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shèng miào
  • Confucian temple;Confucius temple
圣庙 [shèng miào]
  • [Confucius temple] 旧时祭祀孔子的庙

圣庙[shèng miào]
  1. 他给予我们圣庙作为家。

    He gave us our home as a temple .

  2. 每隔二十年,人们就将圣庙推倒,再按原来的样子重建一次。

    This temple is pulled down every twenty years and then rebuild in its original form .

  3. 躯体是座圣庙,但在你重新装饰它之前,又能在同样的房子里住上多久呢?

    Your body is a temple , but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate ?

  4. 在星期五晚举办赎罪日活动前夕,犹太虔诚教徒在耶路撒冷古镇圣庙西墙进行祈祷。

    Jewish worshippers pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem 's Old City , ahead of Yom Kippur , which begins on Friday evening .

  5. 去那里祈祷的犹太人拥有在那里重建犹太圣庙的梦想,可是许多穆斯林认为犹太人前去朝圣是种挑衅,甚至说是对穆斯林圣地的袭击。

    Many Muslims interpret visits by Jews to that area , Jews who would like to pray there or some who have a dream of building - rebuilding a Jewish temple there as a provocation , even an attack on their Muslim holy site .