
chū kǒu shānɡ
  • exporter
  1. 出口商可做寄售交易。

    The exporter can enter into consignment transaction .

  2. 出口商可以要求改正。

    The exporter may request an amendment .

  3. 我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。

    Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions .

  4. 目前出口商在洽谈中处于有利地位。

    Exporters are in a strong bargaining position at the moment .

  5. 降低贸易壁垒导致出口商各自为政。

    The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters .

  6. 对违规的武器出口商实施惩罚尚无执行机制。

    There 's no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules .

  7. 印度政府设定进口基价是为了制止出口商少开发票金额。

    The government sets base import prices to check under-invoicing from exporters .

  8. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)最近的一项分析发现,许多出口商去年的利润都有增长。

    A recent Deutsche Bank analysis finds many exporters ' margins even increased last year .

  9. 据苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)估计,出口商的生产成本与去年同期相比已上升30%甚至更多。

    There is consolation for exporters , whose production costs are up 30 per cent or more year-on-year , according to Royal Bank of Scotland estimates .

  10. WTO进口成员应通知其所要求的信息,并应向中国的生产者和出口商提供在一具体案件中提供书面证据的充分机会。

    The importing WTO Member should give notice of information which it required and provide Chinese producers and exporters ample opportunity to present evidence in writing in a particular case .

  11. 从案例看FOB条件下出口商的风险和应对措施

    Exporter 's Risks and Countermeasures on FOB Term

  12. 但由于各种原因,我国出口商与外国买家订立的绝大多数是FOB合同。

    However due to various reasons , exporters of China mostly conclude FOB contracts .

  13. 正如imf在半年一度的《世界经济展望》(worldeconomicoutlook)中所言,经济增长放缓的“溢出效应令大宗商品价格下跌,并让很多大宗商品出口商经营活动承压”。

    As the IMF says in its semi-annual world economic outlook , the " spillovers " from weaker economic growth " have lowered commodity prices and weighed on activity in many commodity exporters " .

  14. 成立于1994年的API,是一家向众多国际出口商和零售商提供专业产品质量检验技术服务的公司,包括机电产品、家用电器、玩具、家具、电动工具等相关产品。

    Created in1994 , API is one of the leaders specializing in electrical , toy and hard goods inspections for a number of larger international importers and retailers .

  15. 此外,欧元区制造业指标(manufacturingcomponent)跌到了52.5,是六个月以来的最低点,表明欧元升值已经带来了问题,至少对欧元区部分出口商来说是这样。

    In addition , the manufacturing component of the regional index fell to a six-month low of 52.5 , suggesting that the strength of the euro is causing problems for at least some of the region 's exporters .

  16. 中兴是中国知名科技公司之一,是仅次于华为(Huawei)的中国第二大电信基础设施全球出口商,也是美国市场上的第三大Android智能手机销售商。

    After Huawei , ZTE is China 's second-largest global exporter of telecoms infrastructure , and the third-largest seller of Android smartphones in the US .

  17. 代表数百家中小企业和一些跨国公司的爱尔兰出口商协会(irishexportersassociation)最近发布的调查结果显示,94%的企业没有为欧元内爆做准备。

    The Irish Exporters Association , which represents hundreds of SMEs as well as some multinationals , revealed survey results last week that showed 94 per cent had made no preparations for a euro implosion .

  18. UCP600的创新及对出口商的影响

    Innovation of UCP600 and Its Effects on Exporters

  19. 许多专家给出建议,对外贸易中,为更好地保护自己的利益,我国的出口商(卖方)最好与国外买家订立CIF合同。

    Many experts suggest that exporters ( sellers ) of China should conclude contracts on CIF terms with foreign buyers to better protect their interests in international trade .

  20. 拉斯金还提到了中国多家开发银行为中国出口商提供廉价信贷的问题。美国担心,中国这么做,会将美国自身的进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)及其支持的美国出口商挤出市场。

    Ms Raskin also discussed the issue of China 's development banks providing cheap credit to Chinese exporters , which the US fears will crowd out its own Export-Import Bank and the US exporters it supports .

  21. intertek向出口商提供测试服务,并且为那些通过检测的货物颁发合格证书。

    Intertek provides test services to exporters , and issues certificates of conformity for products that pass the tests .

  22. 敦豪与澳大利亚贸易委员会(dhl/austrade)近期对300家澳大利亚企业的调查显示,只有5%的小型出口商在使用货币对冲。

    A recent DHL / Austrade survey of 300 Australian companies showed only 5 per cent of small exporters were using currency hedging .

  23. 本世纪头10年,墨西哥是未能受益于中国崛起的少数发展中国家之一,因为2001年中国加入世贸组织(WTO)使得中国出口商从其他国家那里夺取了市场份额,首当其冲的便是墨西哥。

    and in the 2000s Mexico was one of the few countries in the developing world that failed to benefit from China 's rise , since China 's membership of the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) in 2001 allowed its exporters to capture market share from , above all , Mexico .

  24. 几个月前,澳大利亚矿商FortescueMetals在中国下了一笔1亿美元的订单采购载货列车,其澳大利亚矿场生产的铁矿石要靠这些列车运出。这笔订单的不寻常之处在于,应中国出口商的要求,这笔贸易要以人民币计价。

    A few months ago , Fortescue Metalsplaced a $ 100m order in China for railway cars to transport iron ore from its Australian mines - except that the order was in renminbi , at the request of the Chinese exporter .

  25. 作为回报,中国将为该澳大利亚第三大铁矿石出口商提供至多60亿美元的融资。这笔融资可以帮助Fortescue将其年产量提升至9500万吨。

    In return , China will provide Australia 's third-largest iron ore exporter with up to US $ 6bn in future financing that will allow Fortescue to expand its annual production to 95m tonnes .

  26. 在最近总统选举中胜出、得到联合国承认的阿拉萨内瓦塔拉(alassaneouattara)周六致函可可豆出口商,要求它们在2月23日之前停止向海外发货。

    Alassane Ouattara , acknowledged by the UN as the victor in the recent presidential election , sent a letter to cocoa exporters on Saturday ordering them to stop overseas shipments until February 23 .

  27. 倾销是出口商以低于商品正常价值的价格出售到其他国家或者地区(Grimwade,2001)。

    Dumping is the practice of exporters selling products abroad at a price below the normal value of the product ( Grimwade , 2001 ) .

  28. SavjibhaiDholakia是繁荣的西海岸城市苏特拉的一名钻石出口商,他宣布公司将在周末的印度教排灯节来临前给员工提供1260辆汽车,400套公寓以及大量珠宝。

    Savjibhai Dholakia , who runs a diamond export firm in the booming west coast city of Surat , announced his company would give 1260 cars , 400 flats and pieces of jewellery to his employees ahead of the Hindu festival of Diwali which falls on the weekend .

  29. 国外生产商、出口商、进口商及下游用户;

    The foreign manufacturer , exporter , importer and end user ;

  30. 他们应该在全国主要的出口商中占有一席之地。

    They deserve a place among the country 's leading exporters .