is scheduled to be released in theaters come July 1 , 2015 .

  3. 他们的音乐影响了诸多杰出的摇滚艺术家,其中包括大卫·博维、创世纪乐队、Yes乐队、电台司令乐队、工具乐队和梦剧场乐队。

    Their music has influenced great rock artists like Genesis , Yes , David Bowie , Radiohead , Tool and Dream Theater .

  4. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)在派拉蒙的《终结者:创世纪》(TerminatorGenisys)中表现不佳;怀旧情绪也未能令华纳兄弟的《秘密特工》(TheManfromU.N.C.L.E.)和《假期历险记》(Vacation)走红。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger sagged in " Terminator Genisys , " from Paramount , and nostalgia couldn 't make hits of Warner 's " The Man from U.N.C.L.E. " and " Vacation . "

  5. 这个票房成绩令维亚康姆(ViacomInc.)旗下派拉蒙电影公司(ParamountPictures)松了口气。最近几周,戴伦・艾洛诺夫斯基(DarrenAronofsky)执导的这部关于《创世纪》中方舟故事的电影让派拉蒙饱受批评。

    The results are a relief for Paramount Pictures , the Viacom Inc. - owned studio that has weathered significant criticism in recent weeks over director Darren Aronofsky 's telling of the Genesis ark story .

  6. 故事的主体还是取自《创世纪》的描述。

    The basic story is referring back to a Genesis account .

  7. 我有两张票去观看“创世纪”乐队的现场演出。

    I 've got two tickets to see Genesis perform live .

  8. 创世纪号现在的航线怎么走的?

    What exactly is the course of The Genesis right now ?

  9. 大多数说《创世纪》是神话的人他们相信进化论。

    Most people that say creation is a myth believe in evolution .

  10. 从《创世纪》看古希伯来人的原始婚姻观

    A glimpse of Hebrew 's attitudes towards marriage through Genesis

  11. 北京创世纪大厦工程深基坑边坡支护设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Shoring for Deep Foundation Pit Slope

  12. 从《圣经·创世纪》看契约的产生

    The Emergence of Covenants Seen from The Genesis of Bible

  13. 因他的创世纪科学发明,他获颁诺贝尔奖。

    He was award a Nobel Prize for his leading-edge scientific discoveries .

  14. 《创世纪》是圣经文学中的重要文本,它所存在的语言矛盾主要是由早期叙事和晚期编辑两方面原因造成的。

    Genesis is the most important text in Bible literature .

  15. 在创世纪,耶稣是亚伯拉罕祭坛上的公羊。

    In genesis , Jesus is the ram at abraham 's alter .

  16. 他们相信,创世纪前的德鲁伊教运动促成了纪念碑的建立。

    And they believe the pre-Christian Druid movement was responsible for the monument .

  17. 海顿与他的《创世纪》:宗教与世俗的对话

    Hayden and HisGenesis : Dialogue between Religion and Secularity

  18. 在创世纪演唱组的音乐会上,肯定仅有立锥之地。

    At the genesis concert it 's bound to be standing room only .

  19. 最后一章关于创世纪论的论述对每一位读者来说都阐述得极为清楚。

    The final chapter on the creationists will be extremely clear to all .

  20. 我比较《创世纪》跟科学和其他神话故事。

    I have been comparing the creation story of Genesis with other myths .

  21. 当然创世纪是人类所写,而不是马。

    Of course , Genesis was written by a man , not a horse .

  22. 在创世纪20:7和出埃及纪7:1中查找先知一词。

    Look up the term " prophet " in Genesis 20:7 and Exodus 7:1 .

  23. 神圣空间和神圣时间就是典型的创世纪的经验。

    The sacred space and time are the typical experiences of creating the world .

  24. 创世纪的希伯来语名字是起源之书。

    Genesis is also called the book of beginnings which is its Hebrew name .

  25. 记住这句话,那是引自《创世纪》中的一句话。

    Now keep that scripture in mind , that 's a quotation from Genesis .

  26. 她最著名的影片有《变速球》,《及时》和《创世纪》。

    Her most notable movies include The Change-Up , In Time and Tron Legacy .

  27. 以基督精神重新解读米开朗基罗《创世纪》中上帝形象

    Re-interpretation of the image of God in Genesis by Michelangelo with the Christian spirit

  28. 但是在创世纪.上帝不也是创造亚当爱他吗?

    But in the beginning , didn 't God create Adam to love Him ?

  29. 就像类似创世纪之类的一些有关信仰的经典书籍。

    That some of the books of the Scriptures like the book of genesis .

  30. 这里就像创世纪的黎明

    It 's like the dawn of creation .