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The main disputes focus on the enforceable and efficiency of the netting by close-out .
Valid bilateral netting arrangement
China is now considering implementing an internationally-comparable netting agreement for derivatives trades too .
It helps reduce risk in the financial system by simplifying a web of multiple exposures through a process known as netting .
Netting , as the developed form is most important and fundamental not only in the ISDA Master Agreement but also in the international financial market .
Furthermore , this paper gives comparative study on the legislation regarding close-out netting in some financially developed countries .
Those legal regimes with developed financial industries have passed lawmaking to sustain the risk-reduced function of close-out netting .
In normal circumstance ( i.e. in situation of no insolvent proceeding ), close-out netting is legally valid and enforceable .
So far close-out netting has not been really researched in China , and therefore this is a unique and new topic for research .
Close-out netting being a contractual arrangement , realization of its designed function and value very much depends on whether it is always legally valid and enforceable .
The provisions of paragraphs 4 through 8 below shall not be used by a Member to refuse to conduct negotiations or to conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements .
The main credit risk mitigation tools include collateral , netting , guarantees and credit derivatives ; otherwise , Credit risk mitigation tools can reduce credit risk regulatory capital .
The function of close-out netting is that the parties to derivative transactions could by using it effectively control and substantially reduce the credit exposure they may have from each other .
Close-out netting mechanism has two core components ; one is the right to terminate the transaction , i.e. termination right , the other is to net the termination amounts , i.e. netting .
Recently , many financial developed countries start to establish the relevant laws and give the support of the netting by close-out , left the netting by close-out out of restriction of the Bankruptcy Law .