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  1. 热气从烟囱冒出后马上就消散掉了

    The heat disappears straight up the chimney .

  2. 通过采用载荷增量和Newton迭代相结合的方法对非线性方程组进行求解,追踪出后屈曲平衡路径。

    By using load increment and Newton iteration method in combination , the nonlinear equations are solved and the postbuckling equilibrium path is determined .

  3. AIX内核维护了一个重新分页表,以便确定哪些分页在换出后将很快地换入。

    The AIX kernel maintains a re-paging table in order to identify pages that are paged out and then quickly paged back in .

  4. Freelancer的首席执行官马特·巴里告诉CNBC说,随着雇主们重新评估预算和选择更灵活的劳动力,自由职业岗位的增加反映出后疫情时代全球就业格局的变化,但也显示出就业人员对于向独立工作模式转变的兴趣日增。

    The uptick reflects a shift in the post-Covid-19 global jobs landscape , as employers reevaluate budgets and opt for a more flexible workforce . But it also indicates a growing interest among employees to move toward independent work , Freelancer 's CEO Matt Barrie told CNBC .

  5. T型管拔出后胆汁性腹膜炎的病因及治疗

    Discussion on Etiology and Treatment of Bile Peritonitis after Pulling T Tube

  6. 白内障囊外摘出后房型人工晶体植入手术

    Extracapsular Cataract Extraction And Posterior Chamber IntraocuLar Lens Implant Surgery

  7. 溶液滤出后,必须提纯并浓缩。

    After being filtered , the solution must be purified and concentrated .

  8. 猪油被炸出后脆的剩余物。

    The crisp residue left after lard has been rendered .

  9. 当被分泌出后多分布于角膜上皮细胞间隙和细胞膜,正常角膜无表达。

    There was no apparent expression of PFP and GrB in normal cornea .

  10. 当药物分子从荧光纳米粒子中释放出后,荧光逐渐恢复。

    With release of drug in vitro , the fluorescence was recovered again .

  11. 这将撤消在文件签出后做出的所有更改。

    This will undo all the changes made since the files were checked out .

  12. 结论超声乳化白内障摘出后房型人工晶状体植入联合小梁切除术安全、有效。

    Conclusion The triple surgery of phacoemulsification and lOL-implantation combined with trabeculectomy is safe and effective .

  13. 为弥补概率数据关联以及联合概率数据关联算法的不足,介绍了一种改进算法,以较小的计算量直接计算出后验概率。

    PROBABILITY Application of posterior probability to multiclass SVM The algorithm directly gets posterior probability by less computation .

  14. 结果在替牙期侧切牙萌出后即用Twin-biock功能矫正器进行阻断矫治,可以纠正骨骼矢状关系不调,促进下颌骨的发育。

    Results In the mixed dentition after the lateral incisor eruption using Twin-block appliances doing the interference correction .

  15. 结果5例埋伏牙均移动至正常位置,附件无脱落,埋伏牙萌出后牙髓活力、牙周组织正常。

    Results five deeply embedded teeth with normal pulp and periodontal tissue were migrated to the normal position .

  16. 易溶与水:固结物可速容与水铲出后可直接倒入厕所,冲洗干净。

    Disssolves easily : solidified material can disintegrate well in water and can be flushed into toilit directly .

  17. 烧结法生产氧化铝工艺中,熟料溶出后的赤泥浆液要经过分离和洗涤。

    In the sintering process of producing alumina , the slurry after sinter leaching must be separated and washed .

  18. 酸被提炼出后,一个巨大的湿筛桶将所有的固体电池成分压碎。

    After the acid has been removed , a huge wet-type sieve drum crushes all the solid battery components .

  19. 直到中线开球的另一方的队员要等球被踢出后才能进入中圈。

    Players on the other side must not enter the centre circle until the Ball has been kicked off .

  20. 当它从门下溜出后,它的微型翅膀开始扑闪并沿着街道飞去。

    Then its miniature wings begin to flap as it slips under the door and darts along the street .

  21. 千百万的小孩在恒牙长出后就会立刻戴上牙套来矫正牙齿的问题。

    Millions of children get braces to correct teeth problems as soon as all their adult teeth are in .

  22. 在倒写体体现出后现代主义文学这点上,北京大学中文系教授张颐武表示赞同。

    Zhang Yiwu , a professor of Chinese literature at Peking University , agrees on the point of postmodern literature .

  23. 大网膜包绕预防T管拔出后胆漏的临床研究

    Study the effect of using pedicled greater omentum wraping up bile drainage tract to prevent bile leakage after removal of T-tube

  24. 煤层采出后,地面塌陷导致矿区建筑物及交通破坏。

    After excavating the coal seams out , the surface collapse will damage the buildings and traffic in the mining area .

  25. 方法回顾了1993~1997年常规切口白内障囊外摘出后房型人工晶状体植入术500例,并加以分析。

    Methods 500 cases from 1993 to 1997 of ECCE and intraocular lens implantation with routine incision were reviewed and analysed .

  26. 熟料由库底计量设备卸出后,用带式输送机送入水泥磨。

    Clinker will be fed to cement mill by belt conveyor after discharged by weighing machines at the bottom of silos .

  27. 我国一水硬铝石型铝土矿高压溶出后的赤泥沉降性能差,需添加高效絮凝剂以促进赤泥沉降。

    Red mud generated from Chinese diaspore bauxite has a poor settling performance , so that red mud settlement requires excellent polymeric flocculants .

  28. 在被母亲从三楼窗口丢出后,乌克兰一位新生儿受到微乎其微的轻伤,预料将可完全康复。

    A newborn Ukranian baby suffered minimal injuries and was expected to recover fully after its mother threw it from a third-storey window .

  29. 首先,对后现代主义与广告和影像之间的关联进行探究,总结出后现代主义文化艺术对影视广告创作的影响。

    Firstly , explore the correlation between postmodernism and advertisement & image and summarize the influence of postmodern culture on The Commercial Films design .

  30. 整理出后现代主义戏剧具有的两种结构特点,两种时间、时空转换模式,和三种语言表达方式。

    Sorting out the post-modernism has two structural features of drama , two time , space conversion mode , and the three languages of expression .