
  • 网络liangyulun;Quaful;Kwafoo
夸父 [kuā fù]
  • [Kua Fu] 中国神话人物。炎帝的后裔。见夸父追日:传夸父曾追逐落日,途中口渴,饮尽黄、渭河水未止。欲北去饮大泽水,中途渴死。死后手杖化为邓林。夸父子孙繁衍成夸父国

  1. 夸父竭尽全力追赶太阳。

    Kua Fu tried his best to chase the sun .

  2. 北去的途中,夸父终因干渴而死。

    On the way to the north , Kua Fu eventually died of thirst .

  3. 虽然喝光了两条大河,但夸父还是感到不解渴,又打算到北方的大湖里去痛饮一番。

    Though he drank up two rivers , he still felt thirsty , and he decided2 to go to the large lake in the north for a good drink .

  4. 韩佳:据说这里就是夸父弃杖的地方。

    They say it 's right here that Kua Fu dropped his walking stick .

  5. 夸父拥有地母神的特征,“夸父逐日”乃“控日巫术”仪式的言说。

    Kua Fu was ever the saying of the ceremony of control of witchcraft .

  6. 夸父跑得又累又渴。

    Kuafu becomes tired and thirsty .

  7. 夸父?就是那个追太阳最后渴死在路上的夸父吗?

    Kua Fu ? Was he the man who chased the Sun and died of thirst on the way ?

  8. 夸父精神是一种阳刚进取的“非理性”精神,而女娲精神是一种阴柔包容的“理性”精神。

    Kuafu 's was a irrational spirit of vigour and enterprise , while N ü wa 's was a rational spirit of gentleness and lenity .

  9. “夸父”雷达技术在提高战场生存能力方面有重要意义,在港口、机场管制等民用雷达方面也有一定参考价值。

    Kuafu radar system is valuable for improving the stealth capability of battlefield radars , and can be applied to civilian radars for port and airport traffic control systems .