
jiāo gē
  • delivery;complete a business transaction
交割 [jiāo gē]
  • (1) [complete a business transaction]

  • (2) 新旧交替时结清手续;移交

  • (3) 买卖双方结清手续

交割[jiāo gē]
  1. 油价资讯服务公司(oilpriceinformationservice)表示,墨西哥湾汽油现货价格较10月交割的汽油期货价格高出约28美分/加仑。

    Gulf Coast spot gasoline fetched about 28 cents per gallon more than futures for October delivery , the oil price information service said .

  2. 钢铁指数公司(TheSteelIndex)数据显示,对华即时交割的基准澳大利亚铁矿石的价格昨天下跌2.60美元,至每吨63.30美元。

    Benchmark Australian ore for immediate delivery into China fell $ 2.60 to $ 63.30 a tonne yesterday , according to the Steel Index .

  3. 此项货款业已交割。

    The money for this consignment has already been paid .

  4. 伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)6月份交割的布伦特(Brent)原油价格上涨1.25美元,至每桶117.15美元。

    ICE June Brent rose $ 1.25 to $ 117.15 a barrel .

  5. 瑞银违规交易丑闻曝光前不久,《金融时报》曾报道过被业内人士称为“交割违约”(failstodeliver)的现象。

    Shortly before the UBS scandal broke the FT reported on a phenomenon known in the industry as fails to deliver .

  6. 钢铁指数公司(TheSteelIndex)的价格评估显示,对华即时交割的基准澳大利亚铁矿石周四上涨4.40美元,至每吨68.70美元,涨幅达到6.8%。

    On Thursday , benchmark Australian ore for delivery to China rose $ 4.40 , or 6.8 per cent , to $ 68.70 a tonne , according to a price assessment by the Steel Index .

  7. 无本金交割远期外汇交易(Non-deliverableForwards,简称NDF)本质上是一种对未来价值进行定价的衍生品合约。

    Non-deliverable forwards – or NDFs – are essentially a derivatives contract pricing future values .

  8. “投资者权利协议”是指,公司和购买方于首次交割日,以本协议附件E格式签订的协议。

    " Investors'Rights Agreement " means the agreement between the Company and the Purchasers dated as of the date of the Initial Closing , in the form of Exhibit E attached to this Agreement .

  9. 无本金交割远期(NDF)市场体现的贬值幅度更大&尽管这是一个并不完美的指标。

    The non-deliverable forwards market is pricing in more depreciation , although this is an imperfect indicator .

  10. 人民币不可交割远期(NDF)市场显示,未来一年人民币仅将升值3%。

    The non-deliverable forward market is suggesting renminbi appreciation of just 3 per cent over a year .

  11. 接着对CME生猪期货市场和生猪期货合约的发展及交割制度进行了介绍。

    Second it introduces the development of hog future market and hog future contracts and their delivery of Chicago Merchantile Exchange .

  12. 对华即时交割的基准澳大利亚铁矿石的价格昨天下跌2美元(跌幅3.9%),至每吨49美元,为价格报告机构钢铁指数公司(TheSteelIndex)自2008年开始发布估价以来的最低值。

    Benchmark Australian ore for immediate delivery into China fell $ 2.00 , or 3.9 per cent , to $ 49 a tonne yesterday , the lowest level since The Steel Index , a price reporting agency , began publishing assessments in 2008 .

  13. 另一家大宗商品资讯提供商阿格斯(Argus)评估的2月4日在东北亚交割的现货LNG价格为20.40美元/mmBtu,也创下最高纪录。

    Argus , another provider , assessed spot LNG for delivery to northeast Asia at $ 20.40/mmBtu on Feb. 4 , also a record .

  14. 除去有待交割的金属,LME库存达到了2008年10月以来的最低水平。

    Excluding metal waiting to be delivered out , LME inventories stand at the lowest level since October 2008 .

  15. 周四,人民币无本金交割远期(NDF)价格出现了8个月以来的最大升幅&NDF在海外交易,可以反应出市场对于人民币未来升值的预期。

    Renminbi non-deliverable forwards , which are traded offshore and reflect market expectations of future appreciation , jumped the most in eight months on Thursday .

  16. 表面滑移分析表明,含Hf和不含Hf合金中相邻晶粒都出现两组滑移交割,但无Hf合金的柱晶界易出现开裂。

    Surface slip analysis showed that intersection of two sets of slip in adjacent grans occurred in the Hf-free and Hf-containing alloys , but cracking at the columnar grain boundary easily took place in the Hf-free ally .

  17. 周四,伦敦金属交易所(LME)3个月交割的期铜价格微跌0.04%,至每吨7574美元。

    On Thursday , copper for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange eased slightly , falling 0.04 per cent to $ 7,574 a tonne .

  18. 交易员们警告,除了升值预期以外,NDF价格还受一系列因素的影响,而影响越来越大的是规模虽小、但正迅速发展的人民币离岸有本金交割远期(DF)市场。

    Traders caution that NDF prices reflect a range of factors besides appreciation expectations , and are increasingly being influenced by the small but fast-growing offshore market in deliverable renminbi forwards .

  19. 多年来,LME一直试图说服北京方面允许它向中国内地仓库交割金属(这是工业界客户的一项重要要求),但未取得任何进展。

    The LME has for years vainly tried to convince Beijing to let it deliver metals to mainland warehouses , an important requirement for industrial customers .

  20. 由于交割地点不当,全球最大原油出口国沙特阿拉伯放弃了把WTI作为在美国销售原油的基准。

    The dislocation prompted Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest oil exporter , to drop WTI as its benchmark for sales in the US .

  21. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周二采取紧急行动,打击滥用卖空交易的行为,从而增加了交易员参与对领先金融公司进行所谓的“无交割保障”卖空交易的难度。

    The securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday took emergency action to clamp down on abusive short selling , making it more difficult for traders to engage in so-called " naked " short sales of leading financial firms .

  22. IEA去年曾表示,WTI合约的交割地点在俄克拉荷马州的Cushing,由此造成的内在逻辑缺陷,经常导致与国际市场割裂。

    It said last year that inherent logistical flaws caused by the WTI contract delivery point at Cushing , Oklahoma , frequently led to a disconnect from international markets .

  23. 最后在借鉴CME成功经验的基础上,对我国生猪期货交割制度进行了初步设计,创新地提出采用实物交割和以生猪现货价格指数为结算价的现金结算两种交割方式并存的交割制度。

    Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .

  24. 对人民币的投机性兴趣减退,可以从无本金交割远期合约(ndf)中窥见一斑。

    The fall-off in speculative interest in the Chinese currency can be seen in the rates for non-deliverable forwards , the derivative traders use to bet on moves in the renminbi .

  25. 在伦敦金属交易所(LME),3个月交割的期铅价格升至每吨2068美元的盘中高点,创下去年9月份以来的最高水平。

    On the London Metal Exchange , lead for delivery in three months rose to an intraday high of $ 2,068 a tonne , its highest since last September .

  26. 上述言论导致油价在9日交易中微幅上涨,3月交割的美国原油期货价格约为每桶40美元,布伦特(Brent)原油期货攀升至近47美元。

    The comments led to a slight rise in oil prices yesterday , with US crude for March delivery trading at about $ 40 per barrel and Brent crude climbing to almost $ 47 .

  27. 周四,芝加哥期货交易所(cbot)5月份交割的玉米期货价格为每蒲式耳6.95美元,涨幅为2%。

    On the Chicago Board of trade , corn futures for May delivery were at $ 6.95 per bushel on Thursday , up 2 per cent .

  28. 法庭文件显示,其中一人名叫普拉尚特??米尔普里(PrashantMirpuri),曾任瑞银“东南亚新兴市场无本金交割远期(NDF)交易员”;

    One , Prashant Mirpuri , was employed as an " emerging market southeast Asia non-deliverable forward trader , " according to court filings .

  29. 从市场数据可见一斑:从密切跟踪1至8月份现货价格的人民币不可交割远期(NDF)目前的价格看,市场预期两年内人民币兑美元将升值4%。

    Markets are pointing the way : non-deliverable forwards , having tracked spot prices closely from January to August , are now pricing in a 4 per cent appreciation against the dollar within two years .

  30. 如果你还需要更多证据,那就看看那些利用无本金交割远期外汇(NDF)市场做多人民币的人们,多年来遭受的损失吧。

    If you need yet more proof , look at the losses incurred over the years by the people who have used the non-deliverable forward ( NDF ) market to go long the Chinese renminbi .