
  • 网络Rice yield;milling;milled rice rate
  1. 白度计作为精米检验中的一种仪器,通过测得糙米、精米白度推算出米率;

    Whiteness meter is a kind of the meters for detecting white rice .

  2. 稻谷应出米率数学模型的建立及其方法的研究

    The establishment of the mathematical model of rice productivity and the research on its method

  3. 此外,还研究了稻谷的随机干燥模型和干燥过程中稻谷出米率的退化动力学模型。

    In addition , the stochastic model of rice drying and degradation kinetic model of head rice yield had been researched .

  4. 出米率73.83%,比目前同类型的推广种高3~5个百分点。

    Its shelling percentage is 73.83 % , 3 ~ 5 percentage point higher than the widely grown varieties at present .

  5. 通过网络模拟研究了稻谷初始含水率、干燥热风温度和相对湿度对出米率的影响。

    The influence of initial moisture content of rice , relative humidity and temperature of heated air on head rice yield was studied by ANN simulation .

  6. 对不同加工标准的花生种子在荚果质量、出米率、产种量以及购销费用等方面的差异进行了研究。

    In this paper , the pod fullness , seed pod production rate , purchase and sale cost was discussed on the seed of different quality standard .

  7. 针对当前精米加工普遍采用强力碾削的现状,指出过碾是导致出米率低和电耗高的原因。

    A principal reason for the overdue whitening caused by the application of the heavy abrasive pearling , resulting in the low rice yield and the high power consumption during rice processing was pointed out .

  8. 该设备具有工艺先进、组合紧凑、出米率高、米质晶莹、无糠粉等特点。

    Its features are advanced in technology , compact in structure , high in ratio of fine rice , glittering and translucent in quality of rice , no powder of chaff of chaff and so on .

  9. 大米的精度越高,二、三机米糠所含粗纤维越低,出米率越低,碎米率越高,灰分的含量越低。

    The higher the rice whitening degree , the less the crude fiber content of rice bran in second and third stages , the lower the white rice yield , the more the broken rice content and the less the ash content .

  10. 并通过分析研究,推导出末段百米漏风率的测定方法,及其计算漏风量和风机供风量的公式。

    On the basis of analyses and researches , this paper derives a method to measure the air leakage ratio within the last100m ventilation pipe and the air volume to be provided by the ventilation fans .