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zé shé
  • be at a loss;be left speechless or breathless
咋舌 [zé shé]
  • [be at a loss] 咬舌,形容吃惊、害怕,说不出话或不敢说话

  • 令人咋舌

  • 魏其必内愧,杜门咋舌自杀。——《史记·魏其武安侯列传》。现亦作“咋舌”(把舌头咬住或忍住不言),形容惊异、畏惧,以致不敢出声(为之咋舌)

咋舌[zé shé]
  1. 他说话时的傲慢态度令人咋舌。

    He spoke with breathtaking arrogance .

  2. 他们的黑色幽默总能让他咋舌。

    Their dark humor never failed to astound him

  3. 杂技演员的惊险动作使观众为之咋舌。

    The acrobat 's feat took the audience 's breath away .

  4. 拍卖那些没有什么价值的东西时,出价抢购者人数之多令人咋舌。

    A surprising number of people were bidding for those rather worthless things at the sale .

  5. “标签女”指的是只穿那些贵得令人咋舌的衣服,只认准名牌标签的女人。她们认为穿了名牌衣服自己就变成了更优秀的人(基本上也只有她们自己这么认为)。

    Tag hag is a woman who will only wear clothing that is hideously expensive and bears the ' right ' tag or label in the belief that she ( it is mostly she ) is a better person for doing so .

  6. 惠普(Hewlett-Packard)仍是PC市场龙头,但今年第一季度该公司全球PC发货量同比下降了23%,降幅之大令人咋舌。

    Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) still leads the market , but its worldwide shipments fell by a breathtaking 23 % from the first quarter of 2012 .

  7. 这艘52米长的游艇由阿曼公司(Aman)于今年初正式投入运营,阿曼公司是全球前30强酒店集团,以完美的设计以及令人咋舌的价格著称于世。

    The 52-metre yacht was launched earlier this year by Aman , the 30-strong hotel group known for immaculate design and formidable prices .

  8. 不过,他的Instagram主页上并没有像大多的举重选手和健身达人们那样,特别介绍他的饮食和锻炼情况,而是分享了一系列令人咋舌的光着上身的照片,以及他低调的日常生活的照片。

    But his Instagram account doesn 't feature the type of food and workout posts most weightlifters and workout obsessives share , instead it displays an array of gobsmacking topless photos of himself and unpretentious pictures of him going about his day to day life .

  9. 瞅他一眼,你就得咋舌惊奇。

    It takes your very breath away to look at him .

  10. 这家饭店对其食物的要价高得令人咋舌。

    The restaurant charges shock-ingly high prices for its food .

  11. 那个演艺人员的表演经常令人咋舌。

    The entertainer 's performances often take our breath away .

  12. 早在1972年,一百万美金仍然是令人咋舌的一大笔钱。

    Back in1972 , $ 1 million was still an eye-popping amount of cash .

  13. 他为这次旅行包了一架飞机,其费用肯定令人咋舌。

    He chartered a plane for the trip which must have cost a fortune .

  14. 棒球的世界中充斥着成千上百种让人咋舌的统计数据。

    Baseball is filled with some amazing statistics . And there 's hundreds of them .

  15. 他们无一不是独立自主、囊中羞涩,而且能够忍受种种令人咋舌不已的不便。

    They are invariably independent , impecunious and able to tolerate staggering degrees of discomfort .

  16. 瓦格纳在作品中对和弦进行及不协和音实行了令人咋舌的创新,这是他作曲的特点。

    The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance .

  17. 然而鱼类为了生存发展出种种最奇特的手段林林总总的品种令人咋舌

    yet fish have developed the most extraordinary means for survival . Their astounding diversity ,

  18. 结果令人咋舌有的时候路过的人在他一动不动的时候完全觉察不到他的存在。

    The results are incredible sometimes passers-by don 't even realize he is around until he moves .

  19. IT界三巨头&IBM、英特尔和谷歌于近日公布的巨额收益令人咋舌。

    Three of the sector 's heavyweights IBM , Intel and Google recently reported surprisingly robust profits .

  20. 不要咂嘴、咋舌、翻白眼或做无礼的手势。

    Do not smack your lips ," tsk ", roll your eyes , or show disrespect with gestures .

  21. 同样的情况也发生在了日本,连续十年来日本的利率持续处于最低谷,实在是很令人咋舌。

    The parallels with Japan , where interest rates have been at rock-bottom for a decade , are striking .

  22. 一条令人咋舌的新报道显示数以百计的欧洲足球顶级比赛都是既定好的。

    A stunning new report has revealed that hundreds of matches at the top level of European football were fixed .

  23. 第三,这些药的价格令人咋舌,是保险还是顾客买单尚未可知。

    Third , the drugs are eye-wateringly expensive , and it is not clear that either insurers or consumers will pay .

  24. 一段令人咋舌的视频,显示了一俄罗斯男子瞬间造雾的过程:方法很简单,直接把开水从阳台倒出去。

    An incredible video shows a Russian man making instant fog - by throwing a pot of boiling water from his balcony .

  25. 但是,更鲜见的,却是关于谁该为这笔令人咋舌的天价药费买单,以及这笔费用是否值得引发的激烈争议。

    But supersized medication bills and debates over who should pay them and whether they are worth the cost are becoming less rare .

  26. 杂技演员的惊险动作使观众为之咋舌。她的表演令人激动;看得人心惊胆战的表演。

    The acrobat 's feat took the audience 's breath away . she gave a electrifying performance ; a thrilling performer to watch .

  27. 谢辉的网店经营着大量的比赛商品,从高档品到低劣品,有的很廉价,有的则贵得令人咋舌。

    Xie 's online store is an array of tournament merchandise , ranging from classy to kitschy , and from cheap to cheekily expensive .

  28. 不过,报道称,所有这些自行车都有一个共同特点:价格令人咋舌,性能差强人意。

    However , all of the bikes have one thing in common , said the magazine-they offer middling performance at a premium price tag .

  29. 在北方邦,印度北部一个有着2亿人口的大邦,营养不良的情况更是令人咋舌。

    Here in Uttar Pradesh , a vast state of 200 million people in India 's north , the malnutrition is even more horrifying .

  30. 比方说,我们可以选择这么一个帐户,利率很高,但是每次交易的收费都令人咋舌。

    For example , we can choose such a bank that the interest rate is very high but the fee is extremly expensive each time .