
  • 网络Creative space;design space
  1. 这家咖啡店是由中国最大的智能硬件创新和创业平台“硬蛋”,以及美国机器人设计公司RethinkRobotics共同打造的,该创意空间提供了无人化服务以及人工智能的其他一些功能。

    The coffee shop , a creative space that offers unmanned services and other functions of AI , was co-built by China 's largest intelligent hardware innovation and start-up platform IngDan and US-based robot design company Rethink Robotics .

  2. 创意空间:这一点很难描述,但却非常重要。

    Creative Space : This is hard one to describe , but important .

  3. 土耳其套房的创意空间&吉隆坡礼晶酒店室内装饰系列

    Original Space of Turkey Suite & Series of Interior Decoration of The Legend Hotel

  4. 欢迎来到上饶苹果创意空间。

    Welcome to Apple 's creative space .

  5. 创意空间理念下的城市特色街区设计研究

    The Research on the Characteristic of City Blocks Based on the Concept of Creative Space

  6. 集市是“行动花园”项目的一部分,由植村絵美和北京维他命创意空间主持。

    Country Fair has been developed through the project Mobile Garden by Emi Uemura and Vitamin Creative Space in Beijing .

  7. 我经常怀疑,这些被限制的老师,有多少能力去开拓学生们的创意空间?

    Under such restrictions , I am doubtful , how much freedom can our teachers still enjoy to help foster creativity in their pupils ?

  8. 感谢你们过去半年来的耐心与支持,并且永远可以给我足够的创意空间去做我坚信的事物。

    Thanks for all your patience and support during this past half year and for always giving me that creative space to do what I believe in .

  9. 优越的地理位置和气候为酒店提供了良好机遇,同时也为设计创造了更丰富的创意空间和题材。

    Advantageous geographical location and climate for the hotel offered a good opportunity , but also for the design to create a more abundant creativity and subject matter .

  10. 请问你是怎么更新自己的创意空间,怎么练习自己的绘画技法,又是怎么样第一时间学习新的,软件技术和把它用到工作中去?

    How do you renew your creative thinking ? How do you practice your drawing technique ? How do you learn the newest tools and apply them to your work ?

  11. 根据不同行业的特点,可以通过强化设计感让简历出彩,但这招要慎用:比方说平面设计师的简历比会计的简历有更多的创意空间。

    Depending on the industry , you can distinguish your resume by punching up the design , but exercise caution : a graphic artist , for example , has more creative leeway than an accountant .

  12. 朝鲜民族传统吉祥图案选题广泛,寓意丰富,具有鲜明的生活气质,这些对于当代图形设计都有深刻的启迪作用,留给我们广泛的创意空间。

    Korean nation traditional auspicious patterns chose widely , selecting topic richly with a distinct quality of life these contemporary graphic design have a profound enlightenment about left us a wide range of creative space .

  13. 上海创意产业空间集聚的影响因素分析

    A Study on Effect Factor of Creative Industry Agglomeration in Shanghai

  14. 抑或是想要拥有更多发挥创意的空间?

    Would you like to expand your CG knowledge ? Do you want more creative freedom ?

  15. 而由于成本相对较低使得发展中的创意产业空间的营建大多依赖于对这些废置建筑的改建。

    The relatively low cost makes the development of creative industries in the space of the building , most of those dependent on the conversion of the abandoned building .

  16. 第二部分:从信息设计交流原则、认知原则、审美原则的角度解析室内设计交流、室内创意、空间构型。

    The second part : from the design principle of communication , cognitive information principle , aesthetic principle of Angle resolution indoor originality , design communication and the space configuration .

  17. 创意产业空间集聚发展的动力因素包括创意人才、文化环境、科学技术、市场力和政府力,它们之间是相互关联和促进的。

    The dynamic factors of the spatial agglomeration of creative industry , including creative talents , cultural environment , science and technology , market power and government power , are interrelated and mutually promoted .

  18. 从构思创意、空间布置、界面设计、照明设计、陈设设计、人性化设计、绿化设计和导向设计并结合恩施地区的地域民族文化进行设计实践。

    From the idea of creativity , space layout , interface design , lighting design , furnishings design , user-friendly design , green design and guide the design and combination of the geographic areas in Enshi design practice of national culture .

  19. 文章还针对产业建筑和民用建筑的不同特点研究了旧城与创意产业空间的适应性,指出旧城不同建筑类型分别适合发展何种类型的创意产业。

    In accordance with industrial construction and civil construction , the thesis also study the space adaptability of and creative industries and the old city , point out that which type of creative industries is suitable for which type of the old city buildings .

  20. 从色彩的层次性,结构的创意性,空间的灵动性等诸多方面,汇明一直以引领的姿态翱翔于时尚珠宝的天空。

    Himens has always been flying in the sky of fashion jewellery as a leader in areas such as level of color , creativity of structure , smart space .

  21. 通过天作建筑工作室组织的两次学生设计竞赛,探索如何引导学生的设计思考,并为他们提供激发创意的学习空间,同时,分析了两次获奖作品的特点。

    Taking two architecture design competitions organized by Tianzuo Studio as example , this article explored how to give the students an important chance to study and how to lead their design concept .

  22. 笔者将创意园区在空间类型上定位为混合型空间,通过二次创造的空间理论将新老环境的组合关系进行图析,提炼出创意园区在景观结构及功能结构方面的特征。

    By creating diagrammatic analysis of the composite relationships of the old and new environment using the theory of second time space creation , we summarized the characters of the creative park in terms of landscape structure and functional structure .

  23. 第四章则具体分析空间要素及其相互关系,包括空间的量、空间的形、空间的界面以及空间的联系,并且简要分析了创意产业园建筑空间的物理环境设计。

    Then this part also analysis the design of the physical environment .

  24. 城市创意产业发展及其空间特征研究

    A Study on the Development and Spatial Characteristic of Urban Creative Industry

  25. 本文试图通过分析影响创意产业园建筑空间的各种因素,分析其主要特点,指出其设计策略和发展趋向。

    This article analyses the various elements that affects the architecture of the creative industry building .

  26. 第五章的主要内容是对创意产业园建筑空间发展趋向的展望。

    The fifth part is the suggestion about the future of architectural space of creative industry cluster .

  27. 针对创意与文化的空间,艺术类大学的特质&艺术,成为了开拓这样一个空间的钥匙。

    Because the Space of creativity culture , the nature of art college art , has become the key to open it .

  28. 楼梯的设计创意,带来的空间与空间、空间与感受的全新强化与组合,造型独特的楼梯甚至能成为环境中的主题。

    The creative design of staircase can bring us the new combination of space and space , space and feeling , the unique designed staircase can even become the subject of environment .

  29. 成都现代服务业发展中的重点产业为金融业、信息服务业、物流业及文化创意产业,在空间上主要以集聚区的形式分布和发展。

    Financial industry , information services , logistics , and cultural and creative industry can be selected as the main industry of the modern service industry in Chengdu . Spatially , they are distributed in the form of agglomerative district .

  30. 在此基础上,探讨了文化创意产业园公共空间创意氛围营造的意义和创意氛围营造应遵循的原则,即整体优化、主题性、艺术与个性化、可达性与参与性。

    On this basis , discusses the cultural and creative industry park public space to create a creative environment and creative atmosphere to create the meaning of the principle to be followed , that the overall optimization , the theme , artistic and personality , accessibility and participation .