
  1. 我知道他怎么骗到那么多的美女创世神了!

    I know how he tricked so many beautiful women of the Chuangshi Shen !

  2. 无数的星系里,存在着无数的星球,而每一个星球,都是有无数的创世神创造的。

    The countless galaxies , there are numerous planets , each planet , there are numerous Chuangshi Shen created .

  3. 今年在这个位面中心举行大会,已经有76200个创世神来到这里,这是一件很有面子的事情!

    This year in the face-Center of the General Assembly , has76,200 Chuang Shishen to be here , this is a very face of things !

  4. 从传说中可以得知,当创世神创造宇宙时也创造了由克希、艾姆利多和亚克诺姆,也因此创世神被认为是他们的主人。

    According to legend , when Arceus created the universe it created Uxie , Mesprit , and Azelf , and therefore is believed to be their master .

  5. 当然地球的创世神也来到了这里,虽然地球不是他唯一的作品,但是他最得意的一件作品。

    Chuang Shishen of the Earth , of course , also came here , although the earth is not his only work , but he is most proud of the work .

  6. 摘要古代埃及人认为,世界在创建之初创世之神就创建了神圣的宇宙秩序-玛特,它是自然界和人类社会的运行法则。

    To ancient egyptians , Maat is a kind of divine order which is created immediately as the world is created and it is the operating rule of nature and human history .

  7. 创世记讲述神的创造大能;

    Genesis tells of God 's power in creation .

  8. 创世之初神的计划是让人类遍满全地。

    God 's plan for people in the beginning of the world was for them to go out and fill the earth .

  9. 创世后,神祗纵观人类史百万年的发展,本以为一切尽在掌握之中。

    After the creation of the world , God Throughout human history millions of years of development , the thought of all easy to grasp .