- 名net capital

As Bank of America notes , net capital outflows in the third quarter were a paltry $ 11bn versus a trade surplus plus foreign direct investment of $ 108bn .
In 2007 , for example , the IMF forecasts a current account surplus for all emerging economies of $ 690bn and another $ 495bn in private net capital inflows .
Knight added that although its capital base had been hurt , it was in compliance with net capital requirements .
The Institute for International Finance , an association of large banks , this week forecast that net capital flows to emerging markets would fall to $ 165bn this year – less than a fifth of the level two years ago .
The net capital inflows to the EMs has the trend of decrease .
Net Capital Requirement Evolution and Its Impact on Risk Management of Securities Firms
Net Capital Supervisory System in China Securities Sector
In real terms , the drop in net capital flows was even large .
However , an emerging economy like China ought to be a net capital importer .
Two is the core index of the capital adequacy & net capital and method .
Security companies should set up the net capital-oriented risk regulation system from the experience of developed countries .
Inflation is back to double digits , real incomes are falling and net capital outflow in 2014 exceeded $ 150bn .
Combination of risk budgeting theory , this paper discusses the risk budget and net capital of securities companies , venture capital relations .
The difference in the supervision of the capital adequacy is mainly the method of net capital the category of venture capital and discount .
The capital surplus oil export country , which is net capital import one , is able to empoly the incomes from oil-products to promote its economic progress .
It said that the brokerages allowed to participate in the program would be decided based on their net capital size and risk capabilities , among other criteria .
It also is another reminder of why large net capital flows have proved so destabilising : they only work if the borrowers are making investments able to service the loans .
Evidence shows that the risk of dynamic risk budgeting can improve the return on capital employed within the framework of tolerance , the release of more liquid assets , lower net capital rules and capital adequacy pressures .
Greenfield investments are regarded by many economists as economically more significant and beneficial than mergers and acquisitions , since they add to countries ' net capital stocks and increase jobs rather than simply transferring ownership of existing assets .
Outstanding borrowing and lending with a single financial institution wouldn 't be allowed to exceed 100 % of any bank 's own net capital , and any bank 's loans to all nonbank financial institutions wouldn 't be permitted to rise above 25 % of its net capital .
In the third chapter , the influences of the net capital regulation system on the financial management in the securities companies in China are analyzed in the aspects of the financial management strategies , the financing and investing decisions , the financial risk management and the allocation of earnings .
Net private capital flows to emerging Asia are forecast to reach more than $ 270bn in 2010 and as much again in 2011 , according to the Institute of International Finance .
Net imports of capital will falter , forcing countries with big deficits to cut spending .
For good net working capital management , it is desirable to have relatively lower A / R DSO .
Their net imports of capital will also falter , forcing countries that live beyond their means to cut spending .
Net private capital flows , including debt and equity to developing countries , increased by $ 51 billion to $ 301.3 billion in2004 .
In the large-cap group , there presents the net operating working capital effects , that is , the stock with higher net operating working capital has lower return .
Business Opportunities EVA is different between return on an organization 's capital and cost of the capital .
Net investment after depreciation as a percentage of the capital stock remains subdued , hovering near 1.5 per cent a year .
In real estate appraisal theory , the income approach is one of important methods , and the key of the income approach is confirmation of net income and capitalization rates .